mercoledì 28 settembre 2011

Death of the Sudan for ever..................azim

DEATH OF THE SUDAN ........................AZIM
Il governo affronta una ribellione guidata dal Movimento del popolo sudanese a nord negli stati del Sud Kordofan e Blue Nile da giugno nel primo e il secondo settembre in questa situazione ha portato ad un deterioramento della situazione umanitaria nelle due regioni e la fuga di migliaia di rifugiati verso i paesi vicini
Le Nazioni Unite hanno detto che oltre 25 mila persone sono fuggite dalla violenza nella regione sudanese del Nilo Azzurro di questo mese, in mezzo a crescenti timori circa lo scoppio della guerra civile.
Ha detto che l'UNHCR, l'ONU ha detto in una dichiarazione di ieri, "Ci aspettiamo continuo aumento del numero". La Commissione sta preparando alla fuga 10.000 maggior numero di persone in Etiopia.
L'agenzia ha detto, citando rapporti recenti che indicano il verificarsi di ulteriori attacchi aria "La maggior parte delle famiglie in fuga con accessori e portano il loro bestiame con loro". Ha detto che l'esercito del nord del Sudan, responsabile per gli attacchi aerei in precedenza, in quanto impegnato in una lotta contro le milizie fedeli al Movimento di liberazione del Sudan, che domina il sud, che ha assunto recentemente.


Strong protests east of the capital Khartoum and the police dispersed by tear gas.
. . Hundreds of young people in the suburb of "wild" east of Khartoum in massive demonstrations to protest the wave of the prohibitively high prices, which hit the markets of Sudan as a result of the devaluation of the pound after the independence of Sudan and the south and scarcity of financial resources of the state of foreign exchange.

Intervened forces of riot police to break up the protesters in the wake of the growing number of protesters and closed main roads and burned tires in the streets, has also seen the Forum in the northern state also strong protests and denounced the protesters, mostly women policies of the central government and local and chanted strongly "the people wanted to overthrow the regime."

The Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir said in an interview with the newspaper "Middle East" London's re-publication of all newspapers Khartoum on Monday that the best way to combat the high cost of living is the boycott of goods was considered high prices, some justification Fimaa_khas imported but it is not on the meat, which pointed out that speculative traders led to the adjournment.

Systems and "Youth for Change" protests Khartoum and stressed determined to continue until the end to the crisis and adjust prices in each club to change the ruling regime

The angry young people out of the price increases to a public road and blocked the way leading to the communications tower approximately two hours before police intervened to disperse the protesters using tear gas. Witnesses said for (Sudan Tribune) yesterday that hundreds of demonstrators took to the street and began to rally, chanting slogans denouncing the high cost of prices of essential commodities especially meat, sugar, oil and turned into chants with the intervention of the police's violent shouting against the government and demand to bring down the system, said the witnesses, the police chased the youth in the home and raised a state of panic and confusion among the neighborhoods of excessive use of tear gas and prosecutions continued until late into the night.

The competent authorities have prevented some of the photographers to capture scenes of the demonstration and confiscated some cameras before putting them back again after the capture (memory). Circulated with the National Security Agency ordered the local press giving details of avoiding protests and a commitment to publish the statement issued by the press office of the police.

, Who said in the circulation that the police contained the riots continued limited since Monday afternoon until the evening Barre area.

Police said a group of individuals Tgmehrt and closed the streets leading to a major Mansheya worn and burned tires to block traffic, demanding to cut prices.

The official statement said the mob had infiltrated into the living area and started carrying out of the other streets, trying to pervert the course of pedestrians, cars, having been joined by a group of women what the latest disruption in the traffic in the area.

He noted that the police did not deal with them so as not to harm done to citizens in the region inhabited There were no injuries or damage.

In the context of the citizens, not far out in the village of the forum in the northern state of protesters on the lack of services despite the displacement of nearly five years of their areas of origin and compensation to those parties, but the government did not provide any aids for daily life Madaaf their crises given the wave of price rises sharply.

