sabato 26 giugno 2010

Social Life in Sudan.

Arabic to English translation Show romanization
Crime in particular: Awwadip Izz al-Din: Media Center on certain people!! Confirmed artist Awwadip Izz al-Din to exist within the art scene work that you trust them much, and said that there was a significant difference between the work that comes quickly and without taking into account taste, and stagger the work of the owner taking into account the listener and his art. She added: The Sudanese Media Centre on the artists specific, so often looking the viewer or listener for creators, Iznhm have disappeared but not the distribution of opportunities within the media agencies have his accomplishments as I said, and concluded her that art is a message and not investment also think many people all say that the music rapid loved young people, this talk is not true, when the resident sings for Osman Hussein, the late Riba world and the other, or any creative work of the great encounters with the song interact significantly, then the fact that the parent is the original stainless steel and gold at all.
Arabic to Italian translationShow romanization
Criminalità in particolare: Awwadip Izz al-Din: Media Center per determinate persone! Confermato artista Awwadip Izz al-Din di esistere all'interno dell'opera scena artistica che hai fiducia in loro molto, e disse che c'era una notevole differenza tra il lavoro che viene rapidamente e senza tener gusto conto, e scaglionare i lavori del proprietario, tenendo conto l'ascoltatore e la sua arte. Ha aggiunto: Il Sudan Media Centre per la specifici artisti, spesso in cerca spettatore o ascoltatore di creatori, Iznhm sono scomparsi, ma non distribution di opportunità in i media hanno his realizzazioni as ho detto, e ha concluso her that art è un messaggio e non investment anche che la gente many all dicono che le canzoni rapido amava i giovani, questo discorso non è vero, quando il residente canta per Osman Hussein, il minimo ritardo Riba, ecc, e al lavoro di tutti gli incontri grande creativo interagire in modo significativo con la canzone, poi al fatto che il genitore è l'acciaio originale inossidabile e oro a tutti.
جريمة خاصة: عوضية عز الدين: الاعلام مركز على ناس معينين!!
أكدت الفنانة عوضية عز الدين بأنها موجودة داخل الساحة الفنية بأعمالها التي تثق فيها كثيراً، وقالت بأن هناك فرق كبير بين الأعمال التي تأتي بسرعة ودون مراعاة الذوق، وأعمال يتأنى فيها صاحبها مراعياً المستمع وفنه.وأضافت: إن الاعلام السوداني مركز على فنانين بعينهم، لذلك كثيرا ما يبحث المشاهد أو المستمع عن المبدعين، يظنهم قد اختفوا ولكن عدم توزيع الفرص داخل الاجهزة الاعلامية يكون نتاجه ما أسلفت، وختمت حديثها بأن الفن رسالة وليس استثمار كما يظنه الكثيرون وكل من يقول بان الاغاني السريعة يحبها الشباب فهذا حديث غير صحيح، فعندما تغني للراحل المقيم عثمان حسين ريبع الدنيا وغيرها، أو عمل لأي مبدع كبير تجدهم يتفاعلون مع الأغنية بصورة كبيرة إذن الحقيقة بأن الأصل هو الأصل والذهب لا يصدأ أبداً.

venerdì 11 giugno 2010

News, Fun, and Wisdom, from Sudan.

News fun and wisdom from Sudan
Sudan, in particolare: Driver Rkcp indietro milioni di sterline per i passeggeri In un bel gesto e non aliena l'atteggiamento della società sudanese ei suoi uomini, il re-driver Rkcp somma di denaro ai passeggeri. Il cittadino Salah al-Fateh al-Amiri era stato arrestato «Raksha» sta per uno dei luoghi di abbandonare il suo portafoglio, che è stato l'importo di £ 2.000.000 e documenti di identità. I cittadini sorpresi la sera di quel giorno conducente «Raksha» andare da lui a casa sua, non sapeva e consegnare portafoglio completo di tutti i contenuti, e alla domanda su come conoscere l'indirizzo di casa ha detto loro il conducente e denominata denominatore Abadhir che dalla carta è andato a posto di lavoro, lo lasciò per una casa Citizen ricrea negli appunti. Cittadino e la sua famiglia hanno dato la loro grazie al driver che si sono recati Abadhir rifiutando perfino di Thanksgiving, e descritta come un autentico e paese Dr. ZooL persone onesto.

