giovedì 28 aprile 2016

Revolution started in Sudan.

04-28-2016 04:44 AM
فضيلي جمّاع

نستطيع القول أنّ الطغيان صناعة بشرية متشابهة وإن اعتمر الطاغية في كل زمان قبعة ولباساً مخلتفا، وابتكر من فنون البطش والتنكيل بالأبرياء ما يحسبه نسيج وحده. ومهما تفنن الطغاة في الأساليب ، يظلون في خاتمة المطاف طفحاً في جسد أممهم حين يعتل جسد تلك الأمة. والطاغية لا يخرج مثلما يخرج التنين في أساطير قدامي الصينيين بلسان يمرق منه اللهب . بل هو ذاك الحمل الوديع الذي يبدو يوم مجيئه هيناً ليناً منكسر الخاطر. وحوله حاشية من الأنبياء الكذبة وجيش الطبالين والمرتزقة ممن يحلفون أنه جاء حاملاً رأسه في كفه ، مخاطراً بروحه من أجل وطنه وشعبه!

وتنطلي الحيلة على جمهور العامة بل وعلى بعض الصفوة ! ساعتها يرضع ذئب الطاغية من ثدي الشعب ويأكل خيراته، حتى إذا قوي زنده تلفت حوله وافترس من الأقربين من ظنهم خطراً عليه وعلى عرشه. وهتف له جيش الطبّالين آنذاك وحارقو البخور والقوادون. ثم إما أصيب بتخمة السلطة صار قتل الإنسان عنده أهون من قتل ذبابة. وصار وحاشيته صانعي الفساد وحراسه! ما أجمل كلمات لورد آكتون (1834-1902) التي خلّدها التاريخ: "كل سلطة مفسدة، والسلطة الكاملة مفسدة كاملة" !

إن غول الإسلامويين الذي قلب حياة هذا الشعب المسالم جحيماً على مدى سبع وعشرين سنة ، ما كان له أن يجثم على صدر أمةٍ عرفت بين شعوب الأرض بالنخوة ودحر الطغاة. ما كان غول "الإنقاذ" سيلحق من الدمار ببلادنا ما فعل لو لا أنه بمشروعه وحلمه الفاسد خلق جيشاً من القتلة والمفسدين من صلب أمتنا ، أفسدوا ونشروا ثقافة الفساد وانحطاط القيم. فكل ما أبدعه الانقاذيون أن حملوا لأرضنا الطيبة مشروعهم الذي ولد مسخاً شائهاً. كان مشروعهم الحضاري هو الإبن الشرعي لفساد تصورهم ..وقاعدة علم الاجتماع الشهيرة تقول: (فساد في التصور يساوي فساداً في السلوك!). ولأن كل ما تنطق به ألسنة ونوايا سدنة هذا النظام باطل ومسخ فقد كان حصاد سبعة وعشرين عاماً في بلادنا هو حروب الإبادة والجوع والتشريد واغتصاب الحرائر وسلخ جلود النساء بالسياط ثم مطاردة فلذات أكبادنا في دور العلم ورميهم بالرصاص الحي في وضح النهار، لا لشيء إلا لأنهم كشباب يمثلون نصف الحاضر وكل المستقبل ، وهم أدعى بأن يجهروا برفض طمس معالم المستقبل. ويعجب المرء كيف يذهب الطغيان بسدنة النظام أن يأمروا أجهزة أمنهم من القتلة والسفاحين ليعتدوا على طلاب عزل لأنهم رفضوا الظلم لهم ولشعبهم؟ تذكرت كلمات على لسان أحد ابطال رواية أديب الصحراء- الكاتب الليبي الكبير ابراهيم الكوني إذ يقول: ( بأيِّ حقٍّ ينازل شرطيٌّ إرادة الله ، فيميت خليفته على الأرض ، لا لشيء ، إلا لأنه خرج إلى السبيل رافعاً راية تظلّمه؟)

