sabato 26 aprile 2014

Salam ya wattani al slam.....Peace.

عرمان: الشقة لا زالت بعيدة بين الوفدين..وفد الخرطوم قال إنه سيوافق على اتفاق (نافع - عقار) كمرجعية.

04-25-2014 09:33 PM

قال رئيس وفد الحركة الشعبية لمفاوضات أديس أبابا، ياسر عرمان، إن الشقة بين وفدهم ووفد الحكومة السودانية لا زالت بعيدة، مشيراً إلى أن وفد الخرطوم قال إنه سيوافق على اتفاق (نافع - عقار) كمرجعية.

وقال عرمان في تصريحات عقب لقاء الوفدين بفريق الوساطة، إن الوساطة تقدمت بمقترحات نعتبرها محاولة جيدة، وأضاف "لكن لم يحدث اختراق رسمي حتى الآن، وأن الشقة بين الطرفين واسعة، بسبب تهرب وفد الحكومة من قضية الحوار القومي الدستوري."

وأشار لوجود رغبة في تكوين لجان مشتركة لمناقشة القضايا، منوهاً إلى أن ذلك يحتاج إلى اتفاق إطاري أولاً ليكون قاعدة للجان.

وبشأن القضايا الأمنية والإنسانية قال عرمان، إن اتفاق سويسرا لم يجد طريقه للقبول من الطرف الآخر، مشيراً إلى أن اتفاق الترتيبات الأمنية وضعت له مرجعيات، وقال إن الحكومة قالت إنها ستوافق باتفاقية (نافع ـ عقار) كمرجعية.

شبكة الشروق

giovedì 24 aprile 2014

Sudan to where we are going backward!??

لمجالس الآباء..( إن وُجدت)

04-24-2014 07:03 AM

الطاهر ساتي

** السادة بوزارة التربية والتعليم لم يعرضوا للرأي العام توصيات مؤتمرات التعليم لشئ في نفوسهم..ولكن، نعلم أن نقاش وأراء خبراء التربية والتعليم بمؤتمرات كنانة والخرطوم رفض السلم التعليمي المقترح ( 9 / 3)، أي رفضوا إضافة الفصل التاسع بمرحلة الأساس..إقترح البعض إضافة هذا الفصل بالمرحلة الثانوية، بحيث يكون السلم التعليمي ( 8/4)، واقترح البعض الآخر أعادة المرحلة المتوسطة والعودة الى السلم الموؤود ( 6/ 3/ 3)..هكذا كانت آراء خبراء التربية والتعليم بمؤتمري ( الخرطوم وكنانة)..!!

:: ولكن السلطات، ممثلة في وزارة التربية والتعليم، تضرب بآراء الخبراء عرض الحائط، وتسعى إلى فرض السلم غير التربوي (9/ 3)، وهذا ما جاء على لسان وزير التربية والتعليم يوم الإثنين الفائت بعد لقائها برئيس الجمهورية، بحيث أكدت بأن العام الدراسي القادم سوف يشهد إضافة الفصل التاسع لمرحلة الأساس..مؤتمرات التعليم لم تقرر ذلك، ونأمل ألا تنسب وزارة التربية هذه الكارثة المرتقبة لخبراء التربية والتعليم، وبالتأكيد تكون قد نسبتها لهم حين قدمتها لرئاسة الجمهورية..ولذلك، على يجب على الخبراء والعلماء الذين حضروا المؤتمرين أن يخرجوا للناس والصحف - عاجلاً، أي قبل وقوع الفأس على الرأس - لإبراء الذمة وإخلاء طرفهم من مقترح ( الفصل التاسع)..!!

:: و بالمناسبة، حتى وزارة التربية ذاتها تشعر بمخاطر الفصل التاسع، ولكن تتمسك به لعجزها عن الصرف على التعليم بتشييد مدارس المتوسطة وتدريب أساتذتها وإعادتها إلى السلم التعليمي كما كانت..نعم، فلتعلم مجالس الأباء و أولياء الأمور بأن فكرة الفصل التاسع - المسماة بسنة تاسعة أساس - غطاء غير تربوي مراد به تغطية عجز الولايات عن تصحيح خطأ تصرفها ببيع - أو بتحويل غرض - مباني المدارس..نعم، بمجرد إلغاء المرحلة المتوسطة، لقد باع بعض الولاة المدارس ( كأراضي إستثمارية)، ثم حول البعض الآخر غرض المدارس إلى غير التعليم ( مكاتب حكومية)، وما ولدت فكرة الفصل التاسع إلا لتغطية هذا النهج غير المسؤول، أي ليدفع المجتمع الثمن..لماذا؟ وإلى متى يدفع المجتمع ثمن (أخطاء الولاة)..؟؟

:: ولتمرير مقترح الفصل التاسع - على نواب البرلمان والمجالس التشريعية - تتحدث وزارة التربية عن أسوار سوف تبنى في فناء المدرسة وبين الفصول، بحيث تفصل بعض الفصول عن الأخرى، وكذلك تتحدث عن تعيين وكيلين بكل مدرسة، وكل هذا محاولة لإقناع النواب والرأي العام بقبول فكرة حشد الأطفال والصبيان في حيشان المدارس بمظان ( هكذا التربية)..إن كانت بين فصول المدرسة أسوار، وكذلك بكل مدرسة وكيلين، فلماذا لا يكون الفصل نهائياً وجذرياً بحيث تعود مرحلة الأساس كما كانت (ست سنوات)، وتعود المرحلة المتوسطة كما كانت (ثلاث سنوات) ..؟..فصل فصول مدرسة بسور - ولو بارتفاع سور برلين- ليس حلاً لهذه القضية، بل هو دمج لتلاميذ مرحلتي الأساس والمتوسطة بمختلف أعمارهم الطفولية والصبيانية في (مدرسة واحدة)، وهذا لايليق تربوياً وتعليمياً..!!

:: وعليه، على وزارة التربية عدم تغطية خطأ بيع المدارس - بعد إلغاء المرحلة المتوسطة- بمثل هذا الغطاء..نعم، فالكل يعترف بخطأ السلم التعليمي الراهن، والكل يتمنى العودة إلى السلم المؤود (6/ 3/3)، ولكن للأسف (مافي مدارس)..وإزالة المرحلة المتوسطة ومدارسها ليست مسؤولية وزارة التربية فقط لتعالج الخطأ بالخطيئة ( 9/ 3)، بل ما حدث لهذه المرحلة التعليمية والتربوية المهمة مسؤولية الحكومة بكل أجهزتها التشريعية والتنفيذية.. ولذلك، على وزارة التربية تقديم مقترح مهني، أي تربوي وتعليمي، ليكون السلم (تربويا وتعليمياً)، ( 4/4/4) أو ( 6/3/3)، كما المتبع كل دول الدنيا والعالمين..هذا، وعلى نواب البرلمان والمجالس التشريعية ومجالس الأباء ومنظمات المجتمع المدني التطرف في رفض ( الفصل التاسع)..!!



mercoledì 23 aprile 2014

Starting peace talks.

Sudanese government and SPLM-N resume peace talks in Addis Ababa

April 22, 2014 (KHARTOUM) - Peace talks between the Sudanese government and the rebel Sudanese People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) have resumed in Addis Ababa on Tuesday in a new bid to end the nearly three year conflict in South Kordofan and Blue Nile states.

Last March, the African Union High Implementation Panel (AUHIP) chief Thabo Mbeki suspended the talks after failing to bridge the positions of the parties on the agenda of the negotiations. He pointed out that the SPLM-N did not accept a draft framework agreement he had proposed.

However, the African Union Peace and Security Council reiterated its support to his mediation and requested the panel to broker a peace deal before the end of April.

The AUHIP in a short twit on Tuesday confirmed the resumption of talks as scheduled. Also sources from the venue of the peace process in Addis Ababa told Sudan Tribune the mediation, on the first day of negotiations, received both parties’ position on the contentious issues.

It further pointed that the two sides expressed readiness to engage in direct talks.

The head of the government negotiating team, Ibrahim Ghandour, and the head of the SPLM-N negotiating team, Yasir Arman, held a closed meeting which continued until late at night. Also, they are expected to meet again on Wednesday in presence of the chief mediator Thabo Mbeki.

Before Tuesday’s meeting, Mbeki requested the heads of the two delegations to sit together in order to narrow the gaps and to identify their disagreements regarding the draft framework agreement he had proposed on 18 February before to suspend the discussions.

