lunedì 29 settembre 2014

The Sudan will remain in the hands of Islamist and the dictatore Bashir for ever.

مصطفي إسماعيل ينصح بغش السعودية والخليج! (الراكوبة) تنشر أخطر حديث مسرب عن إجتماع كبير لقياة البلاد العسكرية والسياسية :

مصطفي إسماعيل ينصح بغش السعودية والخليج! (الراكوبة) تنشر أخطر حديث مسرب عن إجتماع كبير لقياة البلاد العسكرية والسياسية :

نائب البشير ووزير الدفاع يختارون التحالف مع ايران

09-29-2014 02:39 AM

*ترجمة الراكوبة

بروفسير أريك ريفز أستاذ اللغة الإنجليزية و ادابها في كلية سميث في نورثامبتون بولاية ماساتشوستس بامريكا، معروف عنه إهتمامه بالشأن السوداني لأكثر من 30 عاماً. نشر في موقعه (sudanreeves ) في يوم 24 سبتمبر 2014 مقتطفات من وثيقة تمثل محضراً لاجتماع سري للغاية تم بكلية الدفاع الوطني في يوم الاحد 31 أغسطس 2014 حضره كبار قيادات المؤتمر الوطني العسكرية و الأمنية، و قد سربها له احد مصادره بالخرطوم ممن يصفه ريفز انه محل ثقة واحترام لديه.

قامت الراكوبة بترجمة بعض الإجتزاءت النصية من الوثيقة الانجليزية التي قام أريك بترجمتها من اللغة العربية (أصل المستند )الى الانجليزية وقال أنه تصرف في إعادة صياغتها دون الاخلال بالنسق العام . تنشر الراكوبة بعض المقتطفات وتترك للقراء ان رغبوا الاستزادة قراءة الوثيقة الانجليزية وتعليقات المستر ريفز عليها في الروابط المرفقة أدناه ..

يبدأ أريك ريفيز التعريف بالوثيقة التي سماها (البحث مباشرة في قلب الظلام، كيف يفكر نظام الخرطوم) قائلا عنها "تلقيت في 22 أيلول عام 2014، من مصدر داخل السودان أعطيه ضمنيا الثقة، وثيقة غير عادية، بالطبع وثيقة هامة جداً، تحتوي على "محضر اجتماع اللجنة العسكرية والأمنية الذي عُقد في كلية الدفاع الوطني بالخرطوم. الاجتماع المشار إليه عقد في يوم 31 أغسطس 2014. تاريخ المحضر هو الأحد 1 سبتمبر 2014 "

نقفز من فوق إستعراض البروفسور إريك ريفز للوثيقة وننفذ الى المحضر .

وقائع أجتماع اللجنة الأمنية و العسكرية المنعقد بكلية الدفاع الوطني يوم الأحد الموافق 05 ذو العقدة 1435 هجرية بتاريخ 13 أغسطس 2014

• رحب الفريق بكري حسن صالح بالحضور

• عرض تفصيلي و تحليلي لبيان الجبهة الثورية 20 الى 25

• التقارير : عرض اعلان باريس بين المهدي و الجبهة الثورية 18 أغسطس

• الأنشطة تقارير عن تحركات الصادق المهدي و لقاءاته بالقاهرة و الأمارات و اديس ابابا

• تقارير الرصد و المتابعة عن نشطات قيادة التمرد و اتصالاتهم و مقابلاتهم


• بيان الجبهة الثورية و اعلان باريس و أثره

• محاور الممانعة و الاعتدال و النشاط الشيعي في السودان

• امبيكي و دوره في القضايا السودانية

• الانتخابات و الحوار و التفاوض و الأولوية

• مشروع السودان الجديد و أثره على الأمن القومي و و النشاط الاقتصادي


1. الفريق بكري حسن صالح - نائب الرئيس جمهورية السودان

2. الفريق أول عبدال الرحيم محمد حسين - وزير الدفاع.

3. الفريق أول محمد عطا - مدير جهاز الأمن والمخابرات

4. الفريق هاشم عثمان الحسين - مدير عام قوات الشرطة.

5. فريق أول هاشم عبد الله محمد - رئيس هيئة الاركان المشتركة.

6. فريق مهندس عماد الدين عدوي- رئيس اركان العمليات المشتركة.

7. البروفيسور إبراهيم غندور – نائب رئيس حزب المؤتمر الوطني

8. فريق يحى محمد خير - وزير الدولة بالدفاع.

9. الفريق صديق عامر - مدير الاستخبارات العسكرية والأمن.

10. فريق أمن الرشيد فقيري - مدير الأمن الشعبي.

11. عبدالله الجيلي – منسق عام الدفاع الشعبي

12. عبد القادر محمد زين – منسق الخدمة الوطنية.

13. فريق أمن صلاح الطيب – مفوض الدمج و التسريح.

14. الدكتور مصطفى عثمان إسماعيل - الأمين السياسي حزب المؤتمر الوطني.

نصوص مترجمة من أقوال الحضور (أختارتها الراكوبة ) وبعض تعليقات ريفز

بكري حسن صالح:

"المفاوضات الحالية وعملية الحوار الوطني و إعلان باريس وجميع التصريحات نحتاج لها لنقلنا الى الانتخابات القادمة". [أريك ريفز: في عبارة أخرى، بكري يعترف أن كل هذا النشاط الدبلوماسي هو مجرد الهاء الهدف منه السعي بلا هوادة للاحتفاظ بالرئاسة عن طريق الانتخابات القادمة]

"أولئك الذين يرغبون في الانضمام إلى الانقاذ و يتعايشون معنا هم موضع ترحيب. لكننا لسنا مستعدين للرد أو العمل تحت الضغط. لا أحد يدفع لنا ونحن لسنا مدينين لأحد ". [أريك ريفز : ويبدو أن هذا الرأي غريب حيث أن 47 مليار دولار يدين بها السودان للعديد من الدائنين في جميع أنحاء العالم]

"أمريكا خدعتنا في ما يخص بفصل الجنوب. لانهم لم يرفعوا اسمنا من قائمة الدول الراعية للإرهاب أو تخفيف ديوننا. لذلك المبعوث يجب أن لا يأتي مرة أخرى".

الفريق الركن يحيى محمد خير:

" دول الخليج تمتلك معلومات ضعيفة جدا عن الجماعات الإرهابية التي تتمركز في ليبيا، الصومال ،نيجيريا ،مالي والدول العربية في شمال أفريقيا وأفغانستان، و ذلك لعلاقاتها السيئة مع هذه الجماعات المتطرفة. يريدون منا التعاون معهم في الحرب ضد الإرهاب لأن هذه الجماعات المتطرفة تشكل تهديدا مباشرا لهم. ايضاَ علاقتهم ضعيفة مع داعش وجبهة النصرة و الإخوان المسلمين والحركة الإسلامية الفلسطينية. نحن لن نضحي بعلاقاتنا مع الإسلاميين وإيران لتحسين العلاقة مع السعوديين ودول الخليج. الممكن فقط هو إقامة علاقات تخدم مصالحنا الاقتصادية من حيث الاستثمارات وسوق العمل، الخ ..." (صفحة 12)

الفريق أول ووزير الدفاع عبد الرحيم محمد حسين:

"حاليا هناك عشرين ألف من الجهاديين وخمسة عشر حركة جهادية تشكلت حديثاَ، و هم منتشرون في كل من المغرب إلى مصر و سيناء وفلسطين ولبنان والعراق وجميع دول الخليج، وهؤلاء لهم حضور ملحوظ في أفريقيا و أوروبا، ولا أحد يملك قاعدة بياناتهم أكثر منا. نحن نقوم بالافراج عن معلومات محدودة فقط للأمريكيين وفقا لطلبهم والسعر هو ملف الحركات المسلحة السودانية. عموماً الأيام القادمة تحمل الكثير من المفاجآت، " (صفحة 24)

الفريق هاشم عبد الله محمد، رئيس هيئة الأركان المشتركة:

"يمكننا خلق مشاكل جمة لهذه الدول مع المتطرفين الإسلاميين، لكننا لن تستخدم هذا الكرت الآن،" (صفحة 17)

فريق أمن الرشيد فقيري، مدير الأمن الشعبي:

"إيران أكبر حليف لدينا و علاقاتنا قوية مع كل الحركات الإسلامية في جميع أنحاء العالم،" (صفحة9)

الفريق الركن عبد الله آلجيلي، منسق قوات الدفاع الشعبي العام:

"من أجل إفشال مشروع السودان الجديد نحن نراقب عن كثب جميع أنشطة الأحزاب السياسية، و عندما نكتشف أن أحد السياسيين يخطط ليذهب الى الخارج ليقابل المتمردين نقوم نحن عادة بمنعه من السفر، " (صفحة 9)

الفريق هاشم عبد الله محمد، رئيس هيئة الأركان المشتركة:

"يمكننا أحضار جميع الحركات الإسلامية لمحاربة [المتمردين]، ونقول لهم فقط ان هؤلاء المتمردين مرتزقة وعملاء لأمريكا،" (صفحة 17).

الفريق عبد القادر محمد زين منسق الخدمة الوطنية:

"هل أنت متأكد من إمكانية تغيير المملكة العربية السعودية لرأيها [بخصوص علاقتنا] بعدما صنفت الإخوان المسلمين بأنهم إرهابيون؟ من جهة أخرى تعرف أن علاقتنا مع إيران لديها ارتباط بالتنظيم الدولي للإخوان المسلمين. وفقا لذلك، يجب أن نتشاور مع إيران والجماعات الإسلامية وذلك قبل اتخاذ أي خطوة في هذا الصدد. وذلك لأن المملكة لا يمكن الوثوق بها لأنهم يعرفون بأننا في وضع يمكننا من تهديد حكمهم، " (صفحة 6)

الفريق الركن صديق عامر مدير عام المخابرات العسكرية:

"نحن الدولة الوحيدة التي لن تتأثر بالصراعات الجارية بين الجماعات الإسلامية السنية والشيعية لأننا نجحنا في إقامة علاقات جيدة مع كل الجماعات الإسلامية، من خلال غطاء المنظمات الاجتماعية، وليس من خلال جهاز الدولة. سر قوة حكومة الانقاذ يكمن في الإدارة المرنة للتحالف مع شيعة إيران من جهة والتحالف مع الجماعات الإسلامية السنية من جهة أخرى،" (صفحات 11 – 10).