كنّا نقول بأننا نظن من قرائن الأحوال أنّ نهاية هذا النظام قريبة. ولكننا اليوم أصبحنا أكثر ثقة بأن فجر خلاص شعبنا يعلن عن بزوغ شمسه في الأفق الأرجواني المخضب بدماء شبابنا. ففي شهر واحد خسر النظام جولاته أمام صفوف شعبنا المتراصة في أمري وكجبار مروراً بتظاهرات عاصمة الحديد والنار وتظاهرات طلابنا في جامعات دنقلا وبورتسودان والجميلة (جامعة الخرطوم ) لتلحق بها اخواتها في الجزيرة وكردفان ونيالا والجنينة. وفي أقل من شهر دفع شبابنا مهر عرس الدم في جامعة كردفان وفي جامعة الجنينة وفي جامعة ام درمان الأهلية! وفي أقل من شهر كشرت الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السودان عن أنيابها وهي تدافع عن شعبنا من أطفال الكهوف والفلاحين في جبال النوبة وجنوب النيل الأزرق لتلحق بفلول مرتزقة النظام أكبر هزيمة في تاريخه العسكري. وفي ذات الشهر استطاع شعبنا في دارفور أن يثبت لنظام الإبادة أن أرحام النساء ما تزال تلد من هم في نخوة وإصرار على دينار ابن زكريا والسلطان تاج الدين الذي هزم الفرنسيين في دروتي ودرجيل. شعبنا بخير..ففي هذا الشهر من أيام الله كنت أقرأ لافتات ترفعها مسيرة شعبنا النوبي في أمري يرفضون فيها الإبادة في دارفور وينشرح الصدر أن تجيبها تظاهرة ضخمة لشعبنا في المخيمات في دار فور الصامدة ترفع لافتات فيها الرفض والتنديد بجريمة السدود ومحاولة إغراق تاريخنا العريق في بلاد النوبة. شكرا للقتلة والسفاحين فقد وحدوا إرادتنا. فنحن الآن نعيش الفصل الأخير من مسرحية الانقاذ سيئة التأليف والإخراج.

تبقى كلمة أخيرة لابد أن نقولها حتى لا تصبح غصة في الحلق. إنّ أكبر الشباب والطلاب المنتفضين سناً اليوم، وأكبر من استشهدوا في ساحة الوغى من حملة السلاح في دارفور وجبال النوبة وجنوب النيل الأزرق كان صبياً دون سن المراهقة حين أطلّ يوم انقلاب الإنقاذ المشئوم. وهؤلاء الشباب أثبتوا أنهم وحدهم (جيل البطولات). لكنهم لن يحفروا قبر الإنقاذ وحدهم ويهيلوا عليه التراب إن لم تخرج الشوارع في كل مدن وقرى السودان. لا تتركوهم حتى يواجهوا رصاص النظام الجبان بصدورهم العارية. هذا النظام أضعف من أن يقف ساعة زمان أمام زحف الشارع، وما يفعله هو فرفرة المذبوح. أقول هذا وأنا أحتكم إلى التاريخ. والذي لا يقرأ التاريخ لا يفهم فقه ثورات الشعوب وديالكتيك التاريخ!

لقد حان أن يخرج قادة الرأي والنقابيون والساسة من صمتهم وتحفظاتهم. وأن يشهروا بدلاً من وقفات الاجتجاح الخجول –إسمه (العصيان المدني)..وهو سيف يجيد شعبنا استخدامه بدرجة ممتاز.
وأخيراً .. لا أنفي عن نفسي الحلم والرومانسية. ومتى كانت الثورة غير الحلم ومتى كان الثائر غير ذلك الحالم الذي يطير بآماله إلى سابع سماء حتى إذا عاد للأرض كان فردوس الانتصار هو أقل ما كسب !

فضيلي جماع
لندن – 27 ابريل 2016

sabato 29 novembre 2014

General Abud and Marshal Joseph Bruz Tito.

After this visit Sudan have Military Airforce 2 Military airforce Mig new had been bought from Yogoslavia of Joseph Bruz Tito that time then he give two other Antinov Military airoplane as gift.

Donna poliziotta del 1960.

Sudan era sotto il dominio Inglese ed loro hanno saputo dopo la uscisione di General Gordon e la sconfitta del 1882 fino al loro returno 1898 hanno a che fare con un popolo molto feroce e gueriero. Anzi hanno portato la tacktica Militare a Sant Hereast Military College e la Scotlandiard college of Metro politan Police.
Hanno convinto anziani e Capi tribù che Sudan deve avere donna poliziota e cosi senza un poliziotto uomo tocca una donna criminali e fatta ..... eravamo cosi quando ero in Italia 1973 non c'era donna poliziotta ne nel esercito insomma qualle il paese del terzo mondo? mi domando.

giovedì 27 novembre 2014

Storia del miei antenati.