Mbeki, Sudan Tribune has learnt, reiterated to the two parties the need to make a breakthrough and reach a cessation of hostilities enabling the start of humanitarian operation to deliver aid to the affected civilians, particularly in the rebel held areas.

The government, in its position paper, focused on the need to declare a comprehensive ceasefire, but stressed that it should not be only for humanitarian purpose. Khartoum further demands to adhere to the tripartite initiative as a mechanism for delivering of relief supplies.

The government also rejects engagement in a bilateral political partnership with the SPLM-N apart from the other political parties, as it was previously agreed in the 28 June framework agreement with regard to the democratic transition process.

Khartoum argues that the national dialogue process which aims to involve all the political forces should not be hampered by such clause.

In an extraordinary meeting held from 31 March to 3 April, the SPLM-N leadership that reiterated is rejection for partial solutions, and saying they stick to the comprehensive solution as the only option.

SPLM-N secretary general and head it its negotiating team, told reporters on Tuesday they want a comprehensive solution and stressed that the conflict in Blue Nile and South Kordofan states should be resolved within this national framework.

The conflict of the Two Areas "cannot be separated from the issue of Sudan. the Movement’s leadership has confirmed this position in its the last meeting in the Nuba Mountains," Arman said.

He further reiterated the SPLM-N willingness to immediately stop hostilities, asking Khartoum to allow aid groups to deliver humanitarian assistance to affected civilians in all the war zone areas in Blue Nile and South Kordofan, but also in Darfur region and North Kordofan state.

The rebel leader further said that the current conditions created by the recent vague of militia attacks on civilians in Darfur and the Two Areas are less favorable for dialogue with the regime.

The deputy chairman of the government negotiating team, Omer Suleiman, had said in statements in Khartoum prior to leaving for Addis Ababa they will extend the invitation of president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir for the national dialogue to the SPLM-N.

The rebel alliance of the Susan Revolutionary Forces (SRF) which includes the SPLM-N rejected Bashir’s call for dialogue and demanded the government to hold direct talks with them to negotiate a cessation of hostilities and open humanitarian access to civilians in the rebel areas.

Suleiman said the government delegation for the peace talks on the Two Areas is comprised of 6 political parties, underscoring the government’s seriousness to achieve peace.

“We would go to negotiations with full powers and will to discuss the major issues”, he added.

He pointed their delegation would negotiate on three tracks including the security, humanitarian, and political track, saying reaching agreement on the security track will lead to a ceasefire which allows aid groups to deliver food, drugs, and medical and humanitarian services to the affected population.

Sudan’s commissioner of humanitarian aid and member of the negotiating team, Suleiman Abdel-Rahman, said the delegation is fully authorised to negotiate a comprehensive solution, adding they are ready to reach humanitarian deal within the framework of the comprehensive solution.


sabato 19 aprile 2014

Devided or United ?!!!

Unity of Sudan or we have to be divided.

نحن ما ندمانين ..شاهد فيديو البشير متحدثاً عن الاتصالات السرية سعياً لعودة الجنوب للشمال

04-19-2014 07:32 AM

الخرطوم جوبا - كشف عمر البشير عن"اتصالات سرية قام بها عدد من القيادات من دولة جنوب السودان بمختلف اتجاهاتهم عبروا فيها عن ندمهم لوقوع الانفصال وطالبوا بعودة الوحدة مرة اخرى بين دولتي السودان" . وأشار الرئيس البشير خلال مخاطبته الليلة الماضية لفعاليات الرعاة والزراع بالولايات الى" انه تلقى عددا من الاعتذارات من قوى دولية عملت على فصل الجنوب بغية تدمير الشمال تطالب بإعادة النظر في انفصال الجنوب والعمل على اعادة الوحدة بين دولتي السودان وجنوب السودان: ..وقال " ان هذا الامر حتى ولو تم قبوله يتطلب قرارا من الشعب السوداني بشأنه عن طريق الاستفتاء الشعبي الذي تصبح قراراته ملزمة".


Surprize of Bashir talks about reunite of the South and North .

جوبا مندهشة ومستغربة من تصريحات البشير : إمكانية وحدة البلدين مرة أخرى أمر بعيد المنال و رابع المستحيلات.

شعبنا صوت بأكثر من 99 % للاستقلال، فكيف يستقيم أن تعود الوحدة باستفتاء الشعب السوداني؟

04-19-2014 06:51 AM

نيروبي: مصطفى سري

عبرت جمهورية جنوب السودان عن دهشتها لتصريحات الرئيس السوداني عمر البشير التي كشف فيها عن جهات دولية، لم يسمها، اعتذرت لحكومته لأنها عملت من أجل فصل الجنوب بغية تدمير الشمال، وأن هذه القوى طالبته بالعمل على إعادة الوحدة بين الدولتين، وعد مسؤول رفيع في جوبا أن طرح فكرة وحدة البلدين مستحيل وبعيد المنال، كاشفا عن بعض العناصر في حركة التمرد بقيادة نائب الرئيس السابق رياك مشار لديها ميول نحو الخرطوم، ولذلك فإنها طلبت الدعم العسكري من السودان، فيما تجدد تبادل الاتهامات بين الخرطوم وجوبا حول دعم متمردي البلد ضد الآخر، في وقت أدانت فيه الولايات المتحدة الأميركية هجوما استهدف قاعدة للأمم المتحدة في مدينة «بور» عاصمة ولاية جونقلي (شرق البلاد) تؤوي نحو خمسة آلاف مدني نازح.

وقال وزير الإعلام في جمهورية جنوب السودان المتحدث الرسمي للحكومة مايكل مكواي لـ«الشرق الأوسط» إن تصريحات الرئيس السوداني عمر البشير أن قوى دولية طلبت منه إعادة وحدة السودان وجنوب السودان لم توضح تلك الجهات حتى يتعرف عليها الناس، وأضاف: «إذا كانت هناك عناصر ترى أن هناك إمكانية لوحدة البلدين مرة أخرى فهذا أمر بعيد المنال بل من رابع المستحيلات». وتابع: «يبدو أن البشير لم يكن مقتنعا بطلب الجهات الدولية التي ذكرها وإلا فلماذا أعلن ذلك الآن؟». وأضاف: «قرار استقلالنا يعود إلى شعبنا الذي صوت بأكثر من 99 في المائة، فكيف يستقيم أن تعود الوحدة باستفتاء الشعب السوداني؟». لكنه عاد وقال: «بعض عناصر من المتمردين مع رياك مشار لديها ميول بعودة جنوب السودان إلى السودان، بل هي من طلبت الدعم والإعانة من الخرطوم». وأضاف: «نحن حتى الآن لم نقدم أي اتهامات حتى الآن ضد الحكومة السودانية ولا نريد الخوض في ذلك»، مشيرا إلى القوات التي دخلت مع المتمردين في مدينة «بانتيو» عاصمة ولاية الوحدة الثلاثاء الماضي جاءت من دولة السودان، وقال: «هذه القوات معروفة دخلت بانتيو وارتكبت المجازر البشعة ضد المدنيين في المسجد والمستشفى وأمام قوات بعثة حفظ السلام الدولية ثم عادت تلك القوات إلى الأراضي السودانية».

الشرق الاوسط

venerdì 18 aprile 2014

Could that be real?

Sudan Unity asked by those who before wanted secession.

Bashir: international powers apologized and asked to reconsider the secession of the south and work to restore unity. Had it been accepted, but will not be a referendum the people of Sudan.

If the organization did not cause fragmentation of the country ..

04-18-2014 07:17 AM

Khartoum, (SUNA) Detection Field Marshal Omar Al-Bashir President of the Republic National Congress leader from Sudan received apologies from international powers has worked for the separation of the south in order to destroy the North if it is now demanding a review of the secession of the south and work on reunification between Sudan and South Sudan. He added that it was accepted, even though the people of the Sudan requires a referendum to decide it.

He said sovereignty Addressing the closing session of the Forum's fourth Trustees farmers and herders States and the Advisory Council of the Municipality on Thursday evening in Dar police peppery that what Sudan faces challenges requires providing young leaders to lead the state and the party at various levels through selection directly from the rules away from the lists Ready or cooked, which does not reflect majority opinion.

He said al-Bashir serious program of comprehensive reform put forward by the party at the level of the party and the involvement of all political forces and reform the government body said on the whole to begin reform of the base to push new leadership like through conferences party building to bear the responsibility of the state, which is under orders International, and the addition of the president of Sudan is not afraid of the blockade He (the enemies of the homeland puzzled after dismissing the south to the north and the destruction is not for any other reason, and now they come and say we did not hear your words Gltanin We Ndmanin, and let's unite). He said (we state list and in order to join us for another part must Nsfy Sudanese people to take his mind that if we are convinced).