Sudan, especially: Driver Rkcp back millions of pounds to passengers In a beautiful gesture and not alien to the attitude of the Sudanese society and his men, the driver re-Rkcp large sum of money to the passengers. The citizen Salah al-Fateh al-Amiri had been arrested «Raksha» going to one of the places to drop his wallet, which was the amount of 2 million pounds and identification documents. The surprised citizens on the evening of that day driver «Raksha» come to him at his house did not know and deliver portfolio complete with all the contents, and when asked about how to know the address of the house told them the driver and called Abadhir denominator that by the card went to the workplace, let him down on a house Citizen recreates the clipboard. Citizen and his family gave their thanks to the driver who went Abadhir refusing even Thanksgiving, and described it as an authentic and Dr. country Zool Wad people.

السودان خاصة: سائق ركشة يعيد ملايين الجنيهات لراكب
في بادرة جميلة وليست غريبة على أخلاق المجتمع السوداني ورجاله، قام سائق ركشة بإعادة مبلغ مالي كبير إلى راكب.وكان المواطن الفاتح صلاح العميري قد أوقف «الركشة» ذاهباً إلى أحد الأماكن لتسقط حافظة نقوده التي كان بها مبلغ 2 مليون جنيه وأوراق ثبوتية .ليتفاجأ المواطن في مساء ذلك اليوم بسائق «الركشة» يأتي إليه في منزله الذي لم يكن يعلمه ويسلمه الحافظة كاملة وبكل محتوياتها، وعندما سأله عن كيفية معرفة عنوان المنزل ـ أخبرهم السائق ويدعى أباذر قاسم بأنه عن طريق البطاقة ذهب إلى مكان العمل، حيث دلوه على منزل المواطن ليقوم بإعادة الحافظة .المواطن وأسرته قدموا شكرهم للسائق أباذر الذي إنصرف رافضاً حتي الشكر، ووصفوه بأنه ود بلد أصيل وزول ود ناس.

mercoledì 9 giugno 2010

News of art and singers of Sudan.

لخبطة: زيدان إبراهيم يكشف حقيقة تهديد جواهر بالقتل
قال الفنان زيدان إبراهيم إنه إحتضن المطربة جواهر فنياً في السابق عندما كانت في بداياتها الفنية قبل إقامتها الحالية بمصر ونفى زيدان الشائعات التي اطلقت كذباً عن محاولة إغتيالها بيد أهلها إذا لم تترك الغناء وهروبها من بورتسودان الى العاصمة وأوضح أن العلاقة الطيبة لازالت مستمرة مع المطربة جواهر التي تستحق كل خير ونجاح.
Messier: Zidane Abramo rivela la verità circa la minaccia di morte Gioielli "Ha detto l'artista Zidane Ibrahim, che ha abbracciato l'arte cantante Jawahir in passato quando era nella sua arte infanzia prima del suo soggiorno in Egitto e Zidane negato le voci che ha attivato una bugia cercando di ucciderli, però, la sua famiglia se lascia il canto e il volo da Port Sudan sul capitale e ha sottolineato che il buon rapporto è ancora in corso con i gioielli d
ella cantante da meritano tutto il meglio e il successo.
Messier: Zidane Abraham reveals the truth about the threat of death Jawahir
"Said the artist Zidane Ibrahim that he embraced the singer Jawahir art in the past when it was in its infancy art before her stay in Egypt and Zidane denied rumors that fired a lie trying to kill them, however, her family if it leaves singing and flight from Port Sudan to the capital and pointed out that the good relationship is still ongoing with the singer Jawahir by deserve all the best and success.

Un 80 ann cerca sposa di 30 ann tipico Sudanese!

La photo non ha a che fare con l'articolo ma solo perche tradizionalmente si vesti cosi lo sposo....azim

Arabic to Italian translation
Messier: il poeta nel ottanta cercando una ragazza Trenta ann, Egli cantautore conosciuto come Jeli Mohammed Saleh, che ha fatto dell'arte il Sudan molte delle parole cantate da artisti del calibro di Pink e Osman Hussein Osman Mustafa Hamad, vento e altre che il suo cuore batte ancora love Nptat e stava cercando numero wife (9) per completare il suo viaggio wishlist affinate dopo la partenza di moglie, madre dei loro bambini hanno bisogno di una vita sicura, a condizione che la moglie dovrebbe essere il nuovo cuore di un esile ma non superiore a trenta.

Arabic to English translation
Messier: a poet in the eighty-Looking for a wife Thirty years He songwriter known as Jeli Mohammed Saleh, who has made art Sudan many of the words sung by top artists like Pink and Hussain Osman and Osman Mustafa Hamad, wind and others that his heart is still beating Nptat love and he was looking for wife number (9) to complete his journey wishlist refined after the departure of his wife, mother of their children need a safe life, provided that the wife should be the new heart of a slender but not exceeding thirties.