The authoritative source that the women and children in the village 2 Forum demonstrated chanting sack and to the North Fathi Khalil and denounced ignored to provide them with basic services on the top of the water is shot down agriculture and the right to substantial losses had local source said that local authorities did not pay the protesters attention, especially since men tend to women after the departure of men from the region to explore for gold and sources expected the continued protests in the coming hours.


CancelForti proteste a est della capitale Khartoum e la polizia ha disperso con gas lacrimogeni.
. . Centinaia di giovani nel quartiere di "selvaggio" ad est di Khartoum in manifestazioni di massa per protestare contro l'ondata dei prezzi proibitivi, che ha colpito i mercati del Sudan a causa della svalutazione della sterlina dopo l'indipendenza del Sudan e il sud e la scarsità di risorse finanziarie dello stato di cambio.

Forze intervenute di polizia anti-sommossa per rompere i manifestanti sulla scia del crescente numero di manifestanti e ha chiuso le strade principali e pneumatici bruciati nelle strade, ha visto anche il Forum nello stato settentrionale proteste anche forti e denunciato i manifestanti, per lo più politiche le donne del governo centrale e locale e cantato con forza "la gente voleva rovesciare il regime".

Il presidente sudanese Omar al-Bashir ha detto in un'intervista con il giornale "Medio Oriente" di Londra ri-pubblicazione di tutti i Khartoum giornali il Lunedi che il modo migliore per combattere l'elevato costo della vita è il boicottaggio delle merci è stata considerata prezzi elevati, qualche giustificazione Fimaa_khas importati ma non è la carne, che ha sottolineato che gli operatori speculativi hanno portato alla sospensione.

Sistemi e "Giovani per Cambiare" le proteste di Khartoum e ha sottolineato determinati a continuare fino alla fine alla crisi e adeguare i prezzi in ogni club di cambiare il regime al potere

La gente arrabbiata giovani fuori degli aumenti di prezzo di una strada pubblica e bloccato la strada che porta alla torre di comunicazione quasi due ore prima che la polizia è intervenuta per disperdere i manifestanti con gas lacrimogeni. Testimoni hanno detto che per (Sudan Tribune) ieri che centinaia di manifestanti sono scesi in strada e hanno subito un'inversione, scandendo slogan denunciare l'alto costo dei prezzi dei beni essenziali in particolare carne, zucchero, olio e trasformate in canti con l'intervento di gridare violenta della polizia contro il governo e la domanda per far cadere il sistema, ha detto che i testimoni, la polizia ha inseguito i giovani in casa e cresciuto uno stato di panico e confusione tra i quartieri di eccessivo uso di gas lacrimogeni e le azioni penali continuato fino a tarda notte.

Le autorità competenti hanno impedito alcuni dei fotografi di catturare scene della manifestazione e sequestrato alcune telecamere prima di metterli di nuovo dopo la cattura (memoria). Circolare con la National Security Agency ha ordinato la stampa locale precisando evitare proteste e un impegno di pubblicare il comunicato diffuso dall'ufficio stampa della polizia.

, Chi ha detto che nella circolazione che la polizia conteneva gli scontri continuarono limitato dal Lunedi pomeriggio fino alla sera zona Barre.

La polizia ha detto un gruppo di individui Tgmehrt e chiuso le strade che portano ad una maggiore Mansheya indossato e bruciato pneumatici per bloccare il traffico, chiedendo di ridurre i prezzi.

Il comunicato ufficiale ha detto che la folla si erano infiltrati nella zona giorno e ha iniziato svolgimento delle altre strade, cercando di deviare il corso dei pedoni, auto, dopo essere stato raggiunto da un gruppo di donne che l'ultima interruzione del traffico nella zona.

Egli ha osservato che la polizia non trattare con loro in modo da non danno arrecato ai cittadini della regione abitata ci sono stati feriti o danni.

Nel contesto dei cittadini, non lontano, nel villaggio di al forum nello stato settentrionale di manifestanti sulla mancanza di servizi, nonostante lo sfollamento di quasi cinque anni della loro aree di origine e di compensazione per quei partiti, ma il governo non ha fornito alcun aiuto per la vita quotidiana Madaaf loro crisi data l'ondata di rincari bruscamente.

