Tre stati sovrani e basta litigare!
Obama calls for a cease-fire in Sudan.
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President Barack Obama on Wednesday the conflicting parties in Sudan to end the bloody violence that threatens the peace agreement, while southern Sudan is preparing to declare independence within three weeks.
Obama said in a voice message recorded on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday to CNN that "Voice of America" (in or any) of public broadcasting "There is no military solution."
"The leaders of Sudan and South Sudan to shoulder their responsibilities. The Government of Sudan to prevent a further escalation of this crisis by halting military actions immediately, including the aerial bombardment, forced displacement and harassment campaigns."
The plea by Obama for the cease-fire and scored on his return to his country after a visit to Puerto Rico, amid escalating violence that has killed more than 1,500 people in southern Sudan since the independence referendum held in January, according to reported statistics, the UN official .
Officials said Wednesday that about 100 people were killed in clashes in southern Sudan in raids on livestock and attacks by insurgents over the past week.
Meanwhile, heavy fighting broke out across the state of South Kordofan, on the border of southern Sudan since the fifth of June between the government forces and Khartoum-backed militia fighters allied with the Popular Army for the Liberation of Sudan.
Obama has called for both sides to end the violence and allow aid workers free movement of relief materials, and to fulfill their obligations under the Comprehensive Peace Agreement signed in 2005, which ended 21 years of civil war "and resolve their differences peacefully."
"Today, I want to speak directly to the Sudanese leaders, we must know that if your commitments are and have chosen peace, the United States pledged to take steps taken for the implementation of relations."
He continued, "but who violate the international obligations they will face more pressure and isolation, and will be held accountable for their actions."
The Khartoum government is seeking to normalize its relations with the United States, including the lifting of the list of countries that sponsor terrorism.
Obama said "We have achieved great progress of the Sudanese people and sacrificed much and can not see his dreams of a better future is lost between his hands."
He added, "Now it's time to show the Sudanese leaders have the necessary courage and vision required for true leadership. Now it's time to choose the leaders of the Sudanese in the north-south peace."
It is scheduled to announce the independence of the South in the ninth of July under a peace deal struck after decades of conflict with the North, but the fighting threatens to throwing a shadow on this historic event, especially if the military was drawn the south army to war.
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