الفريق الرحيم محمد حسين وزير الدفاع:

"العلاقة مع إيران هي واحدة من أفضل العلاقات التي تمت في تاريخ السودان، و المساعدات التي تلقيناها من إيران لا يمكن أن قياسها. لذلك، فأن إدارة هذه العلاقة تتطلب الحكمة والمعرفة بكل التفاصيل. فالقواسم المشتركة بيننا كثيرة، " (صفحة 26)

الفريق الركن بكري حسن صالح، نائب رئيس جمهورية السودان:

"يجب صيانة العلاقات مع إيران و حمايتها من أي تهديدات ( تضر بالعلاقة)، و أن تدار من قبل الأجهزة العسكرية والأمنية، "(صفحة 28)

الدكتور مصطفى عثمان إسماعيل، الأمين السياسي لحزب المؤتمر الوطني:

"في المكشوف دعونا نحافظ على علاقات جيدة مع دول الخليج، ولكن علاقتنا مع إيران هي علاقة استراتيجية ويجب أن تدار سرا من قبل المخابرات العسكرية والأجهزة الأمنية "، (صفحة 4)

الفريق عبد الله آلجيلي المنسق العام للدفاع الشعبي:

"ليس هناك دولة أخرى غير إيران لديها الشجاعة لتقول لا للغرب كله. إيران هي شريك حقيقي لثورة الانقاذ. فإيران قدمت لنا دعما غير محدوداً... "، (صفحة 7)

الفريق عامر صديق مدير عام المخابرات العسكرية والأمن:

"[دول الخليج] يخشون من علاقتنا مع إيران. علاقتنا مع إيران مفيدة لنا، لأن إيران هي أكبر حليف لنا في المنطقة، و يتمثل هذا في التعاون في مجالات الاستخبارات والإنتاج الصناعي العسكري. فعلاقاتنا المتشابكة مع كل الحركات الإسلامية العالمية مهمة بالنسبة لإيران لأننا نعتبر جسراً لها لجميع الجماعات الإسلامية" (صفحة9 )

الفريق عامر صديق مدير عام المخابرات العسكرية والأمن:

"هذا العام تمكن الجيش الشعبي لشمال السودان من زراعة مناطق واسعة في ولاية جنوب كردفان. يجب ألا نسمح لهم بحصاد هذه المحاصيل. الحصاد يعني إمدادات جيدة إلى المجهود الحربي. يجب علينا تجويعهم، بحيث يتخلى عنهم القادة والمدنيين ونقوم نحن بتجنيد الهاربين من الخدمة لاستخدامهم في الحرب لهزيمة المتمردين، " (صفحة 10).

الفريق عماد الدين عدوي رئيس العمليات المشتركة:

"يجب علينا مهاجمتهم (المتمردين) قبل موسم الحصاد وقصف مخازن الأغذية " (صفحة 14)

توصية الفريق الركن بكري حسن صالح، نائب رئيس جمهورية السودان:

"دعم آلية تهدف إلى تفريق أو افراغ مخيمات النازحين بدارفور و خلق الخلافات والإضراب الأمني في مخيمات النازحين داخليا "(صفحة 29)

الفريق عبدالرحيم محمد حسين وزير الدفاع:

"يجب علينا مواصلة العمليات العسكرية. سنواصل قصف المناطق المتمردة بواسطة سلاح الجو( في مناطق النيل الأزرق و جنوب كردفان و دارفور). في موسم الصيف القادم سنحتاج الى أي مقاتل من أي مكان يمكنه أن يقاتل تحت قيادتنا، هذا بالإضافة إلى أبناء المناطق المتضررة من الحرب يمكنهم العمل معنا كمرشدين لدفاعات المتمردين، " (صفحة 22)

توصية الفريق الركن بكري حسن صالح، نائب رئيس جمهورية السودان:

"دعم مكتب الدكتور رياك مشار للاتصال ونطلب من الجميع توفيرالأجهزة والحماية والأمن لهم"

الفريق الركن بكري حسن صالح، نائب رئيس جمهورية السودان:

"التقيت رياك وتعبان وهم متأسفون لقرار فصل الجنوب وقررنا اعادة منزله له. رياك مشار طلب منا مساعدته وأنه لديه نقص في المدربين وفنيي الدبابات. يجب علينا استخدام العديد من الفرص والامكانيات التي لدينا ضد الجنوب من أجل إعطائهم درسا لا ينسى".

الفريق عماد الدين عدوي رئيس اركان العمليات المشتركة:

"[وجوبا] لا تزال تدعم التمرد في جبال النوبة والنيل الأزرق. وفقا لذلك، يجب أن نوفر لقوات رياك دعم كبير من أجل شن الحرب ضد جوبا وتنظيف كل ولايات أعالي النيل الكبرى. رياك وتعبان خلال زيارتهم إلى الخرطوم كشفوا لنا كل شيء عن الدعم اللوجستي من جوبا للمتمردين، طرق الدعم ومن الذي ينقل لهم ذلك" (صفحة 14)

الفريق الركن هاشم عبد الله محمد، رئيس هيئة الأركان المشتركة:

"يجب علينا تغيير ميزان القوى في جنوب السودان. رياك، تعبان وديو ماثوك جاءوا لطلب الدعم في مجالات التدريب في العمليات العسكرية وخاصة في استخدام الدبابات والمدفعية. قد طلبوا أيضا تسليحهم. كانوا يريدون أن نقدم لهم الأسلحة المتطورة و كان ردنا أنه ليس لدينا اعتراض على ذلك شريطة أن نتفق على الاهداف المشتركة و بعدها نقوم بتدريبهم على الأسلحة المطلوبة، " (صفحة 16).

توصية الفريق الركن بكري حسن صالح، نائب رئيس جمهورية السودان:

"أن إدارة السياسة الخارجية يجب أن تعمل تحت إشراف الأجهزة العسكرية والأمنية المسؤولة عن شؤون الأمن القومي لمواكبة التغيرات الداخلية والخارجية الجديدة" (صفحة 28)

الفريق عامر صديق مدير عام المخابرات العسكرية والأمن:

" كثفنا العمل لتدريب وتخريج كوادرالعمليات العسكرية الليبية . حاليا، فإننا نقيم دورة متقدمة في كيفية استخدام الإنترنت و إزالة التشفير و الترميز و اختراق الهواتف وأجهزة الراديو اللاسلكية. طلبت منا قيادتهم التدريب و أنشاء جهاز استخبارات عسكرية قوي" (صفحة 11)

الفريق الركن عبد الله آلجيلي، منسق عام قوات الدفاع الشعبي:

"أي مظاهرات أو انتفاضة شعبية هو خط أحمر ... الذين يروجون لمشروع السودان الجديد فيجب ان يذهبوا الى الجنوب،" (صفحة 7)

الفريق أول العام وزير الدفاع عبد الرحيم محمد حسين:

"ما زلنا نتذكر تجربة سبتمبر 2013.... انهم يخططون لاندلاع مظاهرات في الانتخابات القادمة و هذا يشكل جريمة وسنتعامل معها بحزم وفي الوقت المناسب " (صفحة 23)

الفريق عبد القادر محمد زين، منسق الخدمة الوطنية:

"... هذا العام بالفعل قمنا بتدريب فرق انتحارية وكتائب استراتيجية لحماية الانتخابات ومساعدة الشرطة لقمع أي من هذه الأنشطة التي يمكن أن يقوم بها المتمردين أو أنصار مشروع السودان الجديد،" (صفحة 7)

الفريق محمد عطا، مدير عام جهاز الأمن والمخابرات:

"أي صحفي أو سياسي ينتقد قوات الدعم السريع يجب ان يعتقل و يتهم بالتجسس والتعاون [مع العدو]، " (صفحة 19).

فريق أمن صلاح الطيب – مفوض الدمج و التسريح:

"يجب أن تجرى الانتخابات في الوقت المحدد. إجراء الانتخابات يشكل حربا نفسية ضد الحركات المسلحة، و قد يسبب لهم الإحباط مما يقود إلى نهاية مشروع السودان الجديد، " (صفحة 6)

اللواء هاشم عثمان المدير العام للشرطة:

"يجب أن تكون هناك رقابة صارمة على حرية الصحافة والبيانات السياسية لقادة الأحزاب، وينبغي أن يظل الأمن الوطني خط أحمر. ينبغي ألا ينتهك سيادة القانون كل بيان سياسي أو صحفي " (صفحة 15)

الفريق عبد القادر محمد زين منسق الخدمة الوطنية:

"المصريون ليس لديهم أي خيارات أخرى غير إقامة علاقات متميزة معنا، و هذا نظرا لانتصار الإسلاميين في معركة طرابلس على الرغم من الدعم المصري للجنرال حفتر. انهم لن يجرؤا على فتح جبهتين، واحدة ضد ليبيا والآخرى ضدنا. هذه كروت مفيدة و في متناول اليد، يجب علينا استخدامها بشكل صحيح،" (صفحة 5-7)

الفريق عماد الدين عدوي رئيس اركان العمليات المشتركة:

"تمكنا من تأمين الحدود مع اثيوبيا وبالفعل وقعنا اتفاقا لتشكيل قوة مشتركة تغطي كامل الحدود بين البلدين، مع أهمية تبادل المعلومات، ومنع أي تمرد يمكن أن يبدأ من الطرفين، وناقشنا مساهمتنا و دورنا في حماية سد النهضة. هذا الاتفاق مفيد لنا لأننا يمكن استخدامه للعبور إلى الجانب الاثيوبي من الحدود تحت مسمى زيارة اللاجئين، و عندها يمكننا من تجنيد بعض الجنود الاثيوبيين الذين يستطيعون جمع المعلومات وتزويدنا بها عن مخيمات الحركة الشعبية في منطقة يابوس وغيرها من المناطق التي سوف تقصف من قبل سلاح الجو، " (صفحة 13)

اللواء صلاح الطيب مفوض نزع السلاح وإعادة الدمج والتسريح:

"لا مكان لحوار يعقد خارج السودان." "مبيكي أجتمع مع الحركات المسلحة في أديس أبابا و يعتبر هذا مجرد تمرين في العلاقات العامة." "قال لي ممثل فريق الاتحاد الافريقي التنفيذي عالي المستوى(AUHIP) عبدل محمد أن الحركات المسلحة لا يثقون في مبيكي، وأن مالك عقار وياسر عرمان اشتكوا ضده لرئيس الوزراء الاثيوبي والمبعوث الأمريكي " (صفحة 6).

