venerdì 28 febbraio 2014

Bor civilians.

Bor civilians say ‘spared’ by Nuer fighters

February 27, 2014 (JUBA) – A group of civilians from the Dinka Bor community said they were "spared" by the rebel fighters from the rival Nuer ethnic group when Bor town, the Jonglei state’s capital, was overrun in January by the opposition forces loyal to the ex-vice president, Riek Machar.

The group of elderly women and one man currently residing in Bor town on Thursday told the story of how they were protected by “Nuer fighters” who defected and captured the town under the command of Gen Peter Gatdet Yak in the aftermath of the 15 December violence in the South Sudan capital, Juba.

“When the Nuer tribesmen came to the town we went to hide ourselves in an empty house left by a Nuer family in Bor. After they fully controlled the town they started dancing,” Rosa Ayool, one of the survivors told Radio Tamazuj.

“In the evening I and my relatives went to my sister’s house who is blind so that we could stay there together,” she added.

Ayool recalled that as Gatdet forces were withdrawing from the town to be replaced by the allied “White Army” they posted guards to prevent the White Army fighters from killing them.

However, when the White Army entered Bor town, she said opinions differed among the fighters over whether to kill the Dinka civilians or not, but said nobody was killed in the family of six.

“Thank God none of us was killed – we were five women and an elderly man,” she explained.

She, however, said the Nuer fighters demanded from them money and mobile phones the family possessed in order to leave them alone, but later on one of their leaders told them not to loot.

“These people are very desperate, leave them alone,” she recalled hearing the man telling his fighters.

“They did not leave us until they took five telephones from us, but after a few minutes the god-fearing man who had saved our life came back again and gave us biscuits and water and advised us to look for a safer place instead of hiding in the house which is not secure,” she said.

Targeted killings based on ethnicity between the two major communities of Dinka and Nuer occurred from 16 December when forces loyal to president Salva Kiir allegedly massacred thousands of Nuer civilians in Juba, when the president accused his rival, Machar, a Nuer, for alleged attempted coup, which the latter denied.

Revenge killings against the two ethnicities reportedly occurred also in the other states and cities such as Malakal and Bentiu in Upper Nile and Unity respectively.


giovedì 27 febbraio 2014

الإنفصال القادم

الإنفصال القادم

02-27-2014 09:31 AM

سيف الدولة حمدناالله

ليس هناك ما تأسف عليه المعارضة من خسارة حزب الأمة والمؤتمر الشعبي - وقبلهما الحزب الإتحادي - الذين بدأوا في معانقة النظام بالمفتشر بعد أن كانوا يفعلون ذلك في حياء ومن وراء ستار، فكلاهما كان يقف مع المعارضة على أمشاطه وبرِجِل واحدة، فقد إستفاد النظام من معارضة تلك الأحزاب بأكثر مما كسبت المعارضة، ويمكن وصف الأسباب التي ذُكرت في تبرير تحالف هذه الأحزاب مع النظام بأنها نوع من الفهلوة، أنظر - مثلاً -إلى مقدار "الحبرتجية" التي وردت في بيان الحزب الإتحادي الديمقراطي (الأصل) الذي نُشر بالصحف المختلفة يوم السبت 21 فبراير 2014. إذ جاء فيه - بالنص - ما يلي:

" بعد أن ثاب النظام إلى رشده بإقراره دستور تعددي يعترف فيه بالأحزاب التي حظرهاالإنقلاب، و ينص صراحة على الحريات العامة و حقوق الإنسان وعلي الفصل بين السلطات وإستقلال القضاء، و غير ذلك من مكتسبات كانت ثمرة للمقاومة التي قادها الحزب الإتحادي الديمقراطي ضدالخط الأحادي للنظام، فقد كان لزاماً على الحزب أن يواكب التغييرات الكبيرة و الإنتقالإلى مرحلة نضال أخرى تتناسب والمرحلة الجديدة بما يعين على إكمال التحولالديمقراطي وذلك بقبول مبادرة المؤتمر الوطني ....الخ". (فاكهة هذا البيان أن جعل تحقيق هذه "الإنجازات" ثمرة لنضال الحزب).