He noted that al-Bashir to face hostility and Altamraforeigy requires that transcend all differences and tribal conflicts through dialogue and regional calling in this regard to renounce tribal conflicts, which kills young people and overcome their differences through dialogue

giovedì 17 aprile 2014

Bantio civil war.



30 people killed following clashes at UN base in Jonglei: reports

April 17, 2014 (JUBA) – At least 30 people were killed in Jonglei state capital Bor on Thursday during clashes between local youth demonstrators and peacekeepers from the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), medical sources told Sudan Tribune.

The clashes occurred about 9:30am (local time) when armed youth from Bor town opened fire on the UN compound where thousands of people displaced by ongoing violence in the country (IDPs) are currently sheltering.

UNMISS health worker William Oyual said 20 people were killed when armed local youths forced their way into the compound.

Bior Kuer, who works at Bor civil hospital, said another two people died at the health facility from wounds suffered during the fighting.

According to Kuer, 14 others were wounded, with three in critical condition.

UNMISS confirmed the fighting through spokesman Joe Conteras in Juba, but has yet to provide further details.

The UN base housing an Indian contingent of peacekeepers was overrun by the youths. who opened fire indiscriminately, killing an as yet unconfirmed number of people, including women and children.

It is not yet clear what provoked the attack on the IDPs, predominantly from the Nuer ethnic group, of which former vice president turned rebel leader Riek Machar hails.

Conflicting reports suggest the incident was triggered by the recent capture of Unity state capital Bentiu by rebel forces aligned with

Sources say youth from the Dinka Bor tribe went to the UNMISS base to deliver a memo of protest demanding IDPs be relocated from the area after they were angered by celebrations inside the compound on Wednesday of Bentiu’s capture.

The South Sudan army’s (SPLA) director of information and public relations, Brig. Gen Maluak Ayuen, said the incident in Bor occurred after civil society representatives delivered a memo against Machar supporters in the UNMISS compound.

He confirmed the death of four civilians, adding that the final death toll is not yet known.

Meanwhile, Machar’s spokesperson, James Gatdet Dak, condemned the killing of IDPs “in the strongest terms possible”.

“Many survivors I spoke to confirmed to me that many people were killed and the base was deserted. Some of the survivors had to run to the bushes, while others made it to the other official camps of the Korean [peacekeeping] contingents,” he said.

Dak was also unable to confirm the death toll, but said eyewitnesses had described large numbers of dead bodies lying on the ground.

Officials from the Jonglei state government refused to comment when contacted by Sudan Tribune.

The incident in Jonglei delivers another blow to a ceasefire agreement signed between the South Sudanese government and rebel forces in January.

Bentiu, which has changed hands several times since conflict erupted across the country in mid-December, was recaptured on Monday by rebels, reportedly aided by Sudan’s feared Janjaweed Arab militia group.

The SPLA also claims South Sudanese rebels are receiving training inside Sudanese territory.

Both the rebels and the Sudanese army (SAF) have denied the claims.


هر | رقص بنات جنوب السودان

mercoledì 16 aprile 2014

Rebbels attack.

سيطروا على مدينة بانتيو وطالبوا بإغلاق الحقول النفطية ..قوات مشار : على العاملين بشركات النفط حزم أمتعتهم والرحيل.

قالوا : إعادة السيطرة على بنتيو تمثل المرحلة الأولى لتحرير حقول النفط من قوات الإبادة

04-16-2014 07:03 AM

(رويترز) – أعلن المتمردون في جنوب السودان يوم الثلاثاء سيطرتهم على مدينة بنتيو عاصمة ولاية الوحدة المنتجة للنفط وطلبوا من العاملين بشركات النفط حزم أمتعتهم والرحيل في غضون أسبوع.

وقتل آلاف الأشخاص وشرد أكثر من مليون منذ اندلاع القتال في جنوب السودان في منتصف ديسمبر كانون الأول نتيجة صراع على السلطة بين الرئيس سلفا كير ونائبه السابق ريك مشار.

وقال المتحدث باسم المتمردين لول روي كوانج في بيان “إعادة السيطرة على بنتيو تمثل المرحلة الأولى لتحرير حقول النفط من قوات الإبادة التابعة لكير والمعادية للديمقراطية.”

وحث كل شركات النفط العاملة في المناطق الخاضعة للحكومة بوقف عملياتهم واجلاء موظفيهم خلال اسبوع. وقال “إن شركات النفط ستواجه احتمال وقف أنشطتها النفطية بالقوة إضافة إلى تعريض سلامة موظفيها للخطر في حالة عدم انصياعها لهذا الطلب.”

وقال مسؤول بوزارة النفط لرويترز شريطة عدم الكشف عن اسمه إن ثلاثة من عمال النفط الروس أصيبوا في هجوم للمتمردين أمس على منشأة تكرير شيدت حديثا في بنتيو.

وأكد المتحدث باسم الجيش فيليب أقوير وقوع قتال في ولاية الوحدة لكن ليس لديه تقرير واف بشأن ما حدث.

وقال أقوير “اندلع قتال خطير في (ولاية) الوحدة اليوم - الثلاثاء . لا تزال قوات الجيش الشعبي لتحرير السودان (الحكومية) على الأرض لكننا ما زلنا ننتظر تقريرا وافيا عن الأحداث هناك بشكل محدد.”

وأدت الحرب الأهلية في جنوب السودان إلى حدوث أزمة إنسانية في الدولة التي استقلت عن السودان عام 2011 لكنها دخلت في اضطرابات منذ ذلك الحين.

وتسبب الصراع أيضا في وقف إنتاج النفط الذي يمثل نسبة كبيرة من إيرادات الدولة

martedì 15 aprile 2014

The last of the class.



Sudan ranks at bottom end of latest UN development index

March 18, 2013 (KHARTOUM) – Sudan languished at the lower end of the latest Human Development Index (HDI) published recently by the United Nations, ranking 171 out of 187 countries included world-wide.

While the ranking puts Sudan above 16 other mainly African nations, Sudan’s HDI of 0.414 is still below the average of 0.466 for countries with the lowest levels of human development.

Sudan also ranked behind other Arab countries with similar population size, including Yemen and Djibouti, at 160 and 164 respectively.

The figures were published as part of the 2013 Human Development Report – The Rise of the South: Human Progress in a Diverse World – which was launched in Mexico City on 14 March by UNDP administrator Helen Clark and Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto.

The HDI is a composite index using mortality rates, education and income to measure achievement within three basic dimensions of human development, including a long and healthy life, attainment of knowledge and a decent standard of living.

In recognition of the disparities in global development, nations are classified in four human development groups: very high, high, medium and low.

According to the figures given for Sudan and used to assess its ranking, average life expectancy stands at 68.1 years, compared to 59.1 for low-HDI countries. The expected and mean years of schooling is 4.5 and 3.1 respectively in comparison to the 8.5 and 4.2 average for lower end countries, while the average annual income is $1,848 in comparison to $1,633 for those in the same bracket.

In terms of annual HDI gains, Sudan still ranked behind war-torn countries such as Afghanistan, Liberia, Mali and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), who have all made significant recent progress in school attendance, life expectancy and per capita income growth, despite being at the bottom end of the overall index scale.

Eritrea rank “dismal”

Eritrea was the lowest ranked of the Horn of Africa countries at 181. Responding to the UN report on its website, independent Eritrean news platform Awate said Eritrea’s human development index of 0.351 is “dismal” even by the standards of the low human development countries.

It said the ranking made a mockery out of claims by the country’s secretive regime that it was focused on improving the quality of life.

“The most reliable report on Eritreans quality of life is the UN’s Human Development Report and Eritreans quality of life is either stuck or regressing. So, Eritreans now find themselves in the unenviable situation where they have no human rights, no civil liberties and no improvement in their quality of life to use as a consolation prize”, Awate said.

While Sub-Saharan Africa still has the lowest average national HDI, it continues to experience higher than average levels of development. Out of 14 countries in the world that recorded HDI gains of more than 2 percent annually since 2000, 11 are in this region, with Ethiopia and Uganda among the best performers ranked at 173 and 161 overall respectively.

Countries were divided into six distinct geographical regions as part of the report, with Sudan among 20 nations and territories grouped as part of the Arab states.

The grouping includes a number of countries ranked in the very high (Qatar and United Arab Emirates) to high (Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Lebanon, Oman, Algeria and Tunisia) end of human development, reflecting the often extreme internal inequalities within both wealthy and poorer countries in the region.