الفريق عبدالرحيم محمد حسين:

"لقد اخبرت مبيكي بأننا نثق في محمد بن شمباس وهو سيُحضر لكم في أديس أبابا حركات دارفور والهدف من اجتماع اديس ابابا معهم هو التشاور فقط وليس للتفاوض.."في حالة رغب أي من حركات دارفور في التفاوض فيجب أن يذهب إلى الدوحة. و لقد قال انه ذاهب لاحضار كل منهم لاديس أبابا و معرفة رأيهم على مسودة الاقتراح؛ اما إذا رفضوا الحوار الوطني فأن موقف السودان سيكون في هذه الحالة هو الصحيح، وسوف يكون قادر عندئذ للدفاع عنه أمام المجتمع الدولي و الذي سوف ينظر اننا فعلنا ما في وسعنا ( غير أن ان الحركات هي التي ترفض السلام). سوف يشارك مبيكي في الحوار بصفة مراقب. كذلك التقيت بعلي الزعتري (الأمم المتحدة) وانه من المؤيدين لنا. كما التقيت صلاح حليمة (جامعة الدول العربية) و هو أيضا داعم لنا، وهيلي مينكاريس وهو ايضاً من الموالين لنا. لقد قدمنا خدمة عظيمة لمحمد بن شمباس... وعندما التقيت محمد بن شمباس، قال لي أن الأمم المتحدة تجري تحقيقاً في تقارير بعثة اليوناميد ونصحني لتصحيح الأمور على الأرض لتتوافق مع تقاريرنا حول أدائنا. و قال لي ان دارفور لا يوجد بها قضية أو مشكلة و على حركاتها المسلحة المتبقية الانضمام الى اتفاق الدوحة، واذا كانوا يريدون الانضمام إلى المبادرة الوطنية بالداخل فالأمر متروك لهم و عليهم المجئ "

الدكتور مصطفى عثمان إسماعيل، الأمين السياسي لحزب المؤتمر الوطني:

" خطة [المتمردين] هي عرقلة قيام الانتخابات. و لذلك يجب علينا أن ندعم كل الجهود التي يقوم بها امبيكي " (صفحة 3)

الفريق الركن هاشم عبد الله محمد، رئيس هيئة الأركان المشتركة:

"القوات المسلحة السودانية ضد أي حوار يشرف عليه أجانب، لأنه في نهاية المطاف يهدف الى تفكيك القوات المسلحة السودانية. نحن نؤيد اجتماعات منفصلة للتفاوض مع المتمردين، لا يجب توحيد الاجتماعات أو التفاوض معهم كمجموعة واحدة... [يقول المتمردون أن] القوات المسلحة السودانية أصبحت غير وطنية، وانها تستخدم الميليشيات الأجنبية (....).على القوات المسلحة السودانية وقوات الدعم السريع بالإضافة إلى أبناء تلك المناطق مهاجمة المتمردين و تنظيف تلك المناطق منهم. نحن مستعدون للعمليات العسكرية، " (صفحة 15)

فريق أمن صلاح الطيب مفوض نزع السلاح وإعادة الدمج والتسريح:

"إن الخيار الوحيد أمامنا الآن هو الاستمرار في عملية الحوار الى أن تقوم الانتخابات في وقتها المحدد. لا تأجيل للانتخابات، مهما كانت الظروف. التقيت مع سفراء الاتحاد الأوروبي وجميع من يدعمون مبادرة الحوار الوطني وهم [يعتقدون] أنه يمكن أن يؤدي إلى إصلاحات سياسية ... ". (صفحة 5)

الفريق هاشم عثمان الحسين، المدير العام للشرطة:

"دعونا نعمل لإعداد قوة كافية لحماية الانتخابات. ثانيا، اذا كانت محادثات السلام ضرورية فيمكننا مواصلتها بعد أن تتم الانتخابات، وكذلك الحوار الوطني الداخلي يمكنه أن يستمر بعد عقد هذه الانتخابات. سنواصل نشر الفرقة بين القادة الميدانيين و استقطابهم لصالحنا، لأنه لدينا كل المعلومات عن المتمردين. و علينا توقيع المزيد من الاتفاقيات معهم، ابداَ لا يجب أن نجلس مع المتمردين كمجموعة و احدة أو بشكل جماعي، " (صفحة 15)

الفريق محمد عطا، مدير عام جهاز الأمن والمخابرات:

"لقد اعترضنا جميع المكالمات الهاتفية القادمة من السعودية والإمارات والمخابرات المصرية، وبعض مكالمات كوادر الأحزاب السياسية في السودان [في سبتمبر 2013]. لقد كانوا يأمرون الناس بالذهاب للمظاهرات و قد أحضروا خبراء لإدارة هذه المظاهرات. و بعد متابعة مكالمات الهواتف فأننا تمكنا من إلقاء القبض على اللاعبين الحقيقيين، وقد اعترفوا بذلك، وكشفوا لنا كل التفاصيل حول المؤامرة واسماء ضباط الإشراف على المظاهرات و القيادات في كل بلد و الذين كانوا يتلقون تقاريراً يومية. هذا هو سبب خوف المصريين والسعوديين والإماراتين عندما اكتشفوا ذلك، كل العناصر التي أرسلوها تم اعتقالها من قبل الأمن. من جانبنا نحن لم نكشف عنها أي شيء حتى الآن، وبدلا من ذلك نحن نريد استخدام هذا الملف لابتزازهم، " (صفحة 17)

اللواء رشيد فقيري، مدير الأمن الشعبي

" جميع السفارات في الخرطوم مخترقة و لدينا هنالك عناصر تقدم لنا تقارير عن الذين زاروا السفارات والذين خرجوا منها وإلى أين ذهبوا....فيما يتعلق بالمتمردين، يمكننا القول أننا تمكنا من اختراق ملفاتهم (بالانترنت). نحن نتابع كل تحركاتهم ومحادثاتهم و امورهم الخاصة مع النساء، ونوع الكحول المفضل لديهم أو الذي يشربه كل واحد، احاديثهم المتخيلة عندما يسكروا. لدينا سيدات في اتصال دائم معنا. تمكن هؤلاء السيدات من ارسال كل ما يمتلكوه من الايميلات، وأرقام الهواتف و الاسكايب و الواتساب وكل ما لديهم من وسيلة اتصالات يستخدموها. قبل ذلك، نحن الآن قادرون على اختراقهم إلكترونيا. نحن نتابع جميع أنشطتهم واتصالاتهم مع الناس داخل البلاد " (صفحة 8)

فريق أمن الرشيد فقيري، مدير الأمن الشعبي:

"نحن نعمل لنشر الخلافات والانقسامات داخل الجبهة الثورية لإضعافها وتدميرها. نفس هذه السياسة سيتم تطبيقها على جميع القوى السياسية في الشمال، مثل الحزب الاتحادي الديمقراطي و أحزاب شرق السودان و حزب الأمة بعد عودة الصادق المهدي من الخارج، والذي سوف نعيده الى السودان مستخدمين في ذلك أبناءه عبد الرحمن وبشرى لإقناعه. لقد جمعنا معظم المعلومات عن كوادر الحركة الشعبية وسوف نطلق عليهم الآن حملة حرب نفسية حتى يتم تقسيمهم مثل انقسام الحركة الشعبية في الجنوب، " (7)

الفريق عبد الرحيم محمد حسين:

"دعوا [القوات المتمردة] تأتي إلى ساحة المعركة. أنهم يحلمون أن يحكموا السودان. كل هذا مجرد ضجة و سوف تتلاشى. (الخواجات) لن يعطوك ما يكفي من الدعم أو القتال معك. هؤلاء (الخواجات) من أكبر الكذابين ؛ انهم قلقون فقط حول مصلحتهم " (صفحة 22)

الدكتور مصطفى عثمان إسماعيل، الأمين السياسي لحزب المؤتمر الوطني:

"نحن نواجه حاليا أزمة اقتصادية حادة و هي تحتاج إلى معالجة من أجل تخفيف معاناة شعبنا، ويجب البحث عن البدائل التي تمكننا من السيطرة على قوى السوق" (صفحة 3)

الفريق عبد الرحيم محمد حسين:

"يمكننا معالجة الوضع الاقتصادي وسوف يتحسن. يرجع ذلك إلى حقيقة أن بلدنا لديها جميع المتطلبات اللازمة للتصنيع والزراعة والبنية الأساسية والنفط وليس هناك شخص جائع. كل هذا مؤقت. أيام فقط، وأنها سوف تمر. الصناعات العسكرية تغطي جميع احتياجاتنا في القوات المسلحة. "(صفحة 23)

[أريك فريز: هذا خيالي، يدعي حسين انه لا يوجد هناك شخص جائع واحد في السودان، هذا بالرغم من تقارير مختلف منظمات الأمم المتحدة والمنظمات الإنسانية غير الحكومية التي تقول أن معدلات عالية لسوء التغذية الحاد و سوء التغذية المزمنة، خاصة بالنسبة للأطفال دون سن الخامسة]

الموقع المترجم منه:

و كذلك

sabato 27 settembre 2014


What the Khartoum regime really thinks

(leaked minutes of critical August 2014 meeting of senior military and security official)

By Eric Reeves

September 24, 2014 - I received on 22 September 2014, from a source within Sudan whom I trust implicitly, a truly extraordinary, indeed explosive document, containing the "Minutes of the Military and Security Committee Meeting held in the National Defense College [Khartoum]"; the meeting referred to took place on August 31, 2014; the date of the minutes for the document is September 1, 2014 (Sunday).

What makes the document so extraordinary is the participation of the regime’s most senior military and security officials, expressing themselves freely, and in the process disclosing numerous highly consequential policy decisions, internal and external. We learn, for example, of Sudan’s continuing involvement with international terrorism and radical Islamic groups, including an ongoing "strategic" partnership with Iran. There is certainly evidence here that Khartoum has reneged on its putative commitment to provide the U.S. intelligence community with information relevant to counter-terrorism. More explicitly, the document reveals a determination to continue bombing agriculture and food supplies as a means of waging war against the people of South Kordofan and Blue Nile, with an explicit, declared goal of starvation. Regime officials also emphasize that there will be no lifting of the humanitarian embargo that prevents international relief efforts from reaching the desperate civilians in rebel-held territories of South Kordofan and Blue Nile.

There is much in this document making clear that political machinations surrounding the so-called "national dialogue" are nothing but a sham in the eyes of the regime, merely a means of filling time uselessly before the 2015 elections—a constant topic of discussion. We see that Darfur has been largely written off as a military threat, or at least one that requires no more than an expansion of the re-invigorated and openly embraced Janjaweed militias, now known as the Rapid Support Forces (RSF). In addition to encouraging the uncontrolled predations of the RSF, these senior officials speak openly about renewed efforts to empty the camps for Darfuri displaced persons.

We also learn much about the extent to which Khartoum is committed to supporting the rebel groups in South Sudan, promising heavy weapons, including tanks, artillery, and other "advanced weapons"—as well as re-supply and security in Khartoum. Riek Machar and his deputy Taban Deng Gai are reported to have expressed their regret at Southern secession.

And there is a great deal more.

[All quotes included here come from a lightly edited version of the English translation of the original Arabic document; edits are for punctuation errors (including apostrophes indicating possession, extra spaces, gratuitous end punctuation, and a great many unnecessary commas; some unidiomatic passages have been made slightly clearer. As they appear in this analysis, some excerpts have been somewhat more heavily edited, but still limited to matters of grammar and idiom. Brackets [ … ] are used where editorial intrusion has been greatest. All comments by me, including interpolations of explanation and identification, as well as extended critical remarks, are in italics.]


Inevitably there will be questions about the authenticity of this document, marked internally as "Secret," "Confidential," and "Restricted." I should say first that I do not know what the full "chain of custody" for the document is (documents rather: for in addition to the English translation of the Arabic, there are photographs of every page of the original Arabic document, as well as of every page of the handwritten translation into English; there are 46 documents in all, most in .JPG format; typically, however, I will refer simply to "the document").

A close linguistic analysis of the English text makes clear that while the prose is of very good quality, and written by someone with considerable intelligence, there are many small typographic and punctuation errors that are typical of even skilled native Arab speakers writing in English; a few idiomatic errors recur with telling familiarity. The person who produced this text is well-educated person, very proficient in English, whose native language is Arabic (I have taught English as a second language, and specifically to native Arabic speakers.)

That I am not able say to say how the document made its way to my source is hardly surprising: the transfer of such a document would have been extremely dangerous at all stages, given its explosive contents and the greatly enhanced intercept capabilities of Khartoum’s security services (something discussed and referred to in authoritative detail at various points in the document). Everyone involved in producing and transporting or transmitting the documents was (and is) at risk of arrest and execution for treason. Gratuitous explanatory communications of any kind explaining movement or transmission of the document would increase the risk of exposing all involved. I have concluded after much reading and reflection that the unknown nature of original transmission or physical transfer of the document is not in itself suspicious.