الحقيقة الصاعقة والتي لم تتحسب لها هذه الأحزاب، أنه من شأن هذا الإتفاق أن يصب الماء على بذرة الإنفصال للمناطق التي تجري فيها الحرب (دارفور وجنوب كردفان وجنوب النيل الأزرق) ويبقى تحقيق ذلك مسألة وقت لا أكثر، ذلك أن مثل هذا التوافق الذي تم بين هذه الأحزاب - في الوقت والظروف والكيفية التي تم بها - لا يمكن أن يفهمه أهالي تلك المناطق سوى أنه تحالف "أولاد البحر" في مواجهة الجبهة الثورية، أنظر - مثلاً - إلى ما قال به إبراهيم السنوسي نائب الأمين العام للمؤتمر الشعبي فور إعلان إتفاق حزبه مع النظام (موقع الشروق 24 فبراير 2014) قال السنوسي: (نحن نطالب الحكومة بأن تقوم بحسم الجبهة الثورية في الميدان وأن الشعب سوف يقف معها).

الحقيقة التي لا تنكرها هذه الأحزاب أنه ليس هناك ما يجمع بينها سوى موقفها العدائي والمعلن للجبهة الثورية، وهي لا تريد أن تفهم - مثلها في ذلك مثل النظام – أن أبناء تلك المناطق ينظرون إلى مقاتلي الجبهة الثورية كأبطال يخوضون الحرب ويقدمون أرواحهم من أجلهم، وعند هؤلاء الأهالي، ظفر واحد من هؤلاء المقاتلين برقبة أكبر كبير في نظام الخرطوم، والأهالي في تلك المناطق يحمّلون النظام - لا الجبهة الثورية - مسئولية المآسي التي يعيشونها نتيجة الحرب، فهي التي تقصفهم بالطائرات والصواريخ والمدافع وهي التي تحرق قراهم ومزارعهم، وهذه حقائق يشهد بها الواقع ونقلتها الصور الفوتوغرافية والمقاطع المصورة. (كشفت منظمة"عاين" الحقوقية في تقرير نُشر هذا الإسبوع أن سلاح الجو السوداني قام منذ أبريل 2012 بإلقاء عدد (1512) قنبلة على مناطق سكنية بجنوب كردفان وحدها).

وما يزيد من تعقيد المشكلة، أن أهالي تلك المناطق يحسبون ما جرى على الشعب لا الأحزاب وحدها، فقد سرقت هذه الأحزاب إسم الشعب فهي - سواء بالحق أو بالباطل - تمثل غالب أهل السودان، وليس لهذه الأحزاب أي تاريخ مُشرّف طوال سنوات الحرب يغفر لها هذه الخطيئة أو يدعو أهالي تلك المناطق لأن يجدوا لها عذراً لهذه الفعلة، فقد وقفت هذه الأحزاب تتفرج على أهالي تلك المناطق وهم يقاسون ويلات الحرب لكل هذه السنوات دون أن تدعوا جماهيرها لتنظيم مسيرة سلمية تطالب بوقف الحرب وعتق رقاب أولئك المساكين، مسيرة إيه، هؤلاء لم يكلفوا خاطرهم حتى بإصدار مناشدة أو بيان بذلك للحكومة، ولم يحدث أن قام أي من هؤلاء المؤتلفين بزيارة الأهالي بالمعسكرات والقرى المنكوبة وهم يختبئون داخل الكهوف وبين شقوق الجبال (حصل هؤلاء الضحايا على عطف ومواساة كثير من الأجانب الذين يتناوبون على زيارتهم بمناطقهم)، في الوقت الذي خرجت فيه - خلال هذه السنوات - عشرات المسيرات الشعبية التي تساند حقوق شعوب أخرى في سوريا وفلسطين ومصر ..الخ (كم عدد المسيرات التي خرجت بدعوة من نقابة المحامين وحدها لمناصرة قضايا الشعوب العربية!!).

من واجب الشعب أن ينقذ وطنه من أيدي هؤلاء العابثين، فليس من المقبول أن نقف نتفرج على وطننا وهو يتسرب من بين أيدينا دون أن نفعل شيئ، أي شيئ، فمثل الحال الذي نعيش فيه اليوم يُشبه - كما سبق لنا القول - حال طائرة يوشك خاطفوها على نسفها، بينما ركابها يطالعون الصحف وهم في انتظار تقديم وجبة الطعام، فقد حان الوقت لكي نهجم على الخاطفين مهما كانت النتيجة وكان الثمن، فلم يعد هناك ما نخسره فالكارثة قادمة قادمة إذا لم نتحرك.