La fonte autorevole che le donne ei bambini al Forum Village 2 dimostrato sacco canto e al Nord Fathi Khalil e denunciato ignorato per fornire loro servizi di base sulla parte superiore delle acque è abbattuto l'agricoltura e il diritto a perdite maggiore era fonte locale ha detto che le autorità locali non si presta la dovuta attenzione manifestanti, soprattutto perché gli uomini tendono a donne dopo la partenza di uomini dalla regione da esplorare per l'oro e le fonti atteso le proteste continuarono nelle prossime ore.

lunedì 26 settembre 2011

Blue Nile Province delema............................azim

The war stopped we are waiting some signe from the government I hope it is demo. and peace handling for my people ..........................azim

sabato 24 settembre 2011

Cry beloved South Blue Nile of Sudan!!!

Regional News
Beyond the visit to America, Yasser Arman .. Arab countries refused to grant loans to Bashir's government, including to Iran, Qatar Vaottaght

Beyond the visit to America, Yasser Arman .. Arab countries refused to grant loans to Bashir's government, including to Iran, Qatar Vaottaght

Saif Kamal

Continued Sudanese forces war on citizens in the Southern Blue Nile, where the aircraft within a week to 45 sorties a rate of seven flights a day shot where the Dndro tens of tons of bombs and barrels that receive over the region and is filled with explosives and scrap metal and spare iron and nails which led to the killing of dozens of people and animals, burning farms and is still the Sudanese air shooting area without calculated for citizens who are killed as a result of this libel random and may be absolutely sure that the Sudanese armed forces used bombs, chemical cocktails and the bombs, the Sudanese government had received from the the former Iraqi regime of President Saddam Hussein and are the same bombs that hit the region, "Halabja" in northern Iraq, home to Kurds, although fighting in the area of revolving Dndro so far as the armed forces in many surrounding areas.

Although the Sudanese armed forces simplifies the control of the cities of Damazin and Roseires However, the region is not safe for them since all officials in the region do not go out only with the rafts of the armed forces, where they became the targets of SPLA forces and soon would move to war after the order conditions into the cities, particularly as the Sudanese armed forces had been published four thousand of the security forces and intelligence services came to them from Khartoum and Jazeera, the Red Sea area where the leaders of the security apparatus and intelligence visits are continuing to follow-up field work as the region to the explosion of a nearby change the military equation, as there arrangements in order to open other areas to fight in both Darfur and eastern Sudan to pressure the Sudanese armed forces.

In the meeting the field that was the joint forces to within the area of the Blue Nile and the other was in South Kordofan to the coordination between the troops and take the fight into other cities outside the two regions where the leaders of the National Congress does not feel real danger but if you move some military operations into centers Activity Authority Central taking into account the citizens are not subjected to abuse and is a strategy will be implemented in the near future and is the only way that Sudanese citizens feel they are not safe if this continues, the regime in power.

While the meetings were ongoing between the SPLM leaders and their allies came the call for popular movement to address the Commission on Human Rights in the U.S. Congress in order to transfer the facts on the ground and know what is happening in the states of the side and the other side is the sense of the international community to shoulder its responsibility towards the citizens in the provision of relief as the National Congress is trying to put pressure on fighters in the popular movement, through starvation and displacement of citizens in the region where they are denied food and access for relief to the citizens in the region and important issue which is the main theme is to press the U.S. administration to adopt a draft of an international flight ban in the Darfur to the Blue Nile and the issue have found the ears of the ears with a large number of members of the U.S. Congress and American organizations working in the field of human rights and the protection of citizens and at the same time, there is a meeting will be by the number of Sudanese organizations abroad with the European Union on the same the target and have been meetings between the number of Sudanese organizations and European organizations to participate in the international campaign calling for a ban on Sudanese air as the leaders of Sudan that the government majority is required for the International Criminal Court and the leaders are known Bdmoatha and its human rights violations and accused of war crimes and genocide led by the head of the regime, and therefore these are not indifferent to the killing of citizens in order to stay in power.
The strategy works for the leadership of the SPLM and its allies that the prohibition of military aviation will change the balancer of power in the three regions and extends from the circle of fighting with the armed forces in many areas, and therefore can not the armed forces to fight in an area stretching for thousands of kilometers without having cover over me and a quick transfer of supplies by military transport planes and the constant pressure will have very fast results in changing the balance of power and options that will be imposed on the system and the armed forces and that was important options that will be imposed on the armed forces of the regime choice One is falling, and to provide all its leaders accused of criminal prosecution and options of the armed forces are fighting to no end and is fighting will destroy the Sudanese economy completely as there is no resources of the state bear under this exchange large and make up for what you lose and high crazy for expensive and do not keep the fans only go out to the street in order to overthrow the system and certainly she could not bear the famine permeated the whole country or to heed the warnings of the armed forces and raise her hand to protect the system and added to the strength of the opposition, and this possibility, although some believe it may not happen soon, but it occurs is closest to the reports that reach as the military leadership that abandoned the service and became the fighting in the ranks of rebel fighters confirm that there is restlessness within these forces, although it did not appear strongly on the surface, but the pressure will emerge criticism and thinking out loud within the institution.