And there are a great many reasons to believe that the document is authentic. Some are small: the transliterative use of "Hisen" rather than "Hussein" (as in Abdel Rahmin Mohamed Hussein, Minister of Defense) seems odd, but transliteration may not be a familiar exercise for the person(s) who undertook the translation. On the other hand, a skilled fabrication would be unlikely to make such a peculiar choice in transliteration; and if this is indeed a fabrication, it is an astonishingly skilled one, even as it serves no obvious purpose for the regime and in several respects seems quite beyond the capacity of the rebel movements.

Most of the reasons for believing the document to be authentic, on my reading, have to do with the extremely close resemblance of much of what is said by officials in this meeting and what has been said and done publicly by the National Congress Party/National Islamic Front regime, but in the minutes with more detail, specificity, and nuance of expression. To be sure, not all of what is said in the confidence of this meeting would be uttered by regime officials so bluntly when communicating with the international community—within the various worlds in which Khartoum understands itself to be speaking. It uses many "dialects," as these exchanges make clear: to the Saudis and Arab Emirates, to Iran, to the U.S., to the UN and its various representatives in Sudan, to the European Union, and to the African Union.

But why fabricate a document only to persuade an audience of the fact that the NCP/NIF speaks bluntly in private meetings? What could be the motive for the regime to fabricate a document that contains so much of what we know to be the case, if cast in brutally unvarnished and contemptuous fashion?

I believe the congruence between what is in the document and what has long been known, but little discussed publicly by the regime, is itself telling at various points. It has long been known, for example, that many within the regime opposed the Naivasha peace talks that yielded the Comprehensive Peace Agreement between north and south Sudan (January 2005)—that there were a number, especially in the military, who felt too much had been given away, and that this was humiliating to the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF), since they had not been defeated in many areas they were obliged to leave.

But there is still some shock in reading the current Defense Minister and former Minister of the Interior during the most violent years of the Darfur genocide, Abdel Rahim Mohamed Hussein, declare baldy: "If it were not for Naivasha, all the rebellion[s] should have finished" (page 22). Lt. General Bakri Hassan Saleh, current Vice President of the regime, speaks contemptuously of his interlocutors at the time of Naivasha in the context of current efforts to understand Khartoum’s multiple and highly secretive security services: "They are targeting the security organs, but they don’t know how these organs work. Even those who came during the days of Naivasha went [away] without knowing how we think or work" (page 19). Notably, of the fourteen participants listed in the documents, twelve have military titles—all generals of some rank, primarily Lt. General. Some wear two hats: Vice President Bakri Hassan Saleh also has the specified rank of "First Lieutenant General."

Further Observations on Authenticity

In compiling these documents, someone/some group took an extraordinary risk even in assembling the photographs and written translation records, as well as the final time-consuming translation, and then transmitting them, unless we make the unlikely assumption that the documents were created abroad, smuggled back into Sudan, and then passed on to my source. Certainly one thing we hear again and again in the minutes—nothing really new—is how effective the regime’s intercept capabilities are. Perhaps the documents were smuggled out of the country by "flash drive," which might be very small and still contain all these data. But this, it must be emphasized, would entail extreme risk on departing Sudan. Indeed, mere possession of even fabricated minutes for such a meeting as is reported would be considered as treasonous as actually transcribing and translating the contents of a real meeting.

Moreover, the documents reveal considerable disagreement, especially about the strategic relationship with Iran, and how to finesse the problems this has created with Saudi Arabia and the Arab Emirates. In closing the meeting Vice President Bakri declares that: "In this meeting it is not necessary that we agree on every point we discuss"—this to the most hardline elements within the current regime.

In his concluding remarks at the meeting, Vice President and First Lt. General Bakri Hassan Saleh also declares:

"A number of policy options and emphases are considered, not all compatible—what we would expect of a real meeting of the most powerful men in Khartoum, not a fabrication of such a meeting." [The irony here is almost too rich—ER.]

Iran is always referred to as a "strategic issue," a "strategic partner," what again is widely known but not in the nuanced, often urgent terms of policy debate reflected in these documents. It is particularly difficult to imagine the fabrication of this extensive part of the discussion, including the highly detailed accounts of what leverage Khartoum has with neighboring countries, how the regime plans to deal with the issue of Shite proselytizing in Sudan, the extent of Iranian military assistance and help in providing military production capacity, and other very specific topics. Collectively, the details suggest a range of compelling knowledge that would in fact be available only to these men.

To the extent we know anything of the character of the men in this meeting, this knowledge seems to be consistent with what can be discerned of character in various passages—especially the thuggish and clumsy Hussein (who refers at once contemptuously and confusingly to his arrest warrant from the International Criminal Court for multiple crimes against humanity). And there is a fearsome bluntness to the comments of Vice President Bakri Hassan Saleh, who has long been known for his brutality and cruelty, his willingness to suppress political dissent by any means necessary, and his loyalty to President al-Bashir. This translates into ruthless political judgments and actions, partially captured in this passage (page 27):

"The negotiations, national dialogue, Paris Declaration and all their statements are needed to take us to the elections." [In other word, Bakri is admitting that all this diplomatic activity is merely a useful distraction from the relentlessly pursued goal of retaining the presidency—ER]

"Those who are interested to join the Ingaz and co-exist with us are welcome. But we are not ready to respond or work under pressure. Nobody is paying us and we are not indebted to anybody." [This seems a spectacularly bizarre view of the US$47 billion that Sudan owes many creditors around the world—ER]

"America deceived us in regards to the separation of the South. They did not lift our name from the list of the States sponsoring terrorism or relieve our debts. So the Envoy should not come." [Nobody is better at the most cynical Realpolitik than Bakri, who might have added his view that American "reneging" justifies what is clearly reneging on the part of the regime in its commitment to provide the U.S. with counter-terrorism intelligence, especially about North Africa and the Gulf States—ER]

A great deal more could be said about what is revealed by a close, detailed examination of the contents and verbal habits of those who speak in this document. From the point of view of such analysis, I believe all evidence points to authenticity.

My source is regarded by all who know him as a man of the greatest integrity; one frequent and highly knowledgeable traveler to Sudan says of him, "he is the most honest, trustworthy and highly principled man" I have met in Sudan. My source is intelligent, highly resourceful, and extremely well-informed; he would not knowingly put my reputation for accuracy at risk gratuitously. I have never, in fifteen years of writing extensively about Sudan, been accused of relying on a fabricated document or source; my source on this occasion is well aware of this, and how destructive to my reputation it would be were the document a fabrication. At the same time, my source sees no point in speaking openly to me in Northampton, Massachusetts about the details of how he came to possess the document in Sudan. He would be particularly vulnerable to Khartoum’s enhanced intercept capacity.

The Burden of Proof

It would seem to me that the burden of proof is on those who would argue that the documents are fabrications, that there was no meeting such as described. Moreover, while the motives for fabrication by the regime are murky and implausible at best, there is certainly there is no difficulty at all in imagining the motives of someone who knew of the August 31, 2014 meeting and had access to these highly confidential and equally authoritative minutes. There are a great many Sudanese desperate to bring down the regime; and they know that it will require extraordinary and courageous actions, and that these are likely to be directed against exceptionally well-protected "targets." But given those in attendance and the agenda items of the August 31 meeting, this would be the moment to take the ultimate risk.

The English translation is 30 pages in length (a length that again argues against fabrication, given the continual potency and specificity of the revelations); it will require several thematic analyses to present what stands as consensus within the regime on a range of topics, to parse sometimes partially opaque pronouncements (or translations), and to provide a clear overall view of the regime’s thinking at this crucial moment in the political history of Sudan. Additional portions of all documents will be released with these new analyses; eventually all will be released.

Some of the topics to be addressed individually:

[Again, all quotes included here come from a lightly edited version of the English translation of the original Arabic document; edits are for punctuation errors (including apostrophes indicating possession, extra spaces, gratuitous end punctuation, and a great many unnecessary commas; some unidiomatic passages have been made slightly clearer. In the context of this analysis, some excerpts have been somewhat more heavily edited, but still limited to matters of grammar and idiom. Brackets [ … ] are used where editorial intrusion has been greatest; these edits are occasionally the work of the translator, not mine; I’ve attempted to put all the former in different brackets ... . All comments by me, including interpolations of explanation and identification as well as extended critical remarks are in italics; all emphases have been added by me.]

§§§ Reneging on commitment to provide the United States with the intelligence acquired by the regime concerning terrorist groups, including in North Africa:

"The Gulf States have only very weak information about the terrorist groups that are based in Libya, Somali, Nigeria, Mali, North Africa Arab countries and Afghanistan because they have bad relations with these radical groups. They want us to cooperate with them in the war against terrorism because the radical groups constitute [a] direct threat to them. Their relation with ISIS, Nusra Front, Muslim Brothers, and Palestine Islamic Movement is even weaker. We will not sacrifice our relations with the Islamists and Iran for a relation with the Saudis and the Gulf States. What is possible is a relation that serves our economic interests in terms of investments, employment market, etc…," Lt. General Yahya Mohammed Kher, State Minister of Defense (page 12). [Can any reasonable person imagine that Khartoum is sharing with the Obama administration the intelligence bragged about here? – ER]

"Currently, there are twenty thousand (20,000) Jihadists and fifteen (15) newly formed Jihadist Movements who are scattered all over from Morocco to Egypt, Sinai, Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq, all Gulf States, [a w]ide presence in Africa and Europe and nobody else owns a data-base on that [such] as the one we have. We release only limited information to the Americans according to the request and the price is the armed movements file. The coming days carry a lot of surprises," First Lt. General and Defense Minister Abdel Rahim Mohamed Hussein (page 24). This clearly suggests reneging on any counter-terrorism effort promised to the U.S.—that if the U.S. doesn’t ask the right question, make the right "request," they won’t get the information they most want. Moreover, the claim that the price the U.S. is willing to pay is to provide the regime with intelligence on Sudan’s rebel movements suggests an unscrupulous betrayal—ER]

[On Sudan’s future relationship with international terrorism—ER]:

"We can create them a problem with the Islamic radicals, but we are not going to use this card now," First Lt. Gen. Hashim Abdalla Mohammed, Chief of Joint General Staff (page 17). [The clear implication is that "creating problems" with Islamic terrorists is one of the tools in the NCP/NIF bag of tools—one of their "cards" (a repeated, and telling, metaphor)—ER]

§§§ The strength of the commitment to Islamism and political Islam, too often played down in current characterizations of the regime:

[Throughout the document the centrality of Islamism and Islamic rule is clear, and the corresponding fear that opposition movements are bent on … "remov[ing] the Islamic movement from power" (page 3).

"[Iran is] our biggest ally [because of] our web-like relations with all the Islamic Movements, world-wide," Lt. General Al-Rashiid Fagiri, Director of Popular Security" (page 9).