يجب على الشعب (أفراد ومنظمات مجتمع مدني وجماهير الأحزاب) أن يرفع صوته ويتبرأ من هذا الذي يجري بإسمه بواسطة هؤلاء الأرزقية (بحسب ما ورد في الأخبار فإن من نفحات هذا الإتفاق عودة الدكتور علي الحاج في منصب نائب رئيس جمهورية).

لا بد أن يكون الكثيرين قد إستشعروا الفراغ الذي تسبب فيه غياب الحزب الذي نادينا بتأسيسه ليضم كل القوى التي تجلس اليوم على الرصيف والتي يتم تعريفها عن طريق الاستبعاد من الانتماء للاحزاب الاخرى (By elimination)، في الوقت الذي ينطلق فيه حزب غازي صلاح الدين كالصاروخ، ولتكن هذه مناسبة نعيد فيها الدعوة للناشطين من الشباب (بالداخل) ليقوموا بعمل ما عجز عنه آبائهم بتأسيس هذا الحزب الحلم ليكون حزب "المستقبل" المشرق الذي نتطلع له لبناء الوطن الذي نحلم به إن لم يكن لنا فلأجيالنا القادمة.

سيف الدولة حمدناالله

martedì 25 febbraio 2014

Newspapers and headlines.

Daily Arabic Newspapers Headlines Monday 24th February, 2014


* First Summit between Al Bashir and Al-Turabi after 1999 Dispute.

* Report before UNSC on War Crimes in South Sudan.

* NCP Shoulders SPLM/N Responsibility of Negotiations' Failure.

* Authorities Seize Gang smuggling Gas Cylinders.

* Education Ministry Warns Students against Concentration Camps.

* Sudan demands International Support to Curb Human Trafficking.

* Umma Party Reviews National Government Proposal.


* Al-Mahdi: Leftists Parties Receive US$10 Thousand Monthly from the USA.

* Defence Minister Announced Coming Visit of Egyptian Borders' Guards Chief.

* Clashes among Students Lead to the Postponement of Opposition Forum in the University of Khartoum.

* Tribal Pressures against Abdul Wahid to Enter into Negotiations with the Government.

* South Sudan rebels Threaten Oilfields.

* Ethiopia Releases 400 Sudanese Prisoners.


* Reform Now Movement: The Collapse of Talks between Government and the SPLM/N Was Due to Naivasha Consequences.

* SPLA Repulses Rebels' Attack near Bor.


* Nuba Mountain Forum Calls for Removing Arman from the Chairmanship of the SPLM/N Team.

* 387,817 Students to Sit for Sudan School Certificate Examinations.

* Opposition Rejects NCP Intension to Form National Government.


* Parliamentary Committee: Halayeb Is a Sudanese Territory According to Legal Documents.

* Khartoum: Conflict in CAR Could Have its Impacts on Darfur.

Akhir Lahza

* Workers Trade Union: Ishraga's Decisions Violate the Civil Service Laws.

* SPLA Militias Attack Misseiriya Shepherds in Um Balail

* Umma Party Calls for Concession to Agree over the national Issues.

* NCP: We Are Keen to Achieve Peace in Darfur and the Two Areas.

* Cabinet Directs Pushing forward Peace Efforts in Darfur.


* 500 South Sudan Refugees Arrive in White Nile State.

* Intention to Transform Soba Universal Hospital to the Private Hospital.

* 12% of Graduates in the Universities are from Accountancy Colleges.

* Sudan Wins Khalifa International Prize for Palm Trees.


* Opposition Alliance: Talk about National Government is Just Sale Talk.

* Negotiating Team: Next Round will Be Decisive.

* NCP: ready for Dialogue, Continuing Military Operations against the Rebels Who Reject It.

* Trade Ministry: Crossings' Opening with requires Presidential Decision.

* South Sudan Defence Minister in Khartoum within Days.

* Ethiopian Malaria Outbreaks in Khartoum State.


* Al Bashir to Meet Al-Turabi Next Wednesday.

* Government Denies Machar's Visit to Khartoum.

* Juba: Salva Kiir Practices His Activities Normally.

* Machar's Wife Joins Opposition Delegation in Addis Ababa.

* Hassabo Visits Sinnar.

Al-Ray Al-Am

* Mbeki in Khartoum Today.