The other issue that the Sudanese government had asked the Arab Gulf countries in financial loans in order to confront the economic crisis and did not find a response even from the nearby State of Qatar, and then asked for support from Iran 500 million dollars in addition to military equipment to confront the insurgency, which, as reported in the areas of southern Sudan and western and tried to win over the Iranian side that the forces supported by the United States and the West also confirmed the Iranian regime that they would be the alternative future of the alliance in the region, if the regime fell in Syria and is the most important agenda that will be discussed by the Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmed Najati with President Bashir and leaders of the National Conference on the trip, which begins on Sunday and the Sudanese government has requested military equipment from Egypt, but the council apologized to the Egyptian military to meet the demand due to changes that occur in Egypt, which led the government of Sudan to send Dr. Nafie Ali Nafie to Somalia with a view security coordination and intelligence between them in the Horn of Africa to see if there are forces of the Alliance of Koda training in both Kenya and Uganda, and how many of these forces and their movements and control of troops on the border with Ethiopia and its relationship with the forces of the SPLM in South Sudan, where the conference the national fight now without Naseer has supported his positions, especially if China does not want to get involved with the Sudanese government in the internal problems going no prospect for a solution and I went the Sudanese government for a number of Arab countries in which the revolutions and did not find acceptance from a new powerful because of the dictatorship of the systems that suffered the same strong and dropped, and therefore there is no option for the leaders of the National Congress is that it will face challenges without a friend abroad or even in the region and not in front of the masses of Sudan if it is to look forward to a better tomorrow to drop the system.

That the meeting conducted by Mr. Yasser Arman, the Secretary-General of the People's Movement with the Commission on Human Rights in the U.S. Congress, which requested the support of strong demand for the Sudanese opposition by adopting the slogan overthrow the regime to ban aerial flight and found the request accepted by a number of members of Congress and will turn support in the the next few days to pressure the U.S. administration and at the same time that the meetings that have taken place with some countries in Europe by some Sudanese organizations have found a welcome, especially in Canada and fly will be an issue in the UN Security Council and that the scenario that occurred in the Libya should be repeated in the Sudan.
Saif Kamal

Saif Kamal
Sudanese journalist Switzerland
Of Southern Blue Nile

venerdì 23 settembre 2011

News of Sudan.

News of Sudan
Daily Telegraph: Iranian Revolutionary Guards fled advanced Russian missiles from Libya to Sudan .. Hundreds of the Revolutionary Guards stationed in Sudan to help the Sudanese army and government against the rebels.

I wrote the Daily Telegraph story entitled "Iran steal surface to air missiles from Libya." The paper says, quoting Western intelligence reports that Iranian Revolutionary Guard stole tens of advanced Russian missiles from Libya and smuggled to neighboring Sudan.

Continues, saying that military units belonging to the Quds Force, traveled to Libya from its base in Sudan, adding that she acted on the orders of their leaders in Iran as it took advantage of the chaos which prevailed in Libya after the collapse of the Qaddafi regime to take over "significant amounts" of advanced weapons by officers, senior intelligence or military in Libya.