[The great rubric for all regime opponents is "supporters of the New Sudan Project," referring to the principle, most forcefully articulated by the late Southern leader John Garang, that neither race nor ethnicity nor religion should be the basis for citizenship in a truly multi-party, democratic Sudan—ER]

[The phrase "New Sudan Project" is used incessantly, a sign of what the regime most fears—ER]:

"In order to foil the New Sudan Project we are watching closely all political party activities. When we discover that a politician is going abroad to meet the rebels we usually prevent him not to travel," Lt. General Abdalla Al-Jaili, Popular Defense Forces General Coordinator (page 9).

"We can bring all the Islamic movements to fight [the rebels], just we tell them that these rebels are collaborators and agents of America," First Lt. Gen. Hashim Abdalla Mohammed, Chief of Joint General Staff (page 17).

[Most notably, comments by the Vice President in his "recommendations" section—ER]:

"We consider the New Sudan Project as [the] top internal and regional challenge that endeavours to expand the foreign intervention and division of Sudan [understandably so—ER]. All the political, security, military, and diplomatic organs should change the approach in dealing with it" (page 28).

§§§ Support for Iran as a means of supporting Islamist movements worldwide and gaining important regional support:

"Are you sure Saudi Arabia can change its mind [concerning our relationship] after [the Saudis] classified the Muslim Brothers as terrorists? On the other hand you know that our relation with Iran is part and parcel of our relation with the Muslim Brotherhood International Islamic Organization. Accordingly, we must consult with Iran and our Islamist group, before taking any step in this regard. This is because the Kingdom cannot be trusted despite their knowledge that we are in a position to threaten their rule," Lt. General Abdal-Gadir Mohammed Zeen, National Service Coordinator (page 6).

"We are the only state that will not be affected by the conflicts taking place between Sunni Islamic groups and the Shite’. This is, because we succeeded to manage good relations with all Islamic groups, through the cover of social organizations, and not through the state apparatus. The secret of the strength of the Ingaz (NCP) government lies in the smooth management of the alliance with Shite’ Iran on one side and the alliance with the Sunni Islamic groups on the other side," question and statement from Lt. General Siddiig Aamir, Director General of M.I. [Military Intelligence] and Security (pages 10 – 11).

[Virtually every speaker invokes the "strategic relationship with Iran"; it is a constant in the discussion. In the past this "relationship" has dictated that Khartoum allow for the transfer of Iranian weapons destined for Hamas in Gaza to pass through Sudanese territory—ER]:

"The relation with Iran is one of the best relations in the history of the Sudan. The assistance we received from Iran is immeasurable. Accordingly, the management of this relation requires wisdom and knowledge with all its details. The commonalities between us are many," 1st Lt. General Abdal-Rahim Mohammed Hisen [Hussein], Minister [of] Defense (page 26).

"Our relation with Iran is strategic one and unchangeable. They who wants to assist us can do that without conditions."

"Maintenance of relations with Iran [are] to be protected from any threats. Should be managed by military and security organs," (1st Lt. General Bakri Hasan Salih, 1st Vice President of the Republic of Sudan (page 28).

"In the open let us maintain good relations with the Gulf States, but strategically with Iran and to be managed secretly by the M.I. [Military Intelligence] and security organs," Dr. Mustafa Osman Ismail, Political Secretary of the NCP (page 4).

"There is no state other than Iran who has the courage to say no to the whole West. Iran is a real partner to the Ingaz revolution…. It was Iran who provided unlimited support to us…," Lt. General Abdalla Al-Jaili, PDF General Coordinator (page 7).

[Perhaps most tellingly]:

"[The Gulf States] also fear from our relation with Iran. Our relation with Iran is beneficial to us, because Iran is our biggest ally in the region, in terms of the cooperation in the areas of intelligence and military industrial production. This is due to our web-like relations with all the Islamic Movements World Wide. The importance of this relation comes from the fact that we constitute for Iran [access?] to all the Islamic groups, Lt. Gen. Siddiig Aamir, Director General of [Military Intelligence] and Security (page 9).

§§§ The willingness to destroy agriculture and food supplies as a means of attacking the rebel movements of South Kordofan and Blue Nile (the Sudan People’s Liberation Army/Movement-North, SPLA/M-N); a concomitant commitment not to lift the humanitarian blockade put up around these regions and all civilians caught within them:

"This year the Sudan People’s Army (SPLA-N) managed to cultivate large areas in South Kordofan State. We must not allow them to harvest these crops. We should prevent them. Good harvest means supplies to the war effort. We must starve them, so that, commanders and civilians desert them and we recruit the deserters to use them in the war to defeat the rebels," Lt. General Siddiig Aamir, Director of M.I. and Security (page 10).

[This savage, ruthless assessment neglects to point out that the vast majority of agricultural production is a civilian undertaking, and that it will be civilians—primarily children, women, and the elderly—who will suffer most from this destruction of food supplies—ER]

[Declaring that negotiations with the rebels in South Kordofan and Blue Nile are a "waste of time," a senior general, Chief of Joint Operations, indicates that the military option is the only one to be considered—ER]:

"We should attack them before the harvest and bombard their food stores and block them completely," Lt. General Imadadiin Adaw, Chief of Joint Operations (page 14).

§§§ The determination to complete the destruction of African tribal groups in Darfur:

Vice President Bakri recommends that the regime: "Support the mechanism intended to disperse or empty the IDP camps. Create differences and security strike[s] in the IDP camps" (page 29).

"We must continue the military operations. We shall continue bombarding the rebel concentration areas [in Darfur, as well as South Kordofan and Blue Nile] by air force. In the coming dry season we need any fighter from any country that can fight under our command in addition to the sons of the war-affected areas to act as guides to the rebel defenses," 1st Lt. General Abdal-Rahim Mohammed Hisen [Hussein], Minister [of] Defense (page 22).

[Less is said about Darfur than one might expect; the general tenor of comments suggests that Khartoum believes Darfuri rebels by themselves are no longer a serious threat to the regime—only insofar as they assist the efforts of the Sudan Revolutionary Front (if the U.S. is indeed providing intelligence to Khartoum on the Darfuri rebel groups, this military weakness on their part becomes less surprising). Darfur is a strategic afterthought at this point, no matter how great the violence, displacement, and deprivation of Darfuri people—ER]

§§§ Plans for weakening South Sudan through support of the rebel forces (the Sudan People’s Liberation Army-in Opposition):

[Vice President Bakri recommends that the regime]: "Recognize Dr. Riak [Machar] Liaison office and all organs are required to provide protection and security to them."

"I met Riak [Machar], Dhieu and Taban [Deng Gai] and they are regretting the decision to separate the South and we decided to return his house to him. [Riek Machar lived in Khartoum for a number of years during the long civil war (1983 – 2005)—ER.] He [Riek Machar] requested us to assist him and that he, has shortage in the M.I. personnel, operations command and tank technicians. We must use the many cards we have against the South in order to give them unforgettable lesson. [Yet again the "card" metaphor—ER]

The operational military commanders have particularly strong views—ER]:

"[Juba is] still supporting the two divisions of Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile. Accordingly, we must provide Riak forces with big support in order to wage the war against Juba and clean the whole of Greater Upper Nile area. Riak and Taban during their visit to Khartoum disclosed to us everything about the logistical support from Juba to the rebels, the route of supply and who transport it to them" Lt. General (PSC) Imadadiin Adawi, Chief of Joint Operations (page 14). [The verb "clean" here has extremely ominous implications, given the history of the regime’s engaging in what many call "ethnic cleansing"—ER]

"We must change the balance of forces in South Sudan. Riak, Taban and Dhieu Mathok came and requested support in the areas of training in M.I. and especially in tanks and artillery. They requested armament also. They want to be given advanced weapons. Our reply was that we have no objection, provided that we agree on a common objective. Then we train and supply with the required weapons," 1st Lt. General Hashim Abdalla Mohammed, Chief of Joint General Staff (page 16).

§§§ The militarization of foreign policy:

[Vice President Bakri recommends that]: "Foreign policy management departments should work under the supervision of the military and security organs responsible for the national security affairs to cope with the new internal and external changes," (page 28).

"We intensified the work to train and graduate Libyan M.I. [Military Intelligence] cadres. Currently, they are undergoing an advanced course in in Internet operation, de-ciphering of codes, interception of telephones and wire-less radios. Their leadership requested us to train and establish for them a strong M.I. apparatus," Lt. General Siddiig Aamir, Director General of M.I. and Security (page 11).

"In the open let us maintain good relations with the Gulf States, but strategically with Iran and to be managed secretly by the M.I. [Military Intelligence] and security organs," Dr. Mustafa Osman Ismail, Political Secretary of the NCP (page 4).

§§§ The determination to hold the 2015 national elections, including the all-important Presidential election, on time; this entails wholesale bribing of potential opposition parties and individuals, and threatening protestors:

"Demonstrations or uprising is a red line and will be confronted with fire and those who are interested in the New Sudan Project should go to the South," Lt. General Abdalla Al-Jaili, Popular Defense Forces General Coordinator (page 7). [Presumably "fire" means a reprise of the shooting of last September, which occurred under "shoot to kill" orders—ER]

"We still remember [the] September 2013 experience, and that after we fired at them [fired with "shoot to kill" orders, according to Amnesty International—ER] they stopped issuing any statement or movement or talk about the then on-going military operations. The coming demonstrations they are planning to conduct during the elections constitute a crime and we will deal with it firmly and timely [again, presumably on the basis of "shoot to kill" orders]," First Lt. General and Defense Minister Abdel Rahim Mohamed Hussein (page 23).

[In preparation for the coming elections]:

"… this year we have already trained suicidal teams and strategic battalions to protect the elections and assist the police to suppress any such activities that may be carried out by the rebellion or the supporters of the New Sudan Project," Lt. General Abdal-Gadir Mohammed Zeen, National Service Coordinator (page 7).

"Any journalist or politician who criticizes the RSF (Rapid Support Forces, the most recent incarnation of the Janjaweed militias that became notorious for their savagery and brutal destructiveness in the Darfur conflict—ER] must be arrested and charged with spying [i.e., treason—ER] and collaboration [with the enemy]," 1st Lt. General Mohammed Atta Al-Mowla, Director General N.I.S.S. (page 19).

"The elections must take place on time. Holding the elections constitutes a psychological war against the armed movements and may frustrate them and lead to the end of the project of the New Sudan Project," Lt. Gen. Salah Al-Tayib, DDR [Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration] Commissioner (page 6).

"There must be strict control over the freedom of the press, political statements of the party leaders, and the national security should remain a red line. Any political or press statement should not violate the rule of law…, 1st Lt. General Hashim Osman Al-Hisen, Director General of Police. (page 15). [Those crossing the regime’s various "red lines" risk imprisonment, torture, rape, and execution, as well as a dramatic loss of educational and employment opportunities—ER]

§§§ Skill with which the regime plays off regional actors against one another:

[This should be read in light of recently strained relations between Khartoum and Cairo—ER]:

"The Egyptians have no choice, but to establish especial relations with us, given the victory of the Islamists in the battle for Tripoli, despite Egyptian support to Gen. Haftar. They will not dare to open two fronts, one against Libya and the other against us. These are useful cards at hand and we should use them properly," Lt. General Abdal-Gadir Mohammed Zeen, National Service Coordinator (page 6 – 7). [And yet again the "card" metaphor appears—the regime is making clear that it knows exactly how to deploy its various assets, and that it will do so in strategic fashion—ER]

"We managed to secure the borders with Ethiopia and have already signed an agreement to form a joint force covering the whole border between the two countries, exchange of information, prevention of any insurgency that can start from one country against the other, and our contribution or role in the protection of Nahda Dam (Renaissance Dam). This agreement is beneficiary to us because we can use it to cross into the Ethiopian side of the boarder in the name of visiting the refugees, which can allow us to recruit Ethiopian soldiers who can collect and supply us with the necessary information about SPLA-N camps in Yabus and other areas to be bombarded by air force," Lt. General Imadadiin Adaw, Chief of Joint Operations (page 13).