The Arab states region has both the highest rate of unemployment and the lowest labour force participation rate, especially for women, with the report warning that failure to accelerate job growth could further exacerbate social and economic tensions in the region, which flared in 2011.

It said misguided austerity policies, lack of equity and shortfalls in political participation may also lead to further instability, undermining development gains in other areas across the region.

Assessing gender equality

For the first time, the latest report also includes two experimental indices, the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) and the Gender Inequality Index (GII).

The GII is designed to measure gender inequalities according to national data on reproductive health, women’s empowerment and labour market participation.

While the report’s research showed educating women through adulthood is the closest thing to a “silver bullet” formula for accelerating human development, in reality many countries continued to place harsh restrictions on women’s education and employment participation.

Sudan ranked relatively well on the GII scale, despite the Arab states region recording the highest levels of gender inequality behind sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.

Sudan’s GII value of 0.604 placed it at 129 out of 148 countries included in the 2012 index ahead of Saudi Arabia (145) and Yemen (148).

Within the Arab states, Sudan was in the top four countries in terms of female participation in political spheres, with 24.1% of parliamentary seats held by women, while the country ranked in sixth place according women’s participation in the labour market (30.9%).

At the other end of the GII scale, Sudan recorded the sixth highest maternal mortality rate in the world, with a staggering 730 women dying from pregnancy-related causes per every 100,000 live births, well above even the worst performing countries in the Arab states, including Yemen and Djibouti both registering 200 deaths for the same amount of births, according to the report.

Sudan, which still practices teen marriage and strict segregation of the sexes, also ranked poorly in terms of education, with just 12.8 percent of adult women reaching a secondary or higher level of education. Out of the Arab states only Yemen performed worse (7.6%).

South driving economic growth

One of the most significant overall trends highlighted in the 2013 report shows developing nations – referred to in the report as the South – are now driving economic growth, leading to massive poverty reduction and an expanding middle class.

“The rise of the South is unprecedented in its speed and scale,” the report says. “Never in history have the living conditions and prospects of so many people changed so dramatically and so fast.”

Indeed, no country for which complete data was available has a lower HDI value now than it had in 2000.

“Over the past decades, countries across the world have been converging towards higher levels of human development, as shown by the Human Development Index,” the report says. “All groups and regions have seen notable improvement in all HDI components, with faster progress in low and medium HDI countries. On this basis, the world is becoming less unequal.”

Despite the strides made in the South, severe poverty remains a major problem throughout much of the developing world, the report stresses.

An estimated 1.57 billion people, or more than 30 percent of the population of the 104 countries studied for the report, live in what it terms “multidimensional” poverty.

However, the report argues that ambitious, well-conceived policies can sustain current progress made in human development in the coming decades and expand its reach to still more developing countries.

But it also warns that short-sighted austerity measures, failures to address persistent inequalities, and a lack of opportunities for meaningful civic participation could threaten this progress unless leaders take bold corrective action.

South Sudan was among eight countries precluded from the index due to data constraints.

At the other end of the scale, Norway, Australia and the United States topped the rankings as the highest achievers in terms of human development.


lunedì 14 aprile 2014


Fronte Rivoluzionario rifiutano di partecipare a un dialogo sul luogo di teschi e stupri di donne sudanesi

Risposto al presunto al-Bashir e la stabilità del critico

2014/04/13 05:17

Fronte Rivoluzionario rifiutare di partecipare al dialogo si terrà i crani di donne sudanesi e gli stupri

Held la direzione dei continui incontri RUF durante la scorsa settimana per valutare la situazione politica e raggiungere una decisione finale circa la partecipazione al cosiddetto "dialogo nazionale" , e ha raggiunto una decisione di rifiuto di partecipare a questo dialogo , arriva questa decisione strategica dopo una valutazione approfondita come e da inizio a parlare del dialogo nazionale ha sistema sistematica delle operazioni militari nel corso degli ultimi due mesi , è stata l'escalation dei bombardamenti aerei e offensiva di terra attraverso le milizie di mira i civili in Darfur e Sud Kordofan / Monti Nuba e del Nord Kordofan e del Nilo Azzurro .

Portato in questa campagna dalla combustione di oltre 130 frazione e violentata decine di donne e scarico di decine di tonnellate di bombe sui villaggi sicuri e civili , e il lancio delle mani di miliziani governativi che sono diventati parte Etjza dell'esercito regolare e comprende mercenari sudanesi e fuori limite , e ha lanciato il suo M_hh il sangue dei cittadini e la proprietà di parere consultivo sistema di anziani che si sono incontrati di nuovo sulla menzogna e l'oppressione e il peccato e la trasgressione , Mdshnin una nuova ondata di crimini di guerra hanno la pretesa di "dialogo" e recitare il Corano ! E commessi mani delle donne stupro ingiuste e bambini senza casa la cassaforte , che ha portato la testimonianza delle Nazioni Unite per lo spostamento di oltre duecentomila in due mesi , in quanto il regime ha continuato ad usare il cibo come arma e impedire la consegna degli aiuti umanitari , a disposizioni per crimini di guerra del diritto umanitario internazionale , non solo, ma il sistema funziona preparazione di un attacco ai rifugiati in alcuni paesi vicini , approfittando della complessa situazione regionale e buttare fuori tutti i valori , norme e leggi internazionali , tutto viene criticata timido di alcune delle istituzioni che dovrebbero proteggere i civili , ha incluso attacco aggressione a studenti universitari e versato il loro sangue in un momento in cui dimostrare l' estensione della "libertà" , pur mantenendo Balqguanaan , e fornire come una sovvenzione da parte del capo di un sistema che non rispetta la Costituzione stessa figuriamoci le decisioni della Repubblica rilasciati , e il terzo alari sono in visita criminali di guerra Rahim Mohammed Hussein e Mohamed Atta alla città di El Fasher , la benedizione di una nuova campagna di crimini di guerra e il lancio di una mano milizie nel Darfur , e inviato la potenza di quelle precedenti per la zona Rashad nel Sud Kordofan / Monti Nuba è stata una dichiarazione di guerra sul Fronte rivoluzionario in pieno giorno e voti schiacciati , come il regime dalle abbassate le condanne a morte su alcuni dei leader del Fronte rivoluzionario , tutto questo è in un momento ha invito a partecipare al Fronte Rivoluzionario " dialogo nazionale " ! Voglio che si terrà il teschi di civili e di aver violentato donne e incendi dei villaggi e lo spostamento di civili e continuando con la commissione di crimini di guerra e le forze politiche estorsioni e guadagnare tempo per prepararsi per una nuova versione del salvataggio in nome del dialogo e di cambiamento , e la scrittura di una nuova costituzione nel quadro del sistema di sicurezza hardware di controllo e restituisce il comando del dialogo e della sua presidenza alla testa del sistema che governare il nostro Paese nell'ultimo quarto di secolo , e dei risultati dei suoi milioni bussare delle vittime e la separazione del sud , e l'auto ancora yemenita continuando con il consenso delle stesse vittime ! .

Il Fronte Rivoluzionario è pronta a partecipare a questa farsa di salvataggio per eccellenza , noi rappresentiamo le vittime Omhatmanm e dei loro genitori e le sorelle e fratelli che siamo, e non siamo in grado di fornire la copertura per la continuazione dei crimini di guerra in nome del "dialogo ".

Noi non rifiutiamo il dialogo o una soluzione pacifica globale è i nostri beni che abbiamo ricevuto , ma accettiamo il dialogo che avviene sulla base di una chiara e desiderio inequivocabile di passare dalla guerra alla pace e dal totalitarismo alla democrazia e una road map e un chiaro vantaggio per le disposizioni transitorie e la creazione di Alternativa Democratica e costruire uno Stato di cittadinanza , senza discriminazioni e per raggiungere la giustizia e la procedura di riconciliazione sulla base della verità e della giustizia per le vittime , ma non ci siamo , possiamo cambiare il passato , possiamo costruire un nuovo futuro e patria ospitare tutti .

Il dialogo attuale deriva e dell'ordine salire la guerra invece della dichiarazione di cessazione delle ostilità e l'accordo sulle misure di fiducia e di creare un clima che è intenzionale e riflessivo , e tutti sanno che il dialogo non porta a fermare la guerra prima e di fornire le libertà che il dialogo non ha valore, parte di una parte o di respingerla.

