lunedì 31 marzo 2008

Love and kisses

No kisses .... niente bacio
Kisses are not known in Sudan for lovers and also love is supressed to be prohibted that even less i Japan because the Japanese they do not kiss but love is not supressed like Sudan..... my Rika leaves to day I can not kiss her but I can just have to bend my self to the front to tell her also good buy have a nice trip....

Ne in Giappone o Sudan due paese che non si bacia per amore specialmente in Sudan l'amore soffocato ed essere contro la legge del sharia Islamica per coè donne sono da una parte uomini dell altra parte seperati....biglietini tra innamorati viaggiano tramite bambini di età tenera tra 7-8 anni perche solo loro possonao frequentare sia il salotto delle donne e quello del uomini....ore ci sono le sms e cosi piu facile ma i baci le donne Sudanese non lo praticano.....mi recordo con la mia prima ragazza Italiana era un calvario lo ho detto che non so baciare ma mi ha detto un ragazzo di 23 anni e non sa baciare non ci credi ma stato cosi .. ho detto SAIUNARA a Rika con grande inchino ... un amore aplatonico niente sesso ne baci ne abraci .... ma E AMORE E FORTE............................................AZIMOF

mercoledì 26 marzo 2008


Waw andando per strada non immagine che incontrare .... ma meglio la fortuna che un appuntamento con una ragazza ... sapete ho incontrato Rikako waw un saluto e siamo chiesti intrambi dove e cosa fasciamo e bellissimssimo siamo fatti tra sorisi e lei era con occiale ma bellissima come sembere mi ha fatto imparare (NAT SU MI) BOUNA GIORNATA

venerdì 21 marzo 2008

Boune Feste .... Happy eastern


A tutti amici o passanti a questo blog.........................................azimof

Have a nice eastern, for all friends of this blog or readers.

giovedì 20 marzo 2008

martedì 18 marzo 2008

Dr. Khalil Ibrahim chiede conferenza di pace.

خليل ابراهيم: نريد التفاوض مع الخرطوم على انفراد
 خليل  ابراهيم  زعيم  حركة  العدل  والمساواة،  وهي  مجموعة  متمردة  رئيسية  في  دارفور، "نريد  مفاوضات  سلام  على  انفراد  بين  حركة  العدل  والمساواة  والحكومة  (...)  لانه  ليس  هناك  في  الواقع  منظمات  اخرى  على  الارض".
      ولا  يزال  الاتحاد  الافريقي  والامم  المتحدة  يسعيان  لتشجيع  استئناف  محادثات  السلام  بين  حكومة  الخرطوم  والمتمردين  في  دارفور  والتي  بدات  في  نهاية  تشرين  الاول/اكتوبر  في  ليبيا  ولكنها  توقفت  بسبب  رفض  مجموعات  مثل  حركة  العدل  والمساواة،  المشاركة  فيها.

      واكد  خليل  ابراهيم  ان  مجموعته  تريد  "اجراء  تصحيحات  داخل  وساطة  الاتحاد  الافريقي  والامم  المتحدة".

      واضاف  "نريد  رئيسا  واحدا.  نقترح  اسم  (الامين  العام  السابق  للامم  المتحدة)  كوفي  انان  الذي  نعتبره  شخصا  مناسبا  لترؤس  هذه  المفاوضات  باسم  الاتحاد  الافريقي  والامم  المتحدة".

      وقال  ابراهيم  "نريد  التوصل  الى  حل  دائم  لكل  السودان،  وليس  فقط  لدارفور.  وهذا  يعني  ان  تفويض  الوسيط  يجب  ان  يكون  موسعا.  ينبغي  ان  لا  ينحصر  بدارفور  فقط.  ان  هذا  الامر  مهم".

      وادى  النزاع  في  دارفور  وتداعياته  الى  مقتل  نحو  200  الف  شخص  في  غضون  خمسة  اعوام  ونزوح  نحو  2،2  مليون  اخرين  من  اصل  ستة  ملايين  نسمة،  بحسب  منظمات  دولية.

      لكن  الخرطوم  ترفض  هذه  الارقام  وتتحدث  عن  تسعة  الاف  قتيل  فقط.

lunedì 17 marzo 2008

venerdì 14 marzo 2008

Tern to the east......amo l'estremo oriente

Ho ceduto a una ragazza bella Giapponese ma molto educata e cosi sono inamorato amore aplatonico con brividi notturni febre di mattina e sogni tra alberi e fiore....non so come fare quando lo ho detto mi ha consolato solo ho detto una buggia sul mia età cosi lei arrabio e non mi scrive ora più.......
What brings splendoure in the grass the growing flower we will not greave for ever

lunedì 10 marzo 2008

RASHA The sudanese singer

Rasha's music not only displays the link between the two most significant movements in the music of Sudan, the Nubian musical tradition of the Islamic influenced north and the black African influence of the south. Rasha's repertoire includes elements of popular styles like reggae or relaxed Afro-Cuban rhythms (one catchy earwig is Azara Al Hay) as well as authentic Sudanese wedding songs and lullabies or even Sufi meditations usually sung by men only.
27 year old, Rasha's immense knowledge of her country's rich cultural inheritance and her obvious talent as composer and bandleader turns Sudaniyat into the most magnetising and diversified image of the musical scope the Sudan has to offer to an open-minded audience. Predominantly defined by means of Oud and percussion, partially backed up by guitar and bass or even accompanied by the full force of a Sudanese big band with accordion, violins and saxophone's, the 10 tracks on this album carry the listener away on a magical mystery tour through a colourful scintillating bazaar of exotic and fascinating sensations.

La sal de la vida, three singers- Uxía, María Salgado and Rasha, seek to celebrate the possibility of grouping together very different ways of coming close to singing and celebrate mutual understanding and the complicity of musicians and performers as intrinsic forms of popular expression.

Thus, la sal de la vida is a vital chant to diversity: Sudanese singer Rasha, who also plays derbuka, ponderosa and maracas on this CD, brings some Arabian spice. Her first CD entitled Sudaniyat is absolutely gorgeous, wrote folk roots.

Uxía is the foremost female singer from Galicia. Both have hit Top Ten positions in the European World Music charts with their respective releases on Intuition Nubenegra.

Castilian María Salgado shows a natural inclination for two way chants, guajiras, peteneras and habaneras especially, as well as for boleros and fados.

The flamenco guitar of Xesús Pimentel from Galicia serves as an integrating element.

The material performed by the female trio and Pimentel includes mainly traditionals, some of them dating back to the 13th century.

The moment that sax blows you know you are in for a treat, and when you hear Rasha's silky voice (Billie Holiday's vulnerable delicacy wih Cassandra Wilson's soulful warmth) you want to hear it again and again. Rasha a young Sudanese woman who lives in Spain, captivated international audiences with her 1998 debut, Sudaniyat, in which her gorgeous voice graced an artful blend of traditional Sudanese music, jazz and reggae.

Ed Ashcroft

Questa ragazza veramente brava e coragiosa .....brava Rasha.........................azim