§§§ Skill in co-opting and disrupting international and regional diplomatic efforts; UNAMID head Mohamed bin Chambas and AUHIP chair Thabo Mbeki seem the most fully corrupted by contact with the regime;

"No dialogue to take place abroad." "Mbeke meeting with the armed forces in Addis Ababa is just a public relations exercise." "The AUHIP representative Abdul Mohammed told me that the armed movements do not trust Mbeke on one side and that, Malik [Agar] and Yasir [Arman] complained against him to the Ethiopian Prime Minister and the American envoy," Lt. General Salah Al-Tayib, DDR Commissioner (page 6).

"I [1st Lt. General Abdal-Rahim Mohammed Hisen [Hussein], Minister [of] Defense] told him [Thabo] Mbeki, [chair of the African Union High-level Implementation Panel] that we trust [Mohamed] Bin [C]hambas [who recently resigned as head of UNAMID amid a growing scandal over the performance of the peacekeeping force in Darfur—ER], who will bring to you all the Darfur movements in Addis Ababa and the aim of the Addis meeting with them is for consultation only and not for negotiation."

"In case one of them is interested in negotiation let him go to Doha [now regarded by all international actors of consequences as a "diplomatic dead letter—ER]. He is going to bring all of them to Addis and seek their opinion on the proposal; if [they] reject the [national] dialogue, then the position of Sudan will be correct, and we will be able to defend it in front of the international community. In that case Sudan would be seen to have done its best by the international community. Mbeke will participate in the dialogue from within as an observer. Also I met Ali Al-Zaatari (UN) and he is pro us. And met Salah Halima (Arab League) and he is also supporting us, and Hailey Menkariuos and he is also pro us. We did a big job for Mohammed Bin [C]hambas." [This would seem a very considerable understatement, but it does much to explain the following—ER]:

"When I met him [bin Chambas], he said the UN is going to investigate into the reports of the UNAMID Mission and [bin Chambas] advised me to correct things on the ground to conform to their reports about our performance. He told me that Darfur has no case or problem and their remaining movements should join Doha agreement, and if they want to join the internal national initiative it is up to them and let them come," 1st Lt. General Abdal-Rahim Mohammed Hisen [Hussein], Minister [of] Defense (page 21).

[The attraction of Mbeki as a biased negotiator is unmistakable—ER]: "[The rebels’] plan is to see that the elections do not take place. Accordingly, we must support all the efforts carried by Mbeke," Dr. Mustafa Osman Ismail, Political Secretary of the NCP" (page 3).

[The final word, in all matters of consequence, clearly rests with the military leaders in the regime—ER]:

"SAF [the Sudan Armed Forces] is against any dialogue that is supervised by foreigners, because it will end up dismantling SAF. We support separate forums for negotiation with the rebels, no unification of forums or negotiation with them as a group… [Today the rebels say that the] SAF is not a national force, or SAF is using foreign militias and mounted their campaign against SAF. Permit SAF and the RSF [Rapid Support Forces—the reconfigured Janjaweed militias—ER] plus the sons of those areas to attack and clean these areas from the rebellion. We are ready for military operations," 1st Lt. General Hashim Abdalla Mohammed, Chief of Joint General Staff (page 15)

§§§ Cynical view of the much-touted "national dialogue":

"The only option in front of us now is the [national] dialogue that is leading to the holding of elections on time. No postponement of the elections, whatsoever the case. I met with the EU ambassadors and all of the are supporting the dialogue initiative that [they believe] can lead to political reforms…." Lt. General Salah Al-Tayab, DDR Commissioner (page 5).

"Let us go and prepare a force to protect the elections. Secondly, if the peace talks are necessary let them take place after the elections, and the internal national dialogue can continue after we hold the elections. We will continue recruiting and splitting the field commanders, and win them to our side since we have all the information about the rebels. We have to sign more agreements and never sit with the rebels as a group or collectively," 1st Lt. Gen. Hashim Osman Al-Hisen, Director General of Police (page 15).

§§§ Sophistication of surveillance and intercept capabilities; the security services provide massive amounts of detailed intelligence on political enemies or potential enemies:

"We intercepted all the telephone calls coming from Saudi, Emirates and Egyptian intelligence, and some people from the political parties of the Sudan [in September 2013]. They were instructing people to go for demonstrations. They brought experts to administer the demonstrations. Since we were following the telephones we managed to arrest the real players and they confessed and disclosed all the details about the conspiracy and the name of officers assigned to supervise the demonstrations and the leadership in each country was receiving daily reports. That is why the Egyptians, Saudis and Emirates will fear when they discovered that, all the elements they sent were arrested by the security. On our side we did not disclose anything up to now, instead we want to use this file to blackmail them," 1st Lt. General Mohammed Atta Al-Mowlem, Director General N.I.S.S. (page 17).

"All the Embassies and Chanceries in Khartoum are infiltrated and our elements report to us who visited the Embassy and who went out from the Embassy staff and to where," Lt. General Al-Rashiid Fagiri, Director of Popular Security (page 8).

"Regarding the rebels, I, can say that we have managed to infiltrate their rank and file. We are following all their movements, chats, private affairs with women, the type of alcohol preferred or taken by each one, the imaginary talks when they get drank. We have ladies who are always in contact with them. The ladies managed to send to us their e-mails, telephone numbers, skypes, "whats-up’s" and all their means of communications. By that, we are now able to infiltrate them electronically. We are following all their activities and contacts with people inside the country," Lt. General Al-Rashiid Fagiri, Director of Popular Security (page 8).

§§§ The skill of which they boast in their "divide and conquer" tactics of the past 25 years:

"We are working to cause differences and divisions within the SRF [Sudan Revolutionary Front—ER] to weaken and destroy it. The same policy of divide and weaken will be applied to all the political forces in the north, like DUP [Democratic Unionist Party], Eastern Sudan, Umma party after we see Sadik [el-Mahdi] comes back. We bring him back using his own sons Abdal-Rahman and Bushra to convince him. We collected all the information about the SPLM-N cadres and working now to launch a psychological warfare campaign on them to see that they got divided like the SPLM in the South," Lt. General Al-Rashiid Fagiri, Director of Popular Security (page 7).

§§§ Racist attitudes towards the West, Western humanitarian efforts, and democratic ideals:

Mustapha Osman Ismail speaks of the uprising of all 2013 as "a political crisis created by the racist and tribal project of the New Sudan" (page 3).

"Let [the rebel forces] come to the battlefield. They are dreaming to rule Sudan. It is just a fuss that will fade away. The White People will never give you enough support or fight along with them. The greatest liars are White People; they are concerned about their own interest only," 1st Lt. General Abdal-Rahim Mohammed Hisen [Hussein], Minister [of] Defense (page 22).

[This is a conspicuous echo of a comment by President Omar al-Bashir made a year ago—ER]:

“If a white man brings you relief, don’t take it and whip him on his back." (Sudan Tribune, October 25, 2013).

§§§ And perhaps most tellingly, the failure to understand the economic disaster that these policies have created (see my recent analysis at the Enough Forum

"We are currently facing an acute economic crisis that need to be addressed in order to alleviate the suffering of our people, and look for alternatives that can enable us to control the market forces," Dr. Mustafa Osman Ismail, Political Secretary of the NCP (page 3).

While acknowledging the extent of the economic crisis, "Dr. Smile" hardly understands the difficulty of controlling market forces in a highly inflationary economy with no significant foreign exchange reserves (and thus very limited ability to import foods and other commodities), growing debt—already a staggering US$47 billion in external debt—and a rapidly depreciating currency. Even less comprehending, however, is the brutal and intellectually limited First Lt. General and Defense Minister Abdel Rahim Mohamed Hussein—ER]:

"The economic situation can be addressed and will improve due to the fact that our country have all the requirements needed for industrialization, Agriculture, basic infrastructure, oil and there is no hungry person. This is temporary; just days and they will pass. The military industries will cover all our needs in the armed forces." (page 23)

[Fantastically, Hussein claims there is not a single hungry person in Sudan despite reports from various UN and nongovernmental humanitarian organizations that Global Acute Malnutrition rates and Chronic Malnutrition rates are, especially for children under five, at crisis levels—ER]

One of the most remarkable features of the document is that these powerful men nowhere discuss in any detail the economic crisis that has already taken a terrible toll on Sudan’s people, and certainly make no proposals to deal with the inevitable consequences of ongoing crisis. Instead, there is a constant discussion of who has been paid off, which of the many small parties have received enough money to ensure their support in the elections, money for bribes, money for infiltrators, money for recruits into the armed forces—a constant patter of references to significant expenditures that are at once the political mainstay of the NCP/NIF regime, but also an enormous drain on national resources and one reason the fiscal budget gap cannot be closed. For of course none of these expenditures appear in the data the regime reports to the IMF—and the IMF asks no questions.

Looking forward

In-depth analyses of these various topics will for forthcoming, seriatim. The document is thirty pages and all the issues they raise deserve careful, detailed, analytic attention.

Below I have included the first two pages of the translation (one text is in exactly the format received, with no modification of any kind; the second has been slightly reformatted for clarity). I have also included .JPG files showing these first two pages of the Arabic original since they were photographed for purposes of confirmation (see below and All documents, in all formats, will be published in the coming days and weeks.


[Original formatting of translation:

In the name of God most gracious and most merciful

Restricted and Confidential

Date: 01/09/2014 Republic of Sudan

National Intelligence & Security Service

Central Security Corporation

Management of Military Activities

To: Lt. Gen. Osman Tajasir

The Managing Director of Central Security Corporation

Peace be on you,

Find enclosed:

1/ Joint Military and Security Committee Meeting held in National Defense College on 31/08/2014.

2/ Support Hamas Meeting held in Sudan Scientific Corporation Premises on 31/08/2014.

Maj. Gen. (Security): Abdal-Wahab Al-Rashiid



In the name of God most gracious and most merciful

Minutes of the Military and Security Committee Meeting held in the National Defense College

Sunday 31/08/ 2014

# 1st. Lt. Gen. Bakri Hasan Salih welcomed the attendance.

# Reading and analysis of the SRF. Statement 20 - 25/08/2014.

# Study of Paris Declaration signed by the SRF and Sadik Al-Mahdi on 18/08/2014.

# Activities report covering Sadik Al-Mahdi visits and meetings in Cairo, Arab Emirates and Addis-Ababa.

# Reports on Rebel Leaders activities, contacts and meetings.

The Agenda of the meeting:

1- Paris Declaration and SRF statement impact.

2- Radical and moderate trends in regards to Shite Belief activities in Sudan.

3- President Mbeke role and Sudanese issues.

4- Elections, National Dialogue and Peace Negotiations- The Priority.