لخبطة: شاعر في الثمانيين يبحث عن زوجة ثلاثينية
أكد الشاعر الغنائي المعروف الجيلي محمد صالح والذي قدم للفن السوداني العديد من الكلمات التي تغنى بها كبار الفنانين أمثال وردي وعثمان حسين وعثمان مصطفى وحمد الريح وغيرهم بأن قلبه ما يزال يخفق بنبطات الحب وإنه يبحث عن الزوجة رقم (9) لتستكمل معه مشوار الاماني المرهفة بعد رحيل زوجته وأم أولاده الحاجة آمنة عمر بشرط أن تكون الزوجة الجديدة ذات قلب مرهف وإن لا تتجاوز الثلاثينات من العمر.

sabato 5 giugno 2010

Sudanese show talk!!!

Arabic to English translation.
Messier: Music attacking artists and say: Beauty does not make an artist ..!! Emphasized the composer and poet Hamdan blue that women's voices in the arena, which now has put its experience beautiful and non-beautiful. He added that the singing sober him (astronauts) and said: I think there's any additions after Women's Voice Hanan Nile. And adopt many of the women's vote today on the form and medium, but beauty alone does not make an artist at all. He added: There are echoed in the arena names like Sarah Nour - Izzat Daoud - Monica - Faith London - and other women's vote. And the public knows and is fully aware of any of these sounds worth continuing, because the Sudanese listener a good listener. He concluded that anyone who says that he can make a con artist himself, because the talent is the defining artist of others, and confirmed that the art is not inherited, and as I said Valoasitp can elevate human beings, but it does not make the artist.

Arabic to Italian translation.
Messier: Musica attaccare artisti e dire: la bellezza non fa una .. artista! Ha sottolineato il compositore e poeta Hamdan blu che la voce delle donne sulla scena, che ora ha messo la sua bellissima esperienza e non bella. Ha aggiunto che il sobrio canto lui (astronauti) e disse: Penso che ci sia eventuali aggiunte dopo Women's Voice Hanan Nilo. E adottare molti di voto delle donne oggi sulla forma e supporto, ma la bellezza da sola non rende un artista a tutti. Egli ha aggiunto: Ci sono eco nei nomi arena come Sarah Nour - Izzat Daoud - Monica - Fede Londra - e il voto di altre donne. E il pubblico lo sa ed è pienamente consapevole di uno di questi suoni pena continuare, perché l'ascoltatore sudanese un buon ascoltatore. Egli ha concluso che chi dice che può fare un artista con se stesso, perché il talento è l'artista definisce degli altri, e ha confermato che l'arte non è ereditato, e come ho detto Valoasitp può elevare gli esseri umani, ma non fa l'artista.

لخبطة: موسيقي يهــــــــاجم الفنـــــانات ويقول : الجمــــال لا يصنــــع فنــــانة ..!!
أكد الملحن والشاعر حمدان أزرق بأن الأصوات النسائية الموجودة في الساحة والتي تطرح تجربتها الآن بها الجميل والغير جميل. وأضاف بأن الغناء الرصين له (رواده) وقال: في اعتقادي الخاص لا توجد أي إضافات صوتية نسائية بعد حنان النيل. وتعتمد الكثير من الأصوات النسائية اليوم على الشكل والواسطة، لكن الجمال لوحده لا يصنع فنان على الإطلاق. وأردف قائلاً: هنالك أسماء ترددت في الساحة أمثال سارة النور – عزة داؤود – مونيكا – إيمان لندن- وغيرها من الأصوات النسائية. والجمهور يدري ويعي تماماً أي هذه الأصوات يستحق الإستمرار، لأن المستمع السوداني مستمع جيد. وختم حديثه أن كل من يقول بأنه يستطيع أن يصنع فنانة يخدع نفسه، لأن الموهبة هي التي تحدد الفنان من غيره، وأكد بأن الفن لا يورث، وكما أسلفت فالواسطة يمكن أن ترتقي بالإنسان ولكنها لا تصنع فنان.

Arabic to English translation.
Messier: Music attacking artists and say: Beauty does not make an artist ..!! Emphasized the composer and poet Hamdan blue that women's voices in the arena, which now has put its experience beautiful and non-beautiful. He added that the singing sober him (astronauts) and said: I think there's any additions after Women's Voice Hanan Nile. And adopt many of the women's vote today on the form and medium, but beauty alone does not make an artist at all. He added: There are echoed in the arena names like Sarah Nour - Izzat Daoud - Monica - Faith London - and other women's vote. And the public knows and is fully aware of any of these sounds worth continuing, because the Sudanese listener a good listener. He concluded that anyone who says that he can make a con artist himself, because the talent is the defining artist of others, and confirmed that the art is not inherited, and as I said Valoasitp can elevate human beings, but it does not make the artist.