* Sudan's Revenue from Oil Pumping Amounts to US$3 Billion.

* UNSG Special Envoy Hands Salva Kiir Message from Ki-Moon.

* Karti Meets Czech Delegation.


* Juba Denies the Existence of Sudanese Rebels among its Troops.

* Reform Now Movement Calls for National President.

* Government: Supporting Kiir Doesn’t Mean Hostility toward Machar.

* Ghandour: No Talks Other than the Two Areas in the next Round of Talks.

* Egypt Arrests Sudanese for Importing Maps Showing Halayeb within Sudanese territories.


* PCP: Considerable Number of Opposition Parties Agree on Dialogue.

* NCP: No Promotions among membership, Conference will Witness Transparent Competition.

By Sudan Vision, 14 hours 16 minutes ago

lunedì 24 febbraio 2014

Blue Nile, South Kordofan, Darfur

AU proposes humanitarian truce, negotiations on Sudan’s Two Areas

February 23, 2014 (KHARTOUM) - The African Union High-Level Implementation Panel (AUHIP) proposed a cessation of hostilities and delivery of humanitarian assistance to civilians in Blue Nile and South Kordofan and asked the warring parties to negotiate a peaceful solution to end the nearly three year conflict.

On 18 February, the chief mediator, Thabo Mbeki adjourned for 10 days talks between the Sudanese government and SPLM-N negotiating teams in Addis Ababa, saying he handed a proposal to the two parties to be discussed when the talks resume on 28 February.

During their meeting from 13 to 18 February, talks between the two delegations very quickly reached an impasse as the government says discussions should be limited to the conflict in the Two Areas while the SPLM-N says only a comprehensive process for all the conflicts in Sudan can bring peace.

The rebels also accused the government of omitting the framework agreement of 28 June 2011 which provides to hold a comprehensive process. On the other hand, the government claimed that the SPLM-N does not want to abide by the AU decisions and UN Security Council resolution 2046 (2012) which demand negotiations on the conflict in the two states and humanitarian access to the needy there.

In a bid to make it clear, the mediation submitted a "Draft Framework Agreement" where the two parties recommit themselves to a roadmap by the AU Peace and Security Council, and to UN resolution 2046 "which stipulate that the conflict in the Blue Nile and Southern Kordofan must be resolved by negotiations on the basis of the 28 June 2011 Framework Agreement" emphasises the proposed deal.

The draft, seen by Sudan Tribune, further provides that parties reaffirm their commitment to engage in talks to end the conflict in the Two Areas without prejudice to the broader dialogue and political process on the national level.

Based on these principles, the proposed framework which should be discussed within a week, says the parties would unconditionally cease hostilities in the two states, seven days after the signing.

Also, "the parties facilitate the immediate and safe delivery and movement of humanitarian assistance to all affected persons".

The government and the SPLM-N, in line with the draft agreement, shall invite the AU to designate a body to serve as the Third Party with respect to the monitoring of the cessation of hostilities.

According to the proposed draft, a joint humanitarian committee, tasked with the assessment and delivery of aid in the two states, will be composed from 4 members from each party, plus a facilitator designated by the African Union. The parties will work “in the spirit of 4 and 5 August 2012 agreements", further says the draft framework.

The SPLM-N and its allied rebel groups of the Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF), demand a comprehensive cessation of hostilities in the Two Areas and Darfur region. They also propose a comprehensive humanitarian access to all the needy in the rebel held areas in southern and western Sudan.

The draft framework, provides clearly that three political, security and humanitarian committees will focus on the resolution and implementation of these aspect of the conflict in the Blue Nile and South Kordofan states.

The proposed deal seems more like a re-read of the previous agreements and resolutions on the conflict in the Two Areas but it does not include new elements.

The Sudanese government, which seeks dialogue with political opposition parties inside the country, says rebels have to sign peace agreements and lay down their arms before to participate in a comprehensive process on constitutional reforms.

The SPLM-N and other SRF rebels say they do not trust the regime and accuse it of dishonouring signed peace deals. They point out that the holistic process will bring peace and democratic change because a national interim government would implement the resolutions of a national conference they call for.

In June 2013, the AU Peace and Security Council, rejected a demand by rebel groups in Darfur region and urged them to negotiate a peaceful settlement on the basis of the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur. The African body further called on Khartoum "to pursue a holistic approach to addressing these challenges within the framework of the on-going constitutional review process in an inclusive manner, with the support of and coordination with the AU High Level Implementation Panel (AUHIP)".

