venerdì 25 febbraio 2011

Oh God not this way!!!

Sudanese security uses rape as a weapon against opposition activists
Ala Subhi


Last Updated: Friday, February 25 / شباط, 2011, 06:11 GMT
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Sudanese activists demanding the release of detainees

Accusation that guides these days to the Sudanese security authorities unprecedented.

Related Salpmokhtarat, Alsodanfezh time the charges did not talk about the arrest or torture only but also for sexual harassment policies Balnactat oppositions.

The last of these charges and one of the activists is part artist opposition descriptive Isaac, where she says she was raped by security forces in the heart of the capital Khartoum.

And provided a descriptive and a full description of the BBC for what came to him from the beating and insulting since she was kidnapped from the street of freedom in the center of Khartoum and go to the city of sea, where she was raped by security forces in one of their offices near the position of the buses that go to the city of Shendi in northern Sudan.

She also noted that a number of activists who took part in demonstrations in the thirtieth of last January in Khartoum and faced the same fate, but they did not talk about it for fear of their families and society.

He denied the Sudanese ambassador in London Blue Abdullah flatly that such accusations are true, and said it comes in the context of attempts by some parties and organizations controlled by the Communists to tarnish the image of Sudan after the failure of all previous attempts as he put it.

He said the Sudanese ambassador also said that the Sudanese authorities are investigating not only to the receipt of such accusations on the Internet and students from any aggression was going to eliminate the Sudanese, and pledged a representative of the Sudan in the United Kingdom to ensure the protection of any complainant.

And began to drain already Ajraet indicted on behalf of Khartoum North, but she did not touch any support in its bid, it says, but that the officials advised her to put an end to these measures are, where they will not bring any fruits.

But now it will not be able to complete these actions after she left for Sudan, but that it remains in the hands of the Sudanese authorities in order to achieve this charge in her hands.

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