She added that reports that the advanced weapons including missiles SA-24 Russian-delivered to Libya in 2004, which have the ability to shoot down planes flying at an altitude of 11 thousand feet, and seen to be equivalent in terms of capabilities and characteristics of Stinger missiles the U.S. used by the Afghan mujahideen, who were enjoy U.S. support in their war against Soviet troops in the eighties of the last century.

It is believed intelligence officials that the missiles and other weapons developed seized by Revolutionary Guards Corps of stores Gaddafi abandoned fled across the border into Sudan earlier this month where it is believed hidden in a secret facility belonging to the Revolutionary Guards in the city of El Fasher, the capital of North Darfur state. Reports indicate that some of the missiles were smuggled to Egypt.

The paper points out that Iran, Sudan and recently signed a military treaty, adding that hundreds of members of the Revolutionary Guards stationed in Sudan to help the Sudanese army and the government in its campaign against rebel groups.

The paper says that intelligence officials fear that the missiles and other weapons could fall into the hands of militants and used to carry out terrorist attacks.

The paper points out that tons of weapons, including thousands of rockets from the model surface to air shoulder-carrying stolen from stores after the collapse of the Gaddafi regime in August / August.

The paper adds that most of the weapons, including mortars and anti-tank missiles smuggled across the border with Algeria, adding that there is growing concern within the Western intelligence community that it is up to al-Qaeda and other militant groups.

And try to military analysts underestimated the importance of the takeover of militants on the surface to air missiles on the grounds that they lacked sufficient experience to be used but these weapons falling into the hands of the Revolutionary Guards, says the paper, makes it different that is the fear that Iran might use weapons of Libyan arming terrorist groups in the region .

In this regard, the officer says intelligence chief, "Iran strongly supports a number of Islamic groups in Egypt, Gaza, southern Lebanon and then there is concern that these sophisticated weapons will in the end to terrorist groups. If signed missiles SA-24 into the wrong hands, will not be secured any civilian aircraft from attack. "

Read the news earlier telegraph:

02/07/2011 M

Telegraph: Sudan's army controlled the city of southern Libya "infidels"


Alsoarma spokesman denies armed government forces incursion inside the Libyan border ..


Transitional Council, Libya, Sudan provided military support to rebels helped in the liberation of some cities, such as the city of infidels
UN: 13 dead in an attack by the SPLM armed government forces alongside Dilling, South Kordofan.

Killed 12 soldiers and employees in non-governmental organization on Thursday in a rebel attack at an army checkpoint in the state of South Kordofan, according to a source at the United Nations.

The source said, declining to be named, said that fighters in the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Sudan launched their attack in the northern region Krgl, 35 km south of Dilling.

The clashes broke out between the Sudanese army and opposition groups in South Kordofan, the state's major oil producers in Sudan, where fighting continued between the army and armed opposition groups over the months.

And escalate tensions in many areas bordering the Republic of South Sudan, where the newly independent army has been fighting the Sudanese armed groups. There were reports of clashes this week also in the Darfur region of western Sudan, which is witnessing a rebellion again.

The Popular Movement for the Liberation of the Sudan, Northern Sector, in South Kordofan, said its fighters had been driven out of the army Aldlab Creek area near the border with South Sudan.


giovedì 22 settembre 2011

A death and end of a country.