The conflict in the Two Areas forced over 200,000 people to move into refugees camps in the neighbouring South Sudan. UN agencies estimate that there are some 77,300 refugees from Nuba Mountains of South Kordofan and 123,900 from the Blue Nile. Also some other thousands Sudanese refugees are in Ethiopia.


sabato 22 febbraio 2014

First festival of music in Khartoum.

Khartoum’s First Oud Festival

Khartoum, 20 February 2014: The 20th of this month, February, will mark the beginning of the first ever Oud Festival in Khartoum, organized by DAL Cultural Forum and sponsored by DAL Food. The event was announced in a press conference held at the DAL Group Excellence Centre by the Festival organizers and attended by members of the media and concerned parties. Taking place in the Khartoum International Community School (KICS) Amphitheatre, the festival will run for one week and will see performances by renowned Oud players from inside Sudan and out.

Of the main performers in the festival are the world-famous Nasir Shamma, the Trio Gibran, Shirin Tohami and Gabriel Lavin. Sudanese performers will include Al Mahi Suleiman, Ashraf Awad, Mazin Al Baqir, Ali Al Zein, Afaf Sheikheldin, Mojahid Omar, and Awad Ahmoodi.

“An event of this caliber is very important for us in Sudan. Not only will it enrich our cultural portfolio but will also present a platform for knowledge exchange between international and local Oud professionals. This, in addition to giving amateur Oud players an opportunity to meet with the prominent artists and benefit from their experience,” commented Fathi Osman, Head of DAL Cultural Forum.

Extending for a period of one week, the festival has a variety of activities in stock, open for all members of the community. Morning sessions will be reserved for workshops and seminars as well as a competition between Oud players from all around Sudan.

Participants in the competition will perform in front of a judging panel hosting Nasir Shamma, Dr Kamal Yousuf, Al Mahi Suleiman, Afaf Sheikheldin, Awad Ahmoodi, Ali Al Zain, and Mazin Al Baqir who will observe the players’ technique, skill at mastering the instrument, in addition to other criteria. The two finalists will each win a scholarship to join Beit Al Oud in Egypt.

Influential Oud players like Bashir Abbas, Awad Ahmoodi, and the late Jiddawiya Musa will be honoured during the festival for their contributions in using the Oud in music through the years. The festival is dedicated in honor of the late Hamza Alaedin, a.k.a Hamza Edin.

“I’m honoured and thankful for the invitation to come play and participate in the first Khartoum Oud Festival,” concluded guest and performer Gabriel Lavin.

By Press Release, 15 hours 6 minutes ago

giovedì 20 febbraio 2014

The Ethiopian Dam!!!

Karti: Sudan Impartial in Egypt-Ethiopia Crisis over Renaissance Dam

Sudan is neither on Egypt's nor Ethiopia's side and will pursue its attempts to bridge the gap between the two countries, says the Sudanese minister of foreign affairs

Sudanese Minister of Foreign Affairs Ali Karti said on Wednesday his country is not taking sides in the crisis between Egypt and Ethiopia over the construction of the Renaissance Dam.

"We will continue our efforts to bridge the gap between Ethiopia and Egypt on the disagreements about the Renaissance Dam," Karti told Sudanese newspaper The Sudan Tribune, stressing on the neutrality of Sudan in the talks.

The planned Grand Renaissance Dam is a $4.2 billion hydro-electric dam on the Blue Nile, one of the main tributaries of the Nile.

The project has been a source of concern for the Egyptian government since May last year, when images of the dam's construction stirred public anxiety about possible effects on Egypt's share of the Nile water, the country's main source of potable water.

Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan formed a tripartite technical committee to study the possible effects of the dam and try to generate consensus. Ethiopia maintains that Egypt's water share will not be negatively affected by the successful completion of the project.

In recent meetings in Khartoum, the tripartite committee was scheduled to formulate a document that entails "confidence building measures" between the countries, and also to form a special international conflict-resolution committee.

The Egyptian minister of irrigation said on Tuesday that unless Ethiopia offers a mutually agreeable solution, Egypt may officially demand the Ethiopian government to stop the construction of the Renaissance Dam.

By Agencies, 20 hours 8 minutes ago

lunedì 17 febbraio 2014

Three blocks now SSouth Sudan is forming three parties.