In the fifteenth century the part of
Nubia formerly controlled by Makuria was home to a number of small states and subject to frequent incursions by desert nomads. The situation in Alodia is less well known, but it also seems as though that state had collapsed. The area was reunified under Abdallah Jamma, the gatherer, who came from the eastern regions that had grown wealthy and powerful from the trade on the Red Sea. Abdallah's empire was short lived as in the early sixteenth century the Funj people under Amara Dunkas arrived from the south, having been driven north by the Shilluk. The Funj defeated Abdallah and set up their own kingdom based at Sennar.
The Funj had originally practiced a religious mix of
Animism and Christianity. Islam also had an important influence, and in 1523 the Sennar monarchy officially converted to that religion, though many elements of the previous beliefs continued. Sennar expanded rapidly at the expense of neighboring states. Its power was extended over the Gezira, the Butana, the Bayuda, and southern Kordofan. This caused immediate tensions with its neighbours. Ethiopia felt much threatened but its internal problems prevented intervention. Newly Ottoman Egypt also saw the new state as a threat and invaded in force, but then failed to conquer the area, so the Ottoman forces fortified the border and consolidated their hold on northern Nubia. This border would hold until 1821.
Relations with Ethiopia were more strained as both states competed over lowlands between their two states. Eventually the Ethiopians moved their capital to nearby
Gondar and secured their influence over these areas. Conflicts with the Shilluk to the south continued, but later the two were forced into an uneasy alliance to combat the growing might of the Dinka. Under Sultan Badi II, Sennar defeated the Kingdom of Taqali to the west and made its ruler (styled Woster or Makk) its vassal.
The armies of Sennar relied most on
heavy cavalry: horsemen drawn from the nobility, armed with long broadswords as the toe stirrups they used did not permit the use of lances. These riders were armoured with chain mail while the horses were covered in thick quilts and copper headgear. A greater mass of troops were infantry who were composed of slaves, also carrying swords and armoured. This permanent standing army was garrisoned in castles and forts throughout the sultanate. Reliance on a standing army meant that the armies fielded by Sennar were usually quite small, but highly effective against their less organized rivals.
Sennar was heavily divided along geographic and racial/ethnic lines. The society was divided into six racial groups. The blue, the green, the yellow, the red, the green mixed with yellow, and the slaves who were brought from further south. The capital, prosperous through trade, hosted representatives from all over the Middle East and Africa.
There was a sharp division between those who were the heirs of the ancient kingdom of
Alodia and the rest of Sennar. The Alodians adopted the mantle of the defeated Abdallah Jamma and came to be known as the Abdallab. In the late sixteenth century they rose in revolt under Ajib the Great. Ajib routed the Kings of Sennar, first making them his vassals and then seizing almost the entire kingdom in 1606. The Sennar monarchy regrouped under Adlan I, defeating Ajib in a pair of decisive battles. Eventually a compromise was reached whereby Ajib and his successors would rule the Sennar province of Dongola with a great deal of autonomy.
Sennar was at its peak at the end of the sixteenth century, but over the seventeenth it began to decline as the power of the monarchy was eroded. The wealth and power of the sultans had long rested on the control of the economy. All caravans were controlled by the monarch, as was the gold supply that functioned as the state's main currency. In time this power was eroded. Foreign currencies became widely used by merchants breaking the power of the monarch to closely control the economy. The thriving trade created a wealthy class of educated and literate merchants, who read widely about
Islam and became much concerned about the lack of orthodoxy in the kingdom. The monarchy of Sennar had long been regarded as semi-divine, in keeping with ancient traditions, but this idea ran strongly counter to Islam. Many festivals and rituals also persisted from earlier days, and a number them involved massive consumption of alcohol. These traditions were also abandoned. The greatest challenge to the authority of the king was the merchant funded ulema who insisted it was rightfully their duty to mete out justice.
1762 Badi IV was overthrown in a coup launched by Abu Likayik of the red Hamaj from the northeast of the country. Abu Likayik installed another member of the royal family as his puppet sultan and ruled as regent. This began long conflict between the Funj sultans attempting to reassert their independence and authority and the Hamaj regents attempting to maintain control of the true power of the state.
These internal divisions greatly weakened the state and in the late 1700s Mek Adlan II, son of Mek Taifara, took power during a turbulent time at which a turkish presence was being established in the Funj kingdom. The Turkish ruler,
Al-Tahir Agha, married Khadeeja, daughter of Mek Adlan II. This paved the way for the assimilation of the Funj into the Ottoman Empire.
1821, Ismail bin Muhammad Ali the general and son of the nominally Ottoman khedive of Egypt, Muhammad Ali, led an army into Sennar; he encountered no resistance from the last king, whose realm was promptly absorbed into Ottoman Egypt. The region was subsequently absorbed into the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan and the independent Republic of Sudan on that country's independence in 1956.Rulers of SennarAmara Dunqas 1503-1533/4 (AH 940)Nayil 1533/4 (AH 940)-1550/1 (AH 957)Abd al-Qadir I 1550/1 (AH 957)-1557/8 (AH 965)Abu Sakikin 1557/8 (AH 965)-1568
Dakin 1568-1585/6 (AH 994)Dawra 1585/6 (AH 994)-1587/8 (AH 996)Tayyib 1587/8 (AH 996)-1591
Unsa I 1591-1603/4 (AH 1012)Abd al-Qadir II 1603/4 (AH 1012)-1606
Adlan I 1606-1611/2 (AH 1020)Badi I 1611/2 (AH 1020)-1616/7 (AH 1025)Rabat I 1616/7 (AH 1025)-1644/5
Badi II 1644/5-1681
Unsa II 1681-1692
Badi III 1692-1716
Unsa III 1719-1720
Nul 1720-1724
Badi IV 1724-1762
Nasir 1762-1769
Isma'il 1768-1769
Adlan II 1776-1789
Awkal 1787-1788
Tayyib II 1788-1790
Badi V 1790
Nawwar 1790-1791
Badi VI 1791-1798
Ranfi 1798-1804
Agban 1804-1805
Badi VII 1805-1821
Hamaj regentsAbu Likayik - 1769-1775/6
Badi walad Rajab - 1775/6-1780
Rajab 1780-1786/7
Nasir 1786/7-1788
R.S. O'Fahey and J.L Spaulding Kingdoms of the Sudan