5- New Sudan Project and its impact on the national security and economic activity.


1- 1st. Lt. Gen. Bakri Hasan Salih – 1st. Vice President of the Republic of Sudan

2- 1st. Lt. Gen. Abdal-Rahim Mohammed Hisen- Minister of Defence.

3- ,, ,, ,, . Mohammed Atta- Al- Mowla – Director General N.I.S.S.

4- ,, ,, ,, . Hashim Osman Al-Hisen- Director General of Police.

5- ,, ,, ,, . Hashim Abdalla Mohammed- Chief of Joint General Staff.

6- Lt. Gen. . Imadadiin Adawi - Chief of Joint Operations.

7- Professor. Ibrahim Ghandur - D/ Chairman of the N.C.P.

8- Lt. Gen. . Yahya Mohammed Kher - State Minister of Defense.

9- ,, ,, . Siddiig Aamir - Director General of M.I. and Security.

10- ,, ,, . Al-Rashiid Fagiri - Director of Popular Security.

11- ,, ,, . Abdalla Al-Jaili - PDF. General Co-ordinator.

12- ,, ,, . Abdal-Gadir Mohammed Zeen- National Service Co-ordinator.

13- ,, ,, . Salah Al- Tayib - DDR. Commissioner.

14- Dr. . Mustafa Osman Ismail - Political Secretary- NCP.


[Text reformatted for clarity:

In the name of God most gracious and most merciful

Restricted and Confidential

Date: 01/09/2014

Republic of Sudan

National Intelligence & Security Service

Central Security Corporation

Management of Military Activities

To: Lt. Gen. Osman Tajasir, Managing Director of Central Security Corporation

Peace be on you,

Find enclosed:

[1] Joint Military and Security Committee Meeting held in National Defense College on 31/08/2014.

[2] Support Hamas Meeting held in Sudan Scientific Corporation Premises on 31/08/2014 (This document did not accompany the first—ER]

Signed, Maj. Gen. (Security): Abdal-Wahab Al-Rashiid


In the name of God most gracious and most merciful

Minutes of the Military and Security Committee Meeting held in the National Defense College

Sunday 31/08/ 2014

• 1st Lt. Gen. Bakri Hasan Salih welcomed the attendance.

• Reading and analysis of the SRF Statement 20 – 25/08/2014 .

• Study of Paris Declaration signed by the SRF and Sadik Al-Mahdi on 18/08/2014.

• Activities report covering Sadik Al-Mahdi visits and meetings in Cairo, Arab Emirates and


• Reports on Rebel Leaders activities, contacts and meetings.

The Agenda of the meeting:

[1] Paris Declaration and SRF statement impact.

[2] Radical and moderate trends in regards to Shite Belief activities in Sudan.

[3] President Mbeke role and Sudanese issues.

[4] Elections, National Dialogue and Peace Negotiations- The Priority.

[5] New Sudan Project and its impact on the national security and economic activity.


[1] 1st Lt. Gen. Bakri Hasan Salih – 1st Vice President of the Republic of Sudan

[2] 1st Lt. Gen. Abdal-Rahim Mohammed Hisen – Minister of Defence.

[3] 1st Lt. Gen. Mohammed Atta Al-Mowla – Director General N.I.S.S.

[4] 1st Lt. Gen. Hashim Osman Al-Hisen – Director General of Police.

[5] 1st Lt. Gen. Hashim Abdalla Mohammed – Chief of Joint General Staff.

[6] Lt. Gen. Imadadiin Adaw – Chief of Joint Operations.

[7] Professor Ibrahim Ghandur – D/ Chairman of the N.C.P.

[8] Lt. Gen.Yahya Mohammed Kher – State Minister of Defense.

[9] Lt. Gen. Siddiig Aamir – Director General of M.I. and Security.

[10] Lt. Gen. Al-Rashiid Fagiri – Director of Popular Security.

[11] Lt. Gen. Abdalla Al-Jaili – PDF General Co-ordinator.

[12] Lt. Gen. Abdal-Gadir Mohammed Zeen – National Service Co-ordinator.

[13] Lt. Gen. Salah Al- Tayib – DDR Commissioner.

[14] Dr. Mustafa Osman Ismail – Political Secretary-NCP.

Eric Reeves’ book-length study of greater Sudan (Compromising With Evil: An archival history of greater Sudan, 2007 - 2012;; review commentary at:

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giovedì 25 settembre 2014


Sudan urges UNHRC to end mandate of independent expert

September 24, 2014 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese government has urged the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in Geneva to end the mandate of the independent expert.

It also rejected accusations made by NGOs and Western countries that it is responsible for committing serious violations of freedoms and human rights, particularly in the conflict-affected areas of Darfur, South Kordofan and Blue Nile.

But Sudanese sources involved in the meetings told Sudan Tribune that they expect the country to remain under Article 10 with a different mandate on providing assistance.

The government delegation claimed that some Western countries seek to place Sudan back under Article 4 on the grounds of a deterioration of human rights in the country.

The Undersecretary of Sudan’s Justice Ministry Esam Abdel-Qadir accused the European Union (EU) and rights groups that are hostile to Sudan of working in close coordination to condemn his country and discredit its positive work with UN organisations working in the field.

He spoke of efforts to refute report of the independent expert and allegations made against Sudan by other nations.

"The delegation has studied in depth the report of the independent expert and what can be responded to in terms of remarks," Abdel-Qadir said.

The remarks by delegates of Western countries and humanitarian agencies focused on aerial bombardments and government restrictions imposed on organisations causing a deterioration in the humanitarian situation of thousands of civilians in Sudan.

They also denounced the practices of the government towards civil society organisations, including shutting it down and restricting its activities.

The Arab and African bloc at the meetings on the other hand focused on positive efforts made by Sudan on national dialogue and inviting opponents to lay down their arms and seek peace.

The UNHRC independent expert for Sudan Mashood Adebayo Baderin presented his report to the council on Wednesday in which he strongly criticised Khartoum’s handling of protests which broke out in September of last year following the government decision to lift fuel subsidies.

Baderin noted the absence of any serious move towards an independent investigation into these events and urged Khartoum to conduct a public inquiry and independent investigation into the killings and abuses that have accompanied these demonstrations.

He also suggested forming a commission of inquiry headed by a retired judge and independent experts drawn from academia, civil society, forensic experts other relevant professional bodies in Sudan and candidates from the African Union and the Arab League.

The report recommended that the Sudanese government undertake accelerated and concrete actions to address human rights issues which included freedom of demonstrations and peaceful assembly, freedom of the press and expression, censorship on newspapers and the media, freedom of religion and belief and halting air strikes on civilians in South Kordofan and Darfur, the arbitrary arrest of political activists, and reaching a peaceful solution to the political crisis.

The expert also called for the abolition of the National Security Act of 2010 or reconciling it with the constitutional and international obligations in the field of human rights, ensuring the freedom of the press, stopping arbitrary arrests and detentions, ending censorship of the press and clamp down on civil society organisations, fully respecting the right of liberty and individual freedom.

He demanded that Sudan conduct a review of Article 126 of the Sudanese Criminal Law of 1991 regarding apostasy in line with its obligations in the field of human rights and international and constitutional freedom of religion and belief.

Baderin stressed in his remarks that followed those of the Sudanese Minister of Justice Mohamed Bushara Dousa, the existence of serious violations of human rights in Darfur, Blue Nile and South Kordofan, adding that most abuses in Sudan stem from wars. He did however, point to positive steps taken by Khartoum to address the human rights situation.

The United States representative in UNHCR Keith Harper said that his government is “greatly concerned by the escalation of violence and deterioration in the human rights situation in Sudan”.

“We remain troubled by widespread and credible reports of human rights violations and abuses and international humanitarian law violations perpetrated by the Government of Sudan and government-aligned groups. These include reports of ongoing indiscriminate aerial bombardment of civilian areas by Sudanese government forces in Blue Nile, Southern Kordofan, and Darfur, and reports of the government’s continued killing, torture, rape, arbitrary detention, and violent repression of its citizens. We are also concerned by the government’s continued restrictions on humanitarian access to Sudanese citizens in dire need,” Harper said.

Harper said they are also concerned with what Baderin mentioned on the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) infringement on “civil and political rights”.

“This includes the fatal shooting of a third-year university student during protests at Khartoum University. It includes attacks on peaceful protesters in September 2013 that resulted in many deaths, as well as the subsequent lack of a thorough and independent investigation” he said.

The US official also highlighted what he termed as Sudanese government’s violation of religious freedoms and beliefs and referred to the case of Meriam Ibrahim who was initially sentenced to death for apostasy and later released after appeal court overturned the verdict.

“The Government’s violations of the right to freedom of religion and belief, as evidenced by its allowing Meriam Ibrahim to be charged for apostasy earlier this year, are also troubling. We agree with the IE’s recommendation that the case highlights the need for appropriate human rights training for Sudanese judges,” Harper added.

He also criticised Khartoum’s “ongoing crackdown on dissent” saying that its actions include “targeting political leaders and youth activists, newspapers and journalists, students, civil society organisations, and protestors”.

But Sudan’s justice minister vehemently rejected those accusations and said in his speech before the Council that Sudan is committed to ensuring the freedoms and the preservation of human rights. He also denied aerial bombardment of civilians and accused rebels of attacking villages and towns and committing well documented abuses.

Dousa denied the existence of political prisoners and said that these detainees are currently serving sentences regarding criminal cases and stressed that there are no restrictions on NGO’s. He pointed that the number of organisations working in the country rose from 91 to 106.

He further rejected accusations by the independent expert of Khartoum dragging its feet in investigating the September 2013 protests and pointed out that the government has submitted to him a detailed report on measures undertaken with respect to those events.

He dismissed any indications of impunity stressing that the judicial system in Sudan is “established, independent and able to apply the law”.

Dousa also questioned the need for extending the mandate of the independent expert saying he has failed to render aid to Sudan as the international community also failed to lift sanctions and cancel debts or pressing rebels to stop violations and abuses.

"What is the use of the mandate imposed under article 10? Isn’t it fair to end the mandate and let Sudan like other states apply its laws?" he said.


mercoledì 24 settembre 2014

martedì 23 settembre 2014


It is me


Sudanese parliament denounces Egypt’s decision to appoint local administrator for Halayeb

________________________________________September 22, 2014 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese parliament has rejected Egypt’s decision to appoint a chairman for the local council in the disputed Halayeb area saying Sudan’s sensible dealing with the issue does not mean acceptance of the status quo.

The Halayeb triangle that overlooks the Red Sea has been a contentious issue between Egypt and Sudan since 1958, shortly after Sudan gained independence from British-Egyptian rule.

The area has been under Cairo’s full military control since the mid-1990’s following a Sudanese backed attempt on former Egyptian president Mohamed Hosni Mubarak’s life. Egypt brushed aside Sudan’s repeated calls for referring the dispute to international arbitration.

Last February, the Egyptian government issued a decree turning Halayeb into a city that encompasses the villages of Abu-Ramad and Ras-Hedreba.

The Egyptian minister of local development, Adil Habeeb, on Friday appointed a chairman for the local council in Halayeb city.