Deat of The Sudan for ever these are the flowers....................azim

Exceed the dollar (4) pounds

Khartoum: Abdul Rauf Awad

Dollar jumped in the parallel market earlier this week over the (4) pounds by (10) Loans with a record over the recent period, which saw the dollar rise continuously and record the difference between him and the official price set by the Central Bank the amount of pounds and a half pound, while warning Many observers of not being able to control the dollar in the parallel market in light of the rise and said that the series will happen bewilderment rise of the dollar in the market and will help in rising inflation and rising prices of most goods and services and brings in economic instability.
A number of dealers in the foreign exchange market that the price of the dollar in the parallel market has changed from time to time, and now there is instability in the price in the recent period, and pointed out that the price reached the middle of this week, 4,10 pounds, with a lack of significant in the performance , and demanded that the central bank should intervene to make processors urgent occur stable in the foreign exchange market, and they said that the rise in the dollar led to increase the prices of most other foreign currencies especially the Saudi riyal and UAE dirham, and the expected rise in the dollar unless there is an oversupply in the coming days.
Said Abdel Moneim Noureddine Deputy Secretary-General of the Federation of ATMs that the recent period has seen a jump in the price of the dollar in the parallel market, calling on the Central Bank of the need to pump more currencies to absorb the growing demand and to strike a balance between supply and demand, he said in his speech (public opinion) that the price of the dollar in the ATM stable within the limits of (2) pounds and (98) pounds for a long time, indicating that the requests of passengers are available via ATMs in different uses, namely in the treatment and foreign travel, however, and revealed what he called some of the imperfections in the obligations of students studying abroad, because of the difficulties students face for their needs.
He revealed decline in foreign exchange received from the European countries and America after the separation, and said after the secession of the south there is a lack of remittances from these countries through the ATM, because most of the transfers were returning from the south who are in those countries, especially from Canada, Australia and America.
He called for the necessity of creating incentives for expatriates to encourage them to transfer across the exchanges, saying: (If the allocation of incentives for workers abroad to increase the rate of exchange for the official price could attract their savings through official channels rather than convert them in other ways). He pointed to the importance of finding treatments for urgent increase in frequent exchange rate in the parallel market.

Public opinion

mercoledì 21 settembre 2011

Sudan: esercito attacca ribelli Darfur
Un morto, sequestrato camion carico di armamenti preso in Libia
20 settembre, 23:45
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(ANSA) - KHARTOUM, 20 SET - L'esercito sudanese ha attaccato un convoglio armato di ribelli del Darfur vicino la frontiera libica, facendo un morto e sequestrando un camion carico di armamenti. Un portavoce dell'esercito ha riferito che ieri mentre le forze armate stavano tentando di chiudere la frontiera tra Sudan, Libia e Ciad, degli scontri sono scoppiati con il Movimento per la giustizia e l'uguaglianza (Jem). Secondo l'Onu 300 mila persone hanno perso la vita dall'inizio della guerra nel Darfur nel 2003.

mercoledì 14 settembre 2011

Cry beloved my Sinnar, Singa, Damazin .

Sudan: sì a opzione militare in Nilo Blu
Teatro conflitto fra militari e sostenitori Sud Sudan
12 settembre, 18:22
(ANSA) - KHARTOUM, 12 SET - Il Parlamento sudanese ha approvato oggi "l'opzione militare" nel Nilo Blu, stato del sud-est confinante con il Sud Sudan (indipendente dallo scorso 9 luglio) e da giorni teatro di scontri tra l'esercito sudanese e sostenitori degli ex ribelli del Sud. Lo ha annunciato oggi il presidente della commissione parlamentare che si occupa delle situazioni d'emergenza.
More than 100,000 displaced in Sudan’s Blue Nile – UN

UNITED NATIONS (BNO NEWS) -- More than 100,000 people are estimated to have been displaced as fighting between the Sudanese armed forces and rebels in the country's Blue Nile state continues, the United Nations (UN) reported on Tuesday.

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said that tens of thousands of displaced people cannot be reached by relief agencies due to movement restrictions against UN staff imposed by the Government in both Sennar and Blue Nile states.

Last Thursday, the Government said an assessment of humanitarian needs and the distribution of aid in Blue Nile will be coordinated by state authorities and that any humanitarian activities will be carried out by local humanitarian organizations, including the Sudanese Red Crescent Society (SRCS).

In an update that little is known about the situation in Blue Nile, particularly in the SPLM-N controlled areas due to lack of access, OCHA said that the number of displaced people could be over 100,000. In addition, the report said that while the security situation in the Blue Nile capital, Damazin, where fighting broke out at the beginning of the month, is normalizing, the city remains tense

The fighting pits government forces against the Sudan People's Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) and was previously confined to Southern Kordofan state before it spread to neighboring Blue Nile last week.