Invitiamo le forze politiche e le organizzazioni della società civile , in particolare giovani e donne , studenti e sfollati e rifugiati e diaspora sudanese , chiediamo loro di continuare la lotta ed esponendo il sistema e la mobilitazione del movimento di massa con tutti i mezzi disponibili e l'unificazione delle forze di opposizione per gli eventi di vero cambiamento lontano dai trucchi del sistema e di avversione , e il tempo della cassa assegnato e quello dei nostri persone su una data con il cambiamento .

La leadership del Fronte Rivoluzionario sudanese

13 APRILE 2014 AD

sabato 12 aprile 2014


Donna che trascina un uomo come un cane con una serie per le strade di Londra

2014/04/12 08:20

In uno strano incidente, passanti visto questa mattina un uomo che trascina una serie donna 'come un cane per le strade della capitale britannica, e siti di social networking vedere un dibattito sulle cause e le motivazioni. Passanti sorpresi diventano oggi, mentre si stavano dirigendo a lavorare nel cuore della capitale britannica, Londra, nel fatto stesso di l'emozione e la stranezza, dove hanno visto un uomo trascinare una donna strisciando sulle mani e piedi, come un cane che cammina dietro di lei. L'autostop scena un gran numero di passanti, dopo di che hanno visto stupiti, e ha avviato, filmato l'incidente, e poi si è diffuso su Internet, per spegnersi dopo un'ondata di commenti e spiegazioni di quello che è successo. L'uomo è apparso nel video di rotolamento dell'incidente mentre stava camminando sulle mani e piedi e con indosso una tuta pantaloni, camicia e stivali neri, e striscia docilmente dietro la signora per le strade di Farringdon nel centro di Londra. Attraverso astanti credevano che l'incidente è una campagna di propaganda per c'è qualcosa di sconosciuto, ma la donna che sembrava abbigliamento elegante e l'altro sta portando in mano una tazza di caffè, non ha evidenziato nulla.


venerdì 11 aprile 2014

United Nations.

عائشة البصري : الخرطوم انتهكت قرار مجلس الامن ولم تنزع سلاح الجنجويد

منذ ساعة 10:39

قالت الدكتورة عائشة البصري المتحدثة السابقة بإسم بعثة اليوناميد ان الحكومة اخبرت الأمم المتحدة بأنها نزعت سلاح الجنجويد في حين انها دمجتهم في قواتها الرسمية الحكومية بمسميات حرس الحدود وابوطيرة والدفاع الشعبي وذلك منذ العام 2005 على اقل تقدير.، مما يشكل انتهاكا صارخا لقرار مجلس الامن 1556 لسنة 2004 القاضي بزع سلاح الجنجويد في دارفور ومحاكمة قادتهم . واشارت عائشة في مقابلة مع راديو دبنقا الى ان فريق الخبراء التابع للامم المتحدة ابلغ مجلس الامن في مطلع العام 2006 ان الحكومة السودانية اخبرتهم انها دمجت الجنجويد في القوات المساعدة وانه ليس هناك شيئ في دارفور الان اسمه جنجويد ، ولكن الامم المتحدة لم تخبر العالم ان الحكومة فشلت في نزع سلاح الجنجويد وانها قامت بإدماجهم في قواتها واصبحوا يرتكبون الجرائم ضد المدنيين بشكل رسمي والحكومة هي المسؤولة عن إنتهاكاتهم لحقوق الإنسان . واشارت الى ان انه وبموجب هذا التضليل اختفت كلمة الجنجويد من تقارير الامم المتحدة بما فيها تقارير الأمين العام السيد بان كيمون ارضاءا للحكومة ، حيث لم يرد ذكرها في أكثر من ثلاثين تقرير له إلا مرة واحدة ، و كان ذلك في العام 2008 . واكدت عائشة ان كل ذلك احدث إرباكا لدى الجميع في فهم ما يجري في دارفور ومن يقوم الان بإرتكاب الجرائم في دارفور ، واكدت ان السكوت عن تسمية الامور بمسمياتها الحقيقة في دارفور جعل العالم لا يعلم حقيقة الوضع في دارفور ولا يعرف كذلك ان الحكومة السودانية انتهكت قرارات مجلس الامن ، ولم تقم بما هو مطلوب من نزع سلاح الجنجويد وابقائهم بعيدا عن المدنيين ، ومحاكمة كل قيادات الجنجويد . واكدت ان هذا الفشل والسكوت عنه للاسف اطال الصراع في دارفور وجعل الناس (ما عارفين الحاصل بالضبط شنو في دارفور )، وتسألت عائشة هنا وهي تقول (كيف يمكن تقديم المساعدة او الموافقة على الحلول الناجعة اذا انت لم تشخص المرض ، مشيرة الى ان ان السكوت وعدم تسمية الاشياء بمسمياتها ( هو عدم تشخيص لكل المشاكل والتطورات الميدانية الجارية اليوم في دارفور.

mercoledì 9 aprile 2014

All the Sudanese people know is to kill..!

Khartoum says talks with SPLM-N “long overdue”

April 8, 2014 (KHARTOUM) – Sudanese government has renewed its commitment to the African Union brokered process to end the nearly three year conflict in South Kordofan and Blue Nile states, pointing that the resumption of talks has been too delayed.

On 12 March, the African Union Peace and Security Council (AU PSC) reiterated its confidence in the mediation team of African Union High-level Implementation Panel (AUHIP) and asked them to reach a peace agreement by 30 April.

Previously, the AUHIP head Thabo Mbeki suspended the talks and asked the AUPSC for further guidance saying his draft framework agreement was not accepted by the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N).

In a meeting at the Sudanese presidency on Tuesday with Abdoul Mohamed, a member of the AUHIP secretariat, presidential assistant Ibrahim Ghandour who chairs the government negotiating delegation noted that the resumption of peace talks “is long overdue”, reported to the official news agency SUNA.

Ghandour stressed the government’s readiness to resume the talks however he pointed out that “the AUHIP Secretariat’s delay in setting a date for more than three weeks has made the time factor a pressing one”.

The Sudanese presidential assistant did not mention the topic of his meeting with the AUHIP official, but informed sources in Khartoum said the meeting discussed the date of the next round of talks.

The SPLM-N refuses to negotiate a separate peace agreement for the conflict of the Two Areas and proposes a comprehensive process that Khartoum rejects.


African Union asks Mbeki to finalise peace deal over Sudan’s Two Areas by 30 April

martedì 8 aprile 2014

Swiss Contribution.

Swiss Contribution will Boost Nutrition for Mothers, Children in Sudan

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) on 7th April, 2014 welcomed two contributions from the government of Switzerland that will improve the poor nutritional status of children, pregnant women and nursing mothers in Sudan.

Switzerland is giving WFP Sudan a total of CHF 4.7 million (US$5.2 million) in two separate contributions including an in-kind donation of 600 metric tons of dried skimmed milk, valued at CHF 3.7 million (US$4.1 million), and a cash donation of CHF 1 million (US$1.1).

WFP will use the dried skimmed milk in its nutritional programme to prevent and treat moderate acute malnutrition and chronic undernutrition among children aged 6 to 35 months old as well as for pregnant and nursing mothers. This in-kind contribution will provide support for 250,000 mothers and children with nutrient-dense food rations for four months.

The cash contribution will be used to support WFP’s voucher programme in Kassala State in East Sudan.

“We are very grateful to the Swiss government and citizens for this contribution which proves their strong commitment to assisting the most vulnerable Sudanese people, said WFP Sudan Representative and Country Director Adnan Khan.

Switzerland is currently WFP Sudan’s third largest bilateral donor in 2014. Over the last five years, the Swiss government has contributed more than US$31 million to WFP’s Emergency Operation in Sudan, in addition to US$685,000 for the UN Humanitarian Air Service, which is managed by WFP and provides its air services to the humanitarian community.

“Switzerland is fully committed to contribute to meet the humanitarian needs of the most vulnerable in Sudan. Strengthening food security and livelihoods is one of our three strategic goals in the country. That’s why we’re very pleased to have a strong partnership with WFP in Sudan”, said Martin Strub, the Government of Switzerland’s Ambassador to Sudan.

Sudan remains one of WFP’s largest and most complex operations, providing food assistance to people suffering from conflict, displacement and chronic under-nourishment in Darfur, as well as in the east and border areas to the south.

In 2014, WFP plans to assist 4 million people across Sudan, 3 million of whom are in the conflict-affected region of Darfur through general food distributions, food for training, food for work, school feeding and nutrition programmes to prevent and treat moderate acute malnutrition among women and children.

