lunedì 18 marzo 2013

Immigrati perchè sono penalizzati non hanno la tessera del Bashir.

Bashir's regime asked Council of Arab Health Ministers to set controls to regulate the migration of health workers,

03-18-2013 12:32 PM

Khartoum: Amani Ismail:

Revealed Bahr Abu Garda and the Minister of Health, the migration (3) Thousands of doctors annually (48%) of whom were women. And showed Abu Garda enlighten the media yesterday after returning from a meeting and Arab health ministers in Cairo, concern over the increasing migration of health workers, which negatively affects the health services in Sudan

He said: We do not deny the economic conditions and that countries offer thirty-fold salary, and confirmed that he can not stop immigration but must provide a minimum until it snaps cadres, and said that Sudan has applied to the Council of Arab Ministers of Health to set controls to regulate the migration of health workers, and noted that it was agreed to sign a bilateral memorandum of understanding between the countries receiving and sending, and has shown that it reached an agreement with the Saudi Health Minister that a delegation from each of the health sector to visit Saudi Arabia to develop a specific vision, and added that he was an agreement to send a delegation from the Ministry of Health Libyan to address problems faced by the migration of health workers, and detect imbalances faced agreements with Libya, and stressed Abu Garda ministry's keenness to preserve the rights of citizens and health staff, said that according to the law, the State receiving expenses loan, but the migration through agencies associated defect and methods illegal, where they are taking two months' salary of cadres , and explained that it was agreed to allocate a sum of the Arab Fund for Health Development to support the health component in the donors' conference in Doha as directed by the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States. He said that although low maternal mortality ratio of (550) to (216) cases per (100) thousand, but it is still distance away to the millennium goals, revealing progress Sudan request to provide technical support or material for the expansion of programs midwifery and nursing to reduce child mortality and maternal . He said that Sudan suffers from a significant lack of health staff assistance, and added that he will be covered (4) Thousands are to address the imbalance and the Ministry seeks because up coverage to (10) thousand in three years, and stressed the need to develop promotional program for medical tourism in Sudan, especially to neighboring African countries .

Public opinion

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