Meanwhile, the UN World Food Program (WFP) has received official requests from SRCS and another local group for food assistance to communities displaced from Blue Nile. However, due to government-imposed restrictions on pre-positioning of food stocks in Blue Nile, WFP has only enough stocks to feed 20,000 people for two weeks.

While three international NGOs have reported that their compounds in Damazin were looted, police in Damazin have continued to provide protection to UN offices and warehouses to prevent such incidents.

Some 8,000 newly displaced people in the eastern areas of South Kordofan have received non-food relief items as reports arise of ongoing fighting in various parts of the region. However, no further details have been forthcoming.

venerdì 9 settembre 2011

Tropi intoppi e problemi per Blue nile province.

القيادة الجماعية للحركة الشعبية السودانية تقيل عقار والحلو و عرمان

أعلنت القيادة الجماعية للحركة الشعبية السودانية برئاسة الفريق دانيال كودي انجلو عن نفسها كقيادة للحركة الشعبية (بقطاع الشمال ) بشقيها السياسي والعسكري إلي حين انعقاد وقيام مؤتمر عام استثنائي للحركة الشعبية قريبا وتسجيل الحزب وفقا لقانون تسجيل الأحزاب ،وأكدت الحركة في بيانها الأول عن رفضها للحرب وتمسكها بخيار السلام .

جاء ذلك في منبر وكالة السودان للأنباء أمس بمشاركة عدد من قياداتها بقيادة الفريق محمد أحمد عرديب نائب الرئيس وقائد الجيش توطئة لتوفيق أوضاعه سلميا .

وأكدت القيادة الجماعية علي لسان الفريق محمد احمد عرديب الذي تلا البيان الأول أنهم كحزب سياسي ناضل من اجل رفع الظلم والتهميش والعدالة في كل ربوع الوطن ومع ذلك كانت القرارات تؤخذ وتصاغ بطرق فردية دون أدنى مشاركة أو مشورة مع قيادات وقواعد التنظيم ، مبينا أن تعيين قيادات بالشمال من الحزب بجنوب السودان دون الرجوع لمكاتب وأمانات الحزب ساعد في حدوث مخالفات إدارية ومالية أدت إلي إشعال الحروب والفتن وأضرت بالمواطن السوداني وأخرت مسيرة السلام وعطلت التنمية .

وأعلن عن إدانتهم للحرب التي بدأت في جنوب كردفان وانتهت بالنيل الأزرق معلنا عن قراراتهم بتجميد كافة الصلاحيات السياسية والعسكرية وإبعاد الكوادر التي جاءت بالتعيين الخاص والفردي عسكريا وسياسيا من مناصبهم القيادية وهم مالك عقار اير وياسر سعيد عرمان وعبد العزيز ادم الحلو وآخرون.

ودعت القيادة الجماعية لوقف الحرب فورا بجنوب كردفان والنيل الأزرق والعمل علي توفيق أوضاع الحزب ليسجل وفقا لقانون الأحزاب السودانية وإطلاق سراح المعتقلين، مبينة انها ستعمل علي قيام مؤتمر عام استثنائي للحركة قريبا للعمل علي بناء الهيكل التنظيمي وتوفيق أوضاع الجيش الشعبي حسب بروتوكول الترتيبات الأمنية

Collective leadership of the movement, the Sudan People dismiss drug and sweet and Arman

Announced that the collective leadership of the movement of the Sudan People's headed the team of Daniel Kodi Angelo themselves as leaders of the People's Movement (sector North) in both its political and military until the and the Conference of the exceptional year for the popular movement soon and register the party under the law of party registration, and stressed the movement in its first report on the refusal of the war and its adherence to the option peace.

This came in the platform and the Sudan News Agency yesterday with a number of its leadership team, led by Mohammed Ahmed Ardab vice president and army chief prelude to adjust his position peacefully.