mercoledì 26 novembre 2014


Sudan says UNAMID personnel have history of sexual abuse

November 25, 2014 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese government said that it has documented cases of sexual abuse of Darfuri women committed by members of the African Union-United Nations Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) that the latter has not taken any action to stop.

The Sudanese Foreign Ministry Undersecretary Abdullah al-Azrag said today that Khartoum’s decision to have the UNAMID depart was subject of careful review and was discussed with the United Nations previously stressing that it was not in retaliation to rape allegations in the village of Tabit.

On November 22nd, the hybrid mission said it received a verbal request from the Sudanese government to put in place a gradual exit strategy from Darfur.

Social media has extensively circulated testimonies of victims from Tabit, a village 45km south-west of North Darfur capital El-Fasher, claiming that 200 women, including minors, were raped by soldiers from the Sudanese army (SAF).

On November 9th, a UNAMID verification team investigated the rape allegations in Tabit and said it found no evidence proving the rape claims.

Sudan has refused to allow the mission access to Tabit to conduct another investigation despite repeated calls from the UN chief and the UNSC.

Al-Azrag said in a roundtable with newspaper editors on Tuesday that foreign minister Ali Karti discussed a UNAMID exit strategy with the Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon three years ago and in several occasions most recently in the UN General Assembly meetings.

The UN Security Council adopted resolution 2173 on August 27 which extended the UNAMID mandate for ten months and called on the mission to draft recommendations for the future mandate, composition, configuration and exit strategy of UNAMID by 28 February 2015, at which time the Council would make the necessary mandate changes “fully and promptly”.

Al-Azrag recalled a memorandum by the ministry demanding UNAMID develop an exit strategy and speeches by Sudan’s UN ambassador when discussing the renewal of the UNAMID mandate all of which occurred before rape allegations in the village of Tabit surfaced.

He said that UNAMID departure is enshrined in the in the Status of Force Agreement (SOFA) and that demanding its departure is a result of significant improvement in security situation particularly over the last year which necessitated emphasizing the development of an exit strategy in light of the reluctance and lack of enthusiasm on the part of UNAMID, which raised suspicions and stirred tensions.

In response to criticisms by the UNAMD investigation team that Sudanese soldiers were present during their Tabit probe, al-Azrag said they have a document where the mission requests that the armed forces protect their camp.

He said that the Darfur special prosecutor found no evidence of the rape claims adding that they are aware of attempts by certain organizations to recruit women to make false testimonies and a video conference call arranged by a neighboring state with women from Tabit.

The Sudanese official added that they spotted sexual violations committed by UNAMID soldiers against Darfuri girls and women over the years in which the mission camps have become a haven for the perpetrators of crimes but could not prosecuted by authorities due to diplomatic immunity enjoyed by them.

Al-Azrag said that UNAMID never held anyone accountable nor expelled those implicated in these acts noting that they raised that issue through diplomatic channels and not over the media.

He argued that UNAMID is keen to stay in the region and does not adhere to SOFA and its personnel are living a luxury life on a $1.3 billion budget much of it was not spent on infrastructure and development in Darfur.