By WFP Press Release, 17 hours 29 minutes ago

lunedì 7 aprile 2014

Asso Anglo - Americano.

Asso Anglo Americano e l’uso della Fratellanza Musulimana per governare il modo e contrastare il comunismo.

• avviato un partenariato tra la Fratellanza e l'intelligenza britannica alla luce della teoria di Winston Churchill ( primo ministro britannico al momento ) la famosa "cortina di ferro della Cortina di Ferro " è stato istituito per l'alleanza anglo - " . Potenza britannica e americana mente possiamo giudicare il mondo " American , che ha descritto Churchill Inizia così la coalizione anglo - con gli Stati Uniti Fratelli Musulmani tessere corpi di yemeniti islamisti sotto la bandiera di anti-comunista comunismo ateo senza Dio , ma in realtà l'obiettivo degli Stati nazionali per combattere la recente indipendenza , al fine di destabilizzare e fermare la ruota di sviluppo e di progresso in loro.

• Questa politica è finalizzata alla Iran Stati Uniti ed Egitto , in particolare , durante gli anni cinquanta , 1950 , come i primi due casi di test la nascita dello stato- nazione nei paesi musulmani . In entrambi i casi , gli Stati Uniti si schierò con la Gran Bretagna contro i governi del popolo in Egitto ( Gamal Abdel Nasser ) e Iran ( Mohammed Mossadegh ) . In entrambi i casi ricorre anglo Alliance - dollari per spostare i Fratelli Musulmani e utilizzato come un martello per demolire i ladri regolari .

• Uno degli architetti più importanti bambole islamici del gioco britannico si muovono contro i comunisti e nazionalisti nel Vicino Oriente è stato il d . Bernard Lewis Bernard Lewis, agente dei servizi segreti britannici della Divisione per il mondo arabo .

• Nel 1954 , George Young , un anziano agenti dei servizi segreti britannici M16 si trova in Egitto , era sotto gli ordini di assassinio Laden di Abdel Nasser . Secondo i rapporti della M16 , un rifugio segreto Giovani per l'utilizzo dei Fratelli Musulmani per fare il lavoro . E che a metà anno , guerra su vasta scala scoppiata tra Nasser e la Fratellanza Musulmana , che ha ucciso migliaia di persone e alla fine costretto la Fratellanza a fuggire in Arabia Saudita , Giordania e altri paesi arabi .

• In Iran , lo scià Mohammad Mossadegh fu nominato il nuovo primo ministro . Rogge Anglo Alliance - dollari che ha certificato il Sistema Nazionale come un laico e falsamente accusato di essere comunista . Come è avvenuto in Egitto , gli inglesi ricorso ai rappresentanti dei Fratelli Musulmani nel gruppo " Salvatore dell'Islam" per infiammare disordini nelle strade e altri atti di sabotaggio portato alla fine di rovesciare il governo di Mossadegh .

• Essa ha anche una filiale Fratellanza in Siria " giovane Maometto " e il suo braccio armato , " l'avanguardia dei combattenti . " Chi fondato da Said Ramadan , genero - Hasan al - Banna di essere la mente del colpo di stato Baha'i nel 1969 , iniziò la Confraternita della guerra negli anni Settanta 1970-1979 ha lanciato la sua offensiva militare in Accademia Militare nella città siriana di Aleppo . Poi scoppiò la guerra aperta tra la Fratellanza e il governo siriano è il risultato di migliaia di vittime . Alla fine , i Fratelli Musulmani fuggì in Arabia Saudita e in altri paesi .

• stava preparando per spodestare il re saluta in Yemen dal centro dei Fratelli Musulmani in Egitto nel 1948 . E 'stata la congiura del Royal yemenita che si muovono con sospetto , re Abdul Aziz Al Saud , nelle intenzioni e gli obiettivi del gruppo spingendolo a rifiutare tutte le richieste presentate da aprire una filiale nel Regno dell'Arabia Saudita .

• entrato negli Stati Uniti in quello che potrebbe essere descritto come la cospirazione vizioso tra Washington, Londra e il diritto islamico , che è stato il risultato della sua guerra in Afghanistan .

• non fosse la guerra in Afghanistan è una reazione all'invasione sovietica dell'Afghanistan , è anche creduto . Infatti, come articolata dal Cancelliere Zbaknao Przzinski - Consigliere del presidente Carter - Mfajra è riuscito a convincere il presidente ad accettare di sostenere Sri ribelli mujaheddin afghani , e quindi sono stati incitava l'invasione sovietica . C'era una stima 35.000 dei " afghani " arabi dei 43 paesi arabi sono stati reclutati per la guerra in Afghanistan spesso appartengono alla Fratellanza Musulmana .

• Una delle figure chiave nel reclutamento di questo campo , sostenuto dagli anglo - americani popolo palestinese dei Fratelli Musulmani chiamato Abdullah Azzam . Nel 1984 , sotto l'egida anglo - americano e pakistano , ha Azzam e il suo figliastro ultima : Osama bin Laden , hanno istituito l'Ufficio dei Servizi a Peshawar , in Pakistan .

• Anche se il movimento dei Fratelli Musulmani ha iniziato in Egitto nel 1928 , ma le radici di sostegno della Gran Bretagna per il forum segreto massonico è dovuto alla storia alle spalle Jilin . In particolare per il quarto trimestre del XIX secolo, quando l'intelligence britannica ha sostenuto Jamaluddin Afghani ( 1897-1838 ) . Essendo massonico britannico ( e francese ) e un ateo affidabile , ha trascorso la sua giovinezza come un client ogni intelligence afghana leader britannico insurrezione islamica in cui ha convenuto con gli obiettivi della Gran Bretagna imperiale . Afghanistan è stato il fondatore del movimento giovanile egiziano , che era una rete di esperti comprende fronti giacobita Britannica ( massonica ) in tutto il mondo , che ha lanciato la guerra contro i nemici della Gran Bretagna imperialisti nella seconda metà del XIX secolo . Sulla scia della rivoluzione nazionale del Sudan guidato da Mahdi e uccidere Lord British Governatore Gordon , sistemi afgano contro-rivoluzione ( islamica ) per sostenere il restauro del controllo coloniale britannico in Sudan. ( Storia dei paradossi della esotico sta nipote Imam Sadiq al- Mahdi Imam Mahdi oggi con lo stesso gruppo , che ha collaborato con le potenze coloniali di minare le Mahdia statali detenute da suo nonno Imam Mohamed Ahmed Mahdi rivoluzione ha scosso i pilastri dell'impero di (era ) non assente dal sole ) .

sabato 5 aprile 2014

Displaced children.

In Sudan, Population Displacement Is Becoming a Childrens Crisis

Population displacement in Sudan is gaining a momentum and magnitude that resemble the onset of the crisis in Darfur in 2003 and 2004. The trends are alarming and UNICEF has particular cause for concern.

As populations get displaced across the Darfur region and elsewhere, one salient feature of the crisis stands out: 70 per cent or more of the people displaced are children.

This is an extreme situation that places a serious responsibility on all of us. We need to remind ourselves that children deserve a first call on resources, especially in emergencies. We must sound the alarm and contain the effects of this crisis on children’s lives and futures, said Geert Cappelaere, UNICEF Representative in Sudan.

In North Darfur alone, according to reports from the Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC), of the 379,000 people affected by conflict in ten localities, more than 265,000 are under 18 and over 66,000 are children are under five.

The State Ministry of Social Welfare and the State Council on Child Welfare are stepping up to the daunting task of assessing the situation of these children and their humanitarian needs, including family tracing. So far, 11 out of 161 unaccompanied children have been reunited with their families while the remaining children await news about their loved ones.

UNICEF, along with local organizations, fear that the number of affected children will increase over the coming weeks and months. And as children get displaced, they face increased risk of violence, abuse and exploitation.

So far, there have been sporadic reports of children killed, rape of children, and maiming and abduction of children. The verification process is on-going, but based on experience, such reports tend to represent the tip of an iceberg as affected children are terrified to report on what happened to them.

We must insist that all children, all across Sudan, be treated as zones of peace. They have no place in any conflict, they belong at home with their families and in school, said Geert Cappelaere.

By Press Release, 2 days 17 hours ago

venerdì 4 aprile 2014

Fermati la guerra civile!!!!