The head of the parliamentary subcommittee on Foreign Affairs, Security and Defense, Malik Hussein, said the Egyptian escalation of the issue and its decision to appoint a chairman for the local council of the area is unacceptable, underscoring that Halayeb is part of the Sudanese territory.

He emphasized that the dispute will be resolved through international laws, saying his country is keen to maintain strong ties with Egypt.

“But that neither means abandoning Halayeb nor implies silence on the issue”, he added.

Hussein stressed that Sudanese executive organs will undertake the necessary measures to respond to the Egyptian move.

The MP noted that the Egyptian move was likely a response to the recent decision of the Sudanese National Elections Commission (NEC) to include Halayeb in the geographical constituencies for the 2015 elections.

He called for maintaining calm towards any provocations from the Egyptian side, saying Halayeb issue is a legal and logical not a public opinion one.


sabato 20 settembre 2014

Caus in Sudan.

Forze della Janjaweed, split "Hmidta" e unisciti Musa Hilal: noi ingannato e non ci hanno fatto pagare i soldi li ha promesso,

2014/09/20 02:27

Abdulwahab Hemmat

Sviluppi di rilievo intervenuti dopo la firma di un memorandum d'intesa tra il Movimento Popolare per la Liberazione del Sudan, e il Consiglio Risveglio, guidata da Musa Hilal, e questi sviluppi avranno un poi e senza dubbio l'impatto sarà molto significativo e operazioni dirette prossima estate, con la consapevolezza che il regime di Khartoum dipende principalmente dalle truppe di supporto rapidi a forze Janjaweed , che sta assistendo in questi giorni un importante crollo e la fuga di massa nelle file dei campi da parte del sistema realizzato nei vari stati, come il Sud Kordofan e del Darfur, e negli ultimi due mesi, una grande forza di forze Janjaweed chiamato truppe per sostenere la rapida e consiste del popolo del Darfur a lasciare i siti di operazioni in Sud Kordofan , e sono andato e unito le forze Musa Hilal nel laid-back, è stato menzionato nelle loro dichiarazioni quando arrivarono nella zona del Nord Kordofan che sono stati ingannati da funzionari governativi e (Hmidta) non pagare loro il denaro che era stato promesso, come lui non ha prestato attenzione ai feriti e l'attenzione per il trattamento di loro e che feriti nel corso di operazioni militari, e che la forza del Janjaweed nella zona Daein, che era in fase di elaborazione da parte del sistema per le operazioni di prossima estate, ha effettuato una ribellione ampio e andò in un'altra zona e si (forze di deterrenza) chiamato piuttosto che truppe di supporto rapidamente, il che significa che può diventare la loro visione e le loro posizioni e finora non sapevano indicazioni, ma certamente Secondo le fonti, i romanzi arrabbiati di trattamento che ho trovato e il gran numero di menzogne e promesse che ho sentito da funzionari governativi e gli agenti del sistema.

Squadra Abdul Rahim Mohammed Hussein, ministro della Difesa è ora di fronte a una grande impasse storico a causa del suo piano per reclutare gruppi tribali sottoposti a grandi difficoltà. Mentre il sistema si basa principalmente alle elezioni del prossimo anno, che è un obiettivo strategico e il sistema principale per la loro realizzazione vittorie decisive all'inizio dell'estate prossima inizio del mese di ottobre.

Le fonti hanno confermato la dimensione preferita dei loro nomi si fronte a questi dilemmi ora incontri in corso IMAP include capo del regime del presidente Omar al-Bashir, e Abdul Rahim Mohammed Hussein per gestire questa situazione, che avrà gli effetti della politica e militare, pur essendo grandi discrepanze e differenze tra gli ufficiali appartenenti alle Forze e gli ufficiali dell'esercito appartenenti al apparato di sicurezza, in un momento in cui la sicurezza ha cercato di rafforzare la sua presa sulle forze di sostenere la rapida e metterlo in contrapposizione alle forze armate, e questi sviluppi a Atjry isolamento da sviluppi politici.

Le Forze Armate sono ormai sconvolto e lamentandosi delle truppe di supporto rapidamente perché ha vinto tutto suo, nonostante le pretese del regime che queste forze a sostegno delle Forze Armate, ma queste forze sono stati utilizzati in tre direzioni: prima inclinazione contro il RUF e la seconda tendenza contro le forze armate e la direzione della terza e ultima per dissuadere qualsiasi sollevazione popolare eruzione del previsto in qualsiasi momento all'interno del Sudan. Come è noto, le forze di sostenere la rapida assassinati tanti martiri della rivolta nel settembre del passato e la struttura di base di queste forze è il capo del regime di Omar al-Bashir e il suo ministro della Difesa, Abdul Rahim Mohamed Hussein.

Il presidente Bashir aveva ancora svelato che stavano andando ad utilizzare Plan B per reprimere le manifestazioni dello scorso anno, ha anche riferito che il giornale saudita Okaz che è il momento.

giovedì 11 settembre 2014

What does that mean???



Head of Darfur peacekeeping mission to quit

September 10, 2014 (KHARTOUM) – The head of the African Union-United Nations Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) and joint chief mediator, Mohamed Ibn Chambas, is leaving the hybrid operation, a report published in Khartoum said.

Al-Tayyar newspaper on Wednesday reported that Chambas had informed the UN secretary-general of his intention to stand down, adding that consultations are taking place between the UN and the African Union to replace him.

The source further said that Said Djinnit, an Algerian diplomat who serves since last July as UN special envoy for the Great Lakes region, is the best candidate to be appointed as new UNAMID chief.

Djinnit served as head of the UN office for West Africa (UNOWA). Also, he was the High-Level Representative of the Secretary-General to Nigeria, in support of efforts against Boko Haram.

Djinnit is also known in the African Union where he worked for long time in different positions. Among other roles, he was also appointed the first AU commissioner for peace and security.

African sources told Sudan Tribune about a week ago of Chambas’s intended departure from the joint mission. However, it was not clear why the Ghanaian diplomat decided to resign.

The UN chief launched an internal investigation in July after allegations that the UNAMID had been covering up crimes by Sudanese government militia against civilians in Darfur.

“These allegations cover a wide range of issues, including inaccurate reporting of the facts on the ground in Darfur, specific instances of failure to protect civilians and accusations of mismanagement of UNAMID,” said Ban in a statement issued on 2 July.

The UN chief asked that the internal review of UNAMID’s performance be completed within one month.

His move took place after a demand by the International Criminal Court (ICC) and several members of the UN Security Council (UNSC) to probe the accusations.

In a report published by the American magazine Foreign Policy in April, former UNAMID spokesperson Aicha El-Basri gave accounts of several incidents between August 2012 and the end of 2013 where the joint operation denied or ignored attacks carried out by Sudanese militia against civilians.

Chambas was appointed as the head of Darfur peacekeeping mission in December 2013. He is also tasked with the peace file and serves as a joint mediator.


mercoledì 10 settembre 2014



lunedì 8 settembre 2014

Skin whitening......MADNESS OF SUDANESE GIRLS.

Achieve «Sudanese girls are paying dearly for skin whitening» raises considerable controversy

09-08-2014 02:36 AM

Salahuddin Mustafa

Khartoum: investigation found the social published «Quds Al-Arabi» entitled «Sudanese girls are paying dearly for skin whitening» in its issue dated sixteenth of August / August to the reactions and wide among Sudanese deployed in countries around the world, and after being transferred and loaded «electronically site «Alrakubh» Sudanese Alshahyr- attributed to «Quds Al-Arabi» - received more topics read until today's date.

And increased the number of people who were briefed on the investigation of 70 thousand and the number of reader who commented on the subject of more than 130 and Almtdakhalon interaction is very large and this interaction go to many social networking sites, especially «Facebook».

The investigation began to explain the phenomenon and came in his introduction «change color from brown to white Following behind an imaginary scale of beauty, has become a phenomenon in the Sudanese society. Rather than bring this process has become pathetic admiration and ridicule, where you find the color of the face differs mostly color hands and legs. And spread small shops known colloquially as «as circumstances» and creams which are sold with a spoon, and the seriousness of this matter lies in not being able to see the expiration of the Holy or the type of companies producing »!

Demanded some overlapping discussion of this subject through experts Sociology and psychologists to fathom the phenomenon, and others demanded that discusses the cross parliament «Parliament» as reflecting the concerns of the task about the identity of the Sudanese people, and attributed the others it's after the political and the deterioration in the values which needed the pillars of life Sudanese.

Says Hanan Ibrahim Jack, a social activist and advocate for women's issues «are displayed represent stupid big and culture very shallow concept of beauty false and culture prevailing in our society Sudanese established for this dimension lean, which has impacted heavily on the composition of Sudanese women as a result of the concepts of surface reflected the extent to which women Sudan does not have the confidence boosters in aesthetic composition ».

And go tenderness that Sudanese women go after surface which represents the surface of seen her when she wants to work in a job, because the standards are detracting from its resources and the search for other skills, so it drifted violently in this dilemma, which caused a shake significant psychological in beauty standards Sudanese women ».

And concludes that women in our country have resorted to the beauty of unsafe and missed by a sense of catastrophic, to love all that is at risk and threatening the health and here a great disaster to be perceived by the conscious, and notes that all Titles at the level of thought and culture and awareness Astrkin in this matter, which it describes as dangerous. And wonder: for all of this? The answer: the man who came to be do not please him black and concludes by saying «what most egregious be the model for women of tools to be beautiful in front of the community to not respect her mind and existence of the female, but seen as the dimensions of the sensory and pay this price for her stupidity diseases can not escape them, unfortunately».

According to one Almtdakhalat as «light» The basic problem is the loss of identity, loss of self-confidence suffered by Sudanese women and racism that breastfeed for our daughters since childhood and demanding that there be another concept to think about the beauty Fbaad face is not everything, as she put it, she says,

Calamity in ignorance of the educated like doctors Vtgdan «Mfssokhat» face and were using henna dye where awareness if?

And hit a light into that Sudan TV is the first to lead the campaign of ignorance this displays announcers Whitawat only, and is of the view that this does not reflect the reality of the social fabric in this country and asks: «Why do not we find a broadcaster and one of western Sudan, for example, they do not they appear in TV Sudan, it does not matter who the officials competence, talent and mind, but are interested in the color white to compare with Arab television and, unfortunately, is complete ignorance of the Sudanese identity with the lack of health awareness, became the center of a high proportion of young women diseases such as kidney failure and skin cancers and other ».

Participates Abu All in the debate and says «you like Alhbashaat Matzat Blonhen and Bbldhen, despite the fact that their country did not provide them with something, our daughters Unity curse in the country and the people of the country and Ptstaml in creams Ahan bleaching spirit, I think that the project of civilization and channels Sudanese that do not allow only the quality of the announcers openers color or the users of bleaching creams and this is the reason ».

And admonishes from but I himself «Psodani» Starter investigation and says «was not successful to put this topic in the Arabic newspaper widespread, despite the fact that it is a reality, but it should shorten the scandal at newspapers where local not read Arabs Athmkon us and taunt us».

He says Abu owe «of the highlights of the consequences that resulted from the imposition of the Arab identity of Sudan to identify traits and characteristics of some of the concepts and aesthetic values humanity on the basis of the Arab identity, for example, features beautiful women in Sudan to be light in color