She stressed collective leadership on the tongue, General Mohammad Ahmad Ardab that followed the first statement that they are a political party has fought for injustice, marginalization and justice all over the country were, however, decisions are taken and are formulated in ways that an individual without any post or advice with the leaders and the rules of the organization, noting that the appointment of the leaders of the North from the party in southern Sudan without reference to the office and the secretariats of the party he helped an administrative and financial irregularities led to fuel wars and strife and hurt the citizens of Sudan and the peace process have delayed and delayed development.

And declared their condemnation of the war which began in South Kordofan and ended in Blue Nile, announcing their decision to freeze all the powers of political, military and keep the cadres that were appointed private and individual militarily and politically from their positions of leadership are the owner of a property Air and Yasir Saeed Arman and Abdel Aziz Adam Sweet and others.

And called for collective leadership to stop the war immediately, South Kordofan and Blue Nile and work to adjust the positions of the party registered in accordance with the Law of the Sudanese parties and the release of detainees, indicating that it would work on the establishment of the Extraordinary General of the movement soon to work on building the organizational structure and adjust the positions of the SPLA as protocol security arrangements

lunedì 5 settembre 2011

Vai cosi Kaki.

Bravo Abu Baker Kaki ha vinto una medaglia d'argento nel corsa di 800 nostro auguri...................azim

giovedì 1 settembre 2011

Proccupazione per la guerra in Kordofan.

Washington è preoccupata per le informazioni sul supporto per i ribelli del Sud Sudan Kordofan
Gli Stati Uniti hanno espresso preoccupazione Mercoledì, dopo le informazioni che ha parlato del sostegno del governo della recente indipendenza del Sud Sudan ai ribelli nella provincia meridionale del Kordofan, che stanno combattendo contro il regime sudanese.

Dopo aver nuovamente invitato il Sudan a rispettare il cessate il fuoco unilaterale in Sud Kordofan, attraversò il U. S. Dipartimento di Stato era "interessata con il supporto delle accuse del Governo del Sud Sudan forze militari" per i ribelli.

Un portavoce della U. S. Stato di Victoria Nuland, "Gli Stati Uniti esorta entrambe le parti per consentire l'accesso umanitario alle popolazioni colpite nel Sud Kordofan."

Ha inoltre invitato le due parti a "avviare negoziati formali per raggiungere la finale per fermare i combattimenti e una soluzione politica".

Khartoum ha detto Martedì che ha presentato un ricorso presso il Consiglio di Sicurezza dell'ONU contro la Repubblica del Sud Sudan, accusandolo di "causare problemi in Sudan e sostenere i movimenti ribelli" il governo sudanese nel Sud Kordofan e del Darfur.

Sud Kordofan e scontri testimone tra le forze governative sudanesi e combattenti appartenenti al gruppo settentrionale popolare del Sudan appartengono alla tribù indigene dei Nuba del Sud Kordofan stavano combattendo con il Sud nella guerra civile contro il nord 1983-2005 a dispetto di appartenenza al Sudan settentrionale.

E del Sud Kordofan, al confine tra Sudan e Sud Sudan.


Washington is concerned about the information on support for southern Sudan rebels Kordofan
The United States expressed concern Wednesday after the information talked about the support the government of the newly independent South Sudan to the rebels in the southern Kordofan province, who are fighting against the Sudanese regime.

After once again called on Sudan to respect the cease-fire unilaterally in South Kordofan, crossed the U.S. State Department was "concerned with the support of the allegations of the Government of South Sudan military forces" to the rebels.

A spokesman for the U.S. State of Victoria Nuland, "The United States calls on both sides to allow humanitarian access to affected populations in South Kordofan."

It also called on both sides to "start formal negotiations to reach the final halt to the fighting and a political settlement."

Khartoum said Tuesday it filed a complaint before the UN Security Council against the Republic of South Sudan, accusing it of "causing trouble in Sudan and supporting the rebel movements" on the Sudanese government in South Kordofan and Darfur.

South Kordofan and witnessing clashes between Sudanese government forces and fighters belonging to the group People's northern Sudan belong to the indigenous tribes of the Nuba of southern Kordofan were fighting with the South in the civil war against the north from 1983 to 2005 in spite of belonging to the northern Sudan.

And South Kordofan, on the border between Sudan and South Sudan