AFRICA/CENTRAFRICA - “Siamo riusciti a tenere la situazione sotto controllo grazie al comitato di mediazione” afferma il Vescovo di Bangassou

Bangui (Agenzia Fides) - “Il comitato di mediazione che abbiamo creato è riuscito a far sì che nella nostra area si viva in pace” dice all’Agenzia Fides Sua Ecc. Mons. Juan José Aguirre Muños, Vescovo di Bangassou, nel sud-est della Repubblica Centrafricana, ancora sconvolta dalle violenze delle milizie anti balaka che hanno preso di mira la popolazione musulmana.

“Questo organismo è formato da rappresentati cattolici, protestanti e musulmani e interviene non appena si verificano delle tensioni tra le diverse comunità” spiega il Vescovo. Mons. Aguirre sottolinea che “a differenza di altre zone centrafricane, la maggior parte dei musulmani di Bangassou sono rimasti, solo alcuni hanno preferito andarsene, e il mercato è condiviso da commercianti musulmani e cristiani”. “Certamente – aggiunge - rimane nella popolazione non musulmana il ricordo delle violenze dei ribelli Seleka, ma sembra prevalere il desiderio di tornare alla normalità”.

“Il modello inaugurato qui, nell’est del Paese, dove tutto sommato la situazione è alquanto tranquilla, può servire da esempio anche per l’ovest e per la capitale Bangui” afferma Mons. Aguirre.“Infatti l’Arcivescovo di Bangui, Mons. Dieudonné Nzapalainga, si è interessato alla nostra esperienza per vedere come replicarla nella capitale, dove purtroppo la situazione è invece molto preoccupante. Lì infatti ci sono alcuni quartieri dove i musulmani vivono assediati dagli anti balaka”. Secondo il Vescovo di Bangassou lo scopo di queste violenze “è quello di espellere la popolazione musulmana dal Paese in modo che questa non possa votare alle prossime elezioni”.

“Parallelamente nel nord del Centrafrica, dove si sono concentrati gli sfollati musulmani e gli ex ribelli Seleka, diventa sempre più forte la tentazione di espellere i non musulmani. Qualcuno sta pensando all’idea di dividere il Paese in un nord musulmano e in sud lasciato ai non musulmani” conclude il Vescovo. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 4/4/2014)

Sanctions on Suoth Sudan.

Obama clears way for sanctions on S. Sudan rights abusers

A boy displaced by recent fighting between rebel soldiers and government troops carries empty water containers in Malakal, South Sudan, on March 30, 2014 (AFP Photo/)

Washington (AFP) - President Barack Obama cleared the way Thursday for US sanctions against anyone on either side of South Sudan's civil war who targets UN peacekeepers, threatens peace moves or abuses human rights.

The president issued an executive order allowing the use of property and asset seizures and immigration and visa bans against government or rebel officials who are judged at a later date to have transgressed.

Stop a la stamperia comunisata ....

Agence France-Presse April 4, 2014 7:10 April 4, 2014 7:10

Sudan security agents seize Communist newspaper

Sudanese state security agents have seized copies of the Communist party newspaper one month after it was allowed to resume publishing following a two-year shutdown, the editor said on Thursday.

The seizure of Al-Midan comes despite government claims that freedoms are widening in the country.

"It was prevented from circulating three times this week, on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday," Madiha Abdullah, chief editor of the thrice-weekly publication, told AFP.

"They took copies from the printer without giving any reasons."

Sudan's press council informed Al-Midan in early March that it could publish again after about two years.

Staff had said that security agents prevented Al-Midan's distribution 13 times in one month, effectively halting its presses in 2012, although it continued publishing on the Internet.

In January, President Omar al-Bashir appealed for a broad national political dialogue in his country ravaged by war, poverty and political turmoil.

As part of what he called a political and economic renaissance, Bashir said: "The freedom of people has to be respected."

Since then journalists have complained that various newspapers were being seized at the presses, even as others including Al-Midan were authorised to resume publishing after bans.

Critics say Bashir's political dialogue is just a way for the elite to hang on to power without properly addressing the country's problems.

"Freedom is one of the main issues under discussion" in the dialogue with political parties, Bashir's top assistant, Ibrahim Ghandour, told AFP in an interview last week.

"What we need on freedoms is to agree on what is white, what is black and what is grey," and on the mechanisms which should be used to resolve disagreements, he said.

Political parties are free to hold rallies outside their headquarters, and "all banned newspapers were now released," Ghandour said.



giovedì 3 aprile 2014

Qatar handed Sudan ! bn dollar.

Qatar Grants $1Billion to Sudan to Support Hard Currency Reserve

Khartoum – Qatar has granted Sudan one billion dollars, the second part of amount pledged by the state to support Sudan's foreign exchange reserve.

Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamam Al-Thani wrapped up his one-day visit to the Sudan yesterday during which he met with President of the Republic Omer Al Bashir and several Sudanese government officials.

Sheikh Tamin said in statement he issued upon arrival at Khartoum Airport that the visit is a demonstration of the concern of the leaders of the two countries to continue consultation and coordination on issues of mutual concern particularly the situation in the Arab and regional arenas.

The Sheikh, who was received at the Airport by President Al Bashir, said the visit also aims to strengthen cooperation between the two countries for the benefit of the two peoples.

The visit was planned since early February but was delayed on reasonable grounds, Sudan Foreign Minister told reporters yesterday after the 3-hour talks between the two sides.

The Minister revealed a decree issued by President of the Republic exempting Qatari nationals from entry visa when visiting Sudan, adding that dialogue was continuing for Qatar to resume issuing entry visa to Sudanese nationals.

He said the meeting between the Emir and President Al Bashir focused on a range of bilateral issues in the economic and political fields including Qatar's support for Sudan at regional and international forums.

The meeting also discussed Qatar's support for peace in Darfur, the Minister said, highlighting Qatar's key role in contacting non-signatory movements and its continued efforts to convince them to come on board.

Karti revealed Qatar's desire to expand its investments in various areas in Sudan, adding that Qatar's current focus of investment is on real estate, agriculture, electricity and tourism.

The visit is a demonstration of the strong ties between the two countries, said Qatar's Foreign Minister, Khalid Al Attiya. Qatar is seeking to bolster ties in the economic, political and investment field, he said.

The visit of the Emir of Qatar produced great benefits including a billion dollars to support foreign exchange reserve in Sudan, said Badreldin Mahmoud, Sudan's Minister of Finance. He revealed that Qatar will implement two major projects in the field of energy and agriculture.

By Hana Abdul Hai, 20 hours 20 minutes ago

mercoledì 2 aprile 2014

Prince Tamim, in Sudan for talks.

Emir of Qatar Arrives in Khartoum Today Khartoum - The Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamid Al Thani will arrive in Khartoum today on a one-day official visit. Chairman of the Darfur Regional Authority, Dr. Al-Tijani Al-Sisi said Qatar is playing a major role in the Darfur peace process, citing Qatar's sponsorship of peace talks which have materialized in the Doha Darfur peace agreement (DDPD). Al-Sisi commended Qatar's meeting of its financial pledges for reconstruction of Darfur, in addition to hosting the Darfur donors' conference and chairing of the international DDPD implementation follow-up committee. The DRA has expressed appreciation of Qatar's continued support to coordination with the Sudanese government, Chad and the international community to bring non-DDPD signatories on board the peace agreement. "Nowadays we are witnessing good omens resulting from regional and international moves to boost peace in Darfur," he said, referring to UM Jaras recent conference, and hoping the Qatari support to bring IDPs and Refugees to their home areas would continue. For his part, the Sudanese foreign affairs ministry spokesperson, Abu Bakr Al Sidiq said the Emir of Qatar visit comes within the framework of an Arab countries tour which has so far took him to Jordan and will be extended to other countries. " The Emir's visit to Sudan earns importance because of its timing , coming after the Arab summit at which attempts were made to address inter-Arab strained relations ," he said, adding , Sudanese- Qatari cooperation in the economic field has achieved considerable development . Meanwhile, Sudan's Ambassador to Qatar said relations between the two countries have reached the level of partnership in various fields including agriculture, mining and antiquities, in addition to coordination of positions on the international arena. By Hana Abdul Hai, 13 hours 56 minutes ago

martedì 1 aprile 2014

Machar is going a head of Silva Kiir.