“The improved security conditions and the talks in Addis Ababa with the [Darfur] rebel movements are worrying some circles that do not want stability to Darfur because their interest [lies] in the continuation of the current situation to settle scores with the government," al-Azrag said.


lunedì 24 novembre 2014


Sudan History - The Mahdist rule (1885-1899)

The Mahdiyah did not impose Islamic laws. The new ruler's aim was more political than anything else. This was evident in the animosity he showed towards existing Muslims and locals who did not show loyalty to his system and rule. He authorised the burning of lists of pedigrees and books of law and theology as well as destruction of Mosques in the north and east of Sudan. The Mahdi maintained that his movement was not a religious order that could be accepted or rejected at will, but that it was a universal regime, which challenged man to join or to be destroyed.

Originally, the Mahdiyah was a jihad state, run like a military camp. Courts enforced the regime's grip on power and the Mahdi's precepts, which had the force of law. Six months after the fall of Khartoum, the Mahdi died of typhus, and after a power struggle amongst his deputies, Abdallahi ibn Muhammad, with the help primarily of the Baqqara Arabs of western Sudan, overcame the opposition of the others and emerged as unchallenged leader of the Mahdiyah. After consolidating his power, Abdallahi ibn Muhammad assumed the title of Khalifa of the Mahdi, instituted an administration, and appointed Ansar as emirs over each of the several provinces.

Regional relations remained tense throughout much of the Mahdiyah period, largely because of the Khalifa's brutal methods to extend his rule throughout the country. In 1887, a 60,000-man Ansar army invaded Ethiopia, penetrating as far as Gondar. In March 1889, king Yohannes IV of Ethiopia, marched on Metemma; however, after Yohannes fell in battle, the Ethiopian forces withdrew. Abd ar Rahman an Nujumi, the Khalifa's general, attempted an invasion of Egypt in 1889, but British-led Egyptian troops defeated the Ansar at Tushkah. The failure of the Egyptian invasion broke the spell of the Ansar's invincibility. The Belgians prevented the Mahdi's men from conquering Equatoria, and in 1893, the Italians repelled an Ansar attack at Akordat and forced the Ansar to withdraw from Ethiopia.

Sudan Storia - La regola Mahdist (1885-1899)

Il Mahdiyah non ha imposto leggi islamiche. Obiettivo del nuovo sovrano era più politico che altro. Questo è stato evidente nel animosità ha mostrato verso i musulmani e gli abitanti che non hanno mostrato lealtà al suo sistema e regola esistente. Ha autorizzato la combustione di elenchi di pedigree e libri di diritto e di teologia, nonché la distruzione di moschee nel nord e nell'est del Sudan. Il Mahdi ha sostenuto che il suo movimento non era un ordine religioso che potrebbe essere accettata o rifiutata a volontà, ma che si trattava di un regime universale, che ha sfidato l'uomo di aderire o di essere distrutto.

In origine, il Mahdiyah era uno stato jihad, correre come un campo militare. Tribunali applicate presa del regime sul potere e precetti del Mahdi, che avevano la forza di legge. Sei mesi dopo la caduta di Khartoum, il Mahdi morì di tifo, e dopo una lotta di potere tra i suoi deputati, Abdallahi ibn Muhammad, con l'aiuto in primo luogo degli arabi Baqqara del Sudan occidentale, ha superato l'opposizione degli altri ed è emerso come leader indiscusso del Mahdiyah. Dopo aver consolidato il suo potere, Abdallahi ibn Muhammad assunse il titolo di Khalifa del Mahdi, ha istituito un'amministrazione, e ha nominato come Ansar emiri sopra ognuna delle diverse province.

Relazioni regionali sono rimaste tese in gran parte del periodo Mahdiyah, in gran parte a causa dei metodi brutali del Khalifa di estendere il suo dominio in tutto il paese. Nel 1887, un uomo di 60.000 Ansar esercito invase l'Etiopia, penetrando fino a Gondar. Nel marzo del 1889, il re Giovanni IV d'Etiopia, marciò su Metemma; tuttavia, dopo Yohannes caduto in battaglia, le forze etiopi si ritirarono. Abd ar Rahman un Nujumi, generale della Khalifa, ha tentato una invasione dell'Egitto nel 1889, ma le truppe egiziane britanniche guidata ha sconfitto l'Ansar al Tushkah. Il fallimento dell'invasione egiziana ha rotto l'incantesimo di invincibilità del Ansar. I belgi impedito uomini del Mahdi di conquistare Equatoria, e nel 1893, gli italiani respinsero un attacco Ansar al Akordat e costretto il Ansar a ritirarsi dall'Etiopia.