S. Sudan Talks: Machar says “third bloc” choice unfortunate

February 16, 2014 (ADDIS ABABA) – South Sudan’s former vice president turned rebel leader, Riek Machar, said the decision of the seven recently released party leaders to form a third bloc “does not help the cause” of the resistance.

He, however, maintained that he respected their decision not to join either side in the country’s two-month conflict.

The seven leaders were released as part of the agreement signed on 23 January between the government of President Salva Kiir and the SPLM-In-Opposition.

During a meeting held in Nairobi after their release, the Inter-governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) invited them to join the peace talks in the Ethiopian capital as a neutral group.

The group on Friday February 13 declared that they would not join either Kiir or Machar, and instead formed what they called ’SPLM leaders former detainees’. Machar’s political views were initially seen as in line with those of the former detainees.

Machar confirmed to Sudan Tribune on Sunday that he politically shared views with the seven leaders, only that they had now shied away from the "armed resistance".

"I didn’t understand their decision. We only differ in the armed resistance. Their decision doesn’t help the cause, but it is their choice," he added.

He went further to suspect that the leaders were under pressure by IGAD to remain as such.

Nonetheless, the rebel leader demanded the release of the remaining four leaders, namely Pagan Amum, Oyai Deng, Majak Agot and Ezekiel Lol, saying the participation of the seven leaders at the talks would be "inadequate" without those in detention.

The four, Machar and two others still at large face treason charges.

He accused President Kiir’s government of holding hostage the four detained leaders, stressing that it also "amounted to the series of violations of the agreements signed by the two parties".

Fighting broke out in mid-December between the presidential guards in the capital, Juba and quickly spread to three other states in the country.

President Kiir immediately accused his former deputy Machar of attempting a coup, which the latter denied saying it was a ploy by the president to try to silence his political opponents within the ruling party (SPLM).


sabato 15 febbraio 2014

Tripoli situazione calma.!!!

AFRICA/LIBIA - Smentite le voci di golpe: “a Tripoli situazione calma” dicono fonti di Fides

Tripoli (Agenzia Fides) - Smentite le voci di un possibile golpe militare in Libia, dopo che una televisione satellitare araba aveva riportato la notizia che milizie fedeli al generale Khalifa Haftar avevano preso il controllo di Tripoli ed avevano sospeso governo e parlamento. Haftar aveva annunciato un programma in 5 punti per far uscire il Paese dalla crisi nella quale si dibatte dalla caduta del regime di Gheddafi.

Il Primo Ministro libico, Ali Zeidan, ha affermato che la situazione è sotto controllo e che le voci di golpe sono prive di fondamento. Fonti dell’Agenzia Fides nella capitale libica affermano che “la situazione è calma” anche se si ci sono state alcune manifestazioni nel centro della città.

Il Ministro della Difesa, Abdullah al-Thani, ha però parlato alla televisione affermando che il proclama del generale Haftar per chiedere la sospensione del Parlamento è da considerarsi un atto “illegale”, di fatto ammettendo che il tentativo di un golpe potrebbe esserci stato. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 14/2/2014)

Tripoli e calma!!!

AFRICA/LIBIA - Smentite le voci di golpe: “a Tripoli situazione calma” dicono fonti di Fides

Tripoli (Agenzia Fides) - Smentite le voci di un possibile golpe militare in Libia, dopo che una televisione satellitare araba aveva riportato la notizia che milizie fedeli al generale Khalifa Haftar avevano preso il controllo di Tripoli ed avevano sospeso governo e parlamento. Haftar aveva annunciato un programma in 5 punti per far uscire il Paese dalla crisi nella quale si dibatte dalla caduta del regime di Gheddafi.

Il Primo Ministro libico, Ali Zeidan, ha affermato che la situazione è sotto controllo e che le voci di golpe sono prive di fondamento. Fonti dell’Agenzia Fides nella capitale libica affermano che “la situazione è calma” anche se si ci sono state alcune manifestazioni nel centro della città.

Il Ministro della Difesa, Abdullah al-Thani, ha però parlato alla televisione affermando che il proclama del generale Haftar per chiedere la sospensione del Parlamento è da considerarsi un atto “illegale”, di fatto ammettendo che il tentativo di un golpe potrebbe esserci stato. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 14/2/2014)

venerdì 14 febbraio 2014

SPLM of the South Sudan.