Top security officers in Western Bahr el Ghazal defect to Machar rebellion March 31, 2014 (JUBA) – Senior security officers in South Sudan’s border state of Western Bahr el Ghazal have defected to rebel forces under the leadership of former vice-president Riek Machar. The officers made the public declaration at Farajallah, an area located about 40km south-west of state capital Wau, where sources claim they announced they were leaving “the most corrupt and tyrannical regime” in South Sudan to join the “people’s revolution”. The leader of the group remains unknown, although Western Bahr el Ghazal police commissioner Gen. Akot Deng Akot identified one of the officers as Maj. Martin Logo. In a statement broadcast by state-owned South Sudan Television (SSTV) on Sunday, Akot said the security situation in the state remained relatively calm despite the defections. Logo’s desertion was reportedly related to an offer from the rebel movement to promote him to the rank of Major General. The whereabouts of Logo and the officers remained unknown, although security authorities have launched a search. According to Akot, authorities in the area have been closely monitoring the activities of some politicians and officers, including Logo. Some sources suggested the officers may have been smuggled out of area during an attempt to launch a rebellion in Wau town at the airport and Busere area. HIGH-PROFILE DEFECTIONS Dozens of army generals have defected since political tensions erupted in violence in mid-December last year, pitting pro-Machar rebels against forces loyal to the Salva Kiir-led national government. Zonal commanders from the South Sudanese army’s (SPLA) 8th, 4th and 7th divisions were among those to switch their allegiance from the government. Maj. Gen. Peter Gadet Yak, who was commanding the SPLA’s 8th division in Jonglei state, was the first senior military officer to break ranks and declare armed opposition to the government. General Yak claimed his action was necessitated by the killing of innocent civilians from his Nuer ethnic group in Juba by SPLA forces. It is alleged that the atrocities were predominantly carried out by members of the Dinka ethnic group from Kiir’s Bahr el Ghazal region. Prior to his defection, Yak had been responsible for the state’s disarmament process, overseeing the collection of firearms and other illicit weapons in the region. James Koang Chuol, a 4th division commander, followed suit, declaring himself Unity state’s caretaker governor. He claimed he had been under pressure from officers to act or risk being killed. Thousands of South Sudanese soldiers from the Nuer ethnic group have either defected or fled the country over the past few months, although the numbers have not yet reached a level that would threaten the regime and most of the complex infrastructure of the government’s multiple security and intelligence branches remains in place. Politicians from the Bahr el Ghazal region are currently participating in peace talks in Ethiopia being mediated by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) as part of the Machar-led delegation. Representatives from the Greater Equatoria region who share the same views on the root cause of the conflict have also declared their support for Machar. CHANGING MOOD Observers have expressed fear it is only a matter of time before mass defection and recruitment across the country takes place against the government, which has been widely criticised for failing to deliver basic services and adequate protection to ordinary citizens and their properties, particularly in the three states of the Upper Nile region. One local observer who spoke on condition of anonymity told Sudan Tribune on Monday that citizens have increasingly lost trust in the current administration and are looking for change. The alleged involvement of the army in ethnic-related violence had also raised tensions, he said. “The destruction of cities and villages, and the commission of massacres against certain ethnic group and people – mostly defenceless civilians who [knew] little about political differences – had prompted many military officers and politicians to switch allegiance,” he added. (ST)

Tradizioni molto forte per la Bellezza e il sesso in Sudan

'Light my fire ' : il sesso e la segreta bellezza del Sudan

( KHARTOUM ) - Quando il calore sudanese punire raffredda nel tardo pomeriggio , Hiba Jiha spoglia nudo , si avvolge in una coperta e si trova sulla cima di un buco che brucia nella terra a fumare la sua pelle alla perfezione setosa .

26 anni e sposarsi , Hiba will cavalcioni le braci profumata cortile della sua casa per 15 minuti a un'ora , ogni altro giorno per un mese prima della sua notte di nozze in linea con la tradizione millenaria sudanese .

Vivere in una semplice casa con la famiglia di sua sorella nella città di Om Bada , appena fuori Khartoum , lei può permettersi il lussuoso centro benessere e trattamenti di sauna nella capitale sudanese in piena espansione .

Inoltre, questo è il suo secondo matrimonio e lei ha già due figli . Hiba non è vergine e il suo nuovo marito imprenditore sarà negato ciò che gli uomini sudanesi ritengono un loro diritto e il piacere di deflorare la moglie .

In dilaniate dalla guerra , miseramente poveri e tradizionale Sudan , uomini e donne sussurrano che molto più che levigando la pelle , la lenta combustione " Dukhan " pratica stringe la vagina di una donna , alla guida selvaggia marito .

Hamad Mohamed , il gestore di un ristorante esclusivo Khartoum , impazzisce per il sex appeal di tornare a casa a trovare la moglie di 22 anni , madre di sei figli , che sente l'odore del legno speciale chiamato " Talih ".

" E rende le donne molto rilassato . Quando lei usa la Dukhan , mi sento lei ha bisogno molto . Quando torno a casa e la trovo profumato come questo, significa che ho intenzione di avere qualcosa di speciale stasera ", ha sorride su un cappuccino .

"E 'come una insalata come antipasto prima di un pasto . Dukhan funziona esattamente così, per stuzzicare l'appetito sessuale ", aggiunge Mohamed , anche lodando la legna che dice riconosce benefici medicinali per i reumatismi .

In Occidente , dove le donne coccolati sfoggiare migliaia di dollari per un chirurgo per riattaccare imene e stringere vagine come "regalo " per gli uomini nella loro vita , il rimedio naturale è una frazione del prezzo in Sudan .

Braciole di Ahmed Zaki Yussef e vende legno 12 ore al giorno , sette giorni alla settimana , seduto all'ombra accanto a una strada trafficata in città gemella di Khartoum di Omdurman , dove le donne in sari colorati passo fuori di jeep a contrattare sopra la legna .

Yussef dice che le donne spendono tra i 15 ei 50 sterline sudanesi ( 7,5 dollari e 25 dollari ) su un singolo acquisto , esaminando attentamente il legno prima di consegnare a un ragazzo di borsa come i loro mariti vegliano .

"Le donne sudanesi che vivono nei villaggi realmente dipendono da esso per i profumi e lozioni . Ma è privato . Ecco perché lo fai quando sei sposato . E 'solo per tuo marito ", dice il 23 -year -old assistente alla docenza universitaria Anwar Hassan .

Ma lei e sua madre cassare parlare di pelle setosa e il profumo speciale , insistendo in sfumature bassi urgenti che l' unica ragione per cui una donna si siede su legna per un massimo di due ore alla volta è per il piacere sessuale intimo del marito .

" Quaranta giorni dopo hanno un bambino , una donna attende che tutto guarisce allora lei fa la Dukhan . Stringe le cose . Si tratta di una questione molto importante . È come avere una vasca da bagno ", dice Anwar , la annuendo madre accordo .

Parto allenta una vagina , provocando " ignoranti " uomini sudanesi vecchio stile per iniziare brontolando che la loro moglie è passato il suo picco e cercare l'umiliazione finale - una moglie più giovane nubile , dicono .

Anwar e sua madre Zainab dire che come la pelle , la pelle stringe quando esposti a rallentare , il calore a basso impatto . "E ' proprio come il formaggio con il vino ", dice Anwar , cercando di tracciare un parallelo tra la Dukhan in Sudan e in Europa .

Ma la tradizione ha cominciato a dividere l' elite ricca di Khartoum , arricchiti dai profitti del petrolio e un boom edilizio , e le povere masse analfabete che popolano il resto del paese .

Donne professioniste spesso evitare Dukhan , così strettamente è l'odore associato con l'intimità che dicono che crea l' impressione sbagliata di un colto , femminile rispettabile lotta per l'uguaglianza nella società islamica tradizionale .

Zainab , sposata con un ambasciatore in pensione e vestita in sari tradizionale sudanese , dirige chiaro della pratica , per esempio , quando lascia la sua villa suburbana intelligente per il suo lavoro in architettura .

Ospedale medico Ammar Abbas va oltre , respingendo il Dukhan come una superstizione senza alcuna base scientifica che umilia le donne che si rispetti come oggetti sessuali per il loro marito.

"Sono sudanese e io odio questa abitudine . La donna deve rispettare se stessa nei rapporti tra uomini e donne ", dice Abbas . L'esposizione prolungata può vedere le donne rimproverano o bruciare se stessi , o sviluppare ipersensibilità , afferma .

La maggior parte delle donne in Sudan sono circoncisi , che nella sua forma più grave , significa una giovane ragazza ha tutti i genitali esterni rimossi e la sua apertura vaginale cucita chiusa , lasciando solo una piccola apertura , Abbas ha detto .

Torna nel cortile , la porta serrata per tenere lontani occhi indiscreti , Hiba si siede su un cuscino e paglia intrecciata accanto al foro , come ondate di fumo attraverso la coperta , e lei e le sue sorelle ridacchiare sulla rimozione dei capelli e perdita di peso .