SPLM seven join Addis Ababa talks, form third bloc

By Tesfa-Alem Tekle

February 13, 2014 (ADDIS ABABA) - The seven South Sudan’s ruling party (SPLM) leaders, recently released from detention in Juba, announced on Thursday that they would neither ally with government nor rebels led by ex-vice president Riek Machar.

The seven SPLM leaders, who have been in in Kenya since their release on 29 January, arrived in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa on Wednesday night to take part in the second round of peace negotiations between the South Sudan government and the SPLM/A-in-Opposition rebels.

The talks are aimed at ending almost two months of conflict that began in disputed circumstances on December 15 among an elite unit of South Sudan’s army (SPLA) following weeks of tension within the ruling SPLM.

In a press conference on Thursday, the former detainees said they will participate at the on going peace talks as a third independent group, which they called it ’SPLM leaders former detainees’.

A member of the group told Sudan Tribune that the new SPLM leader’s team doesn’t have different political position from that of SPLM/A-in-Opposition delegation including on key issues such as ensuring democracy and good governance in South Sudan.

Their participation as a third bloc is due the fact that the former detainees don’t have armed forces on ground unlike Machar’s group. Machar and some other senior members of the SPLM had held a press conference in earlier December criticising the leadership of President Salva Kiir.

While Machar escaped from Juba with former Unity state governor Taban Deng Gai, when the fighting began. 11 senior SPLM members were arrested and accused of being behind an alleged coup attempt in the country.

After international pressure and a ceasefire deal signed on 23 January Juba released seven of he detainees but kept four, including the SPLM’s former secretary general in custody.

The team of former detainees are calling for an all inclusive dialogue to end the nearly two-month old conflict that has killed an estimated 10,000 people and forced almost a million to flee their homes.

They further also urged the government to release of the four SPLM leaders who remain in detention in connection to the alleged coup attempt of December 15 which they underscored was not a coup but only a misunderstanding between members of the presidential guards.

The seven former detainees, in a joint communiqué, called on President Kiir to allow Peter Adwok, a former politburo SPLM member, who had been barred from traveling to Ethiopia to take part in the first round of peace talks, to now be allowed to join them in Addis Ababa.

The group of the former detainees reiterated their commitment to a peaceful settlement to the crisis in South Sudan but further expressed concern over the humanitarian situation and called on the government, United Nations and the international community increase the provision of humanitarian aid.

The seven SPLM leaders also lauded IGAD’s involvement in event that led to their release, but stressed that their general treatment while in detention "was not that bad". They further said they weren’t beaten, were well treated, but hardly saw the sun.

The United Nations on Wednesday said the humanitarian crises in South Sudan has hit ’level three emergency’, the highest level under the UN’s categorisation placing the East African nation at the same level as the current humanitarian crisis in Syria.

They stressed a need to focus on a political settlement and called on IGAD and the international community to urgently deploy the Monitoring and Verification Mechanism - agreed under the cessation of hostilities agreement - to ensure the last month’s deal is implemented effectively.

They further noted that Uganda’s military presence in South Sudan would negatively affect efforts to bring about a political solution to the crises in the world’s youngest nation.


With regard to the former detainees’ decision to join talks as third party, SPLM/A-in-Opposition official said his team respects their neutral position in the negotiations.

"What we demanded from the beginning was that the released detainees should join the peace process whether they choose to join our delegation or stand as a third party" The spokesperson of the SPLM/SPLA- in Opposition, Yohanis Pouk, told Sudan Tribune in Addis Ababa late on Thursday.

"We share with them the same political view and there is no doubt that they will contribute positively as senior political leaders" he added.

Bor Gatwech, the coordinator for SPLM In Opposition in Addis Ababa also confirmed plans by the seven senior SPLM leaders to form a third bloc at the ongoing talks.

"They want to pursue the political reforms in non violent way," Gatwech told Sudan Tribune, adding "So, they will sit as a separate group during the talks and express their political views to the IGAD mediators."

The political talks between the two South Sudanese warring factions focusing on the root causes of the conflict, on political and national reconciliation are expected to resume tomorrow in the presence of the former detainees under the auspices of the East African regional bloc IGAD.

The venue of peace talks has been moved from the Ethiopian capital to Deberezait, a resort town some 50 kilometers south of